EssaysH. Millard

Whites Should Reject the False Idea That Hitler and National Socialism Were “Evil”

by H. Millard

ASK YOURSELF this, Whitey: Wouldn’t Whites be better off today if Hitler and the National Socialists had won WWII?

Answer the above question as a White man or woman — that is, for you personally and for your own White family — and not in universal terms or in terms of what is good for lumpen humanity or for other kinds of humans.

I emphasize the point about answering personally as a White because when asked questions about such things, too many Whites are conditioned to answer in universal terms and they’ll babble some socially acceptable (but wrong) answer about how “Hitler and the Nazis killed so many” (lumpen) humans or various non-White peoples and “were just plain evil.”

When it is pointed out that war was forced on Hitler and he was defending White people and White interests, they try to deny this very real truth and revert to universalist clichés — and usually spout off with the expected anti-White bromides along with the anti-Hitler and anti-Nazi nonsense that has been force-fed them for years. In reality, if you are against what Hitler and the National Socialists really stood for, then you are against Whites — and you are against our survival, expansion, and evolution along a White trajectory. Or, put more simply, you are against Whites and your own best interests. And, if you are against Whites and your own best interests one has to ask: Are you are just stupid — or a neurotic self-hater?

The first law of Nature that applies to all organisms is self-preservation, which really means preserving your genome (aka your DNA code). Only those who are insane don’t work for their own preservation.

Frankly, when I hear some brainwashed Whites spout off universal nonsense about “humanity,” I immediately get a cartoon picture in my mind about sheep saying similar nonsense about wolves in their midst who are harmful to sheep, but of whom the sheep have been conditioned to believe are “just like” themselves: “Why, sheep and wolves all bleed red blood and that means we are the same!”

Whites need to deprogram ourselves from harmful universalist thinking. We need to start using more particularistic thinking that will cause us to start looking out for ourselves. This means that what is good for Whites generally is good for each of us as White individuals and for our White families. We need to ask of everything: Is this good for Whites?

To be clear, non-Whites and their business and their fate are not our White business — unless they pose a danger to us. We must remain separate from them and even try to be completely isolated from them if we can. We must not mix their interests with our interests and we must not interfere in their affairs; instead we must be indifferent to them as we are indifferent to various other organisms that are not our kind. We must not be near their DNA. This doesn’t mean that we must be impolite, hateful, or cruel — but it does mean that we must only look out for ourselves and let other kinds look out for their own. This is what Nature (or, if you will, God) has set up as part of the natural way of things. Being a good, just, and compassionate White person means, in part, to mind your own White business and leave other kinds alone to their own business.

Related to the above questions about Hitler and the National Socialists are questions about “racial diversity” within our society. If asked their opinions about increased racial diversity in formerly White countries, too many Whites will give you the company line that racial diversity is “wonderful.” They will often couch this in universal terms or will say that racial diversity is great because it has “helped Blacks” or “brings people together,” or some variations of these. But, if you persist and ask them to tell you how diversity is good for themselves and their White families, they can’t give you any sort of rational answer. The reason for this is that this kind of racial diversity is not good for Whites and it is actually one of the major dangers we face: It threatens our continued survival as Whites.

Had the National Socialists won the war would we now be seeing our formerly all-White lands being invaded by millions of non-Whites who are causing our genocide both by directly killing us and also by miscegenating with us and turning our White genome non-White? Of course not. Whites would be much better off today had the National Socialists won. And remember, the National Socialists were our White brothers, sisters, and cousins. They were not alien to our White kind and they wanted to prevent the evils of miscegenation. Not only did they fight against the destruction of the White genome — they also wanted to improve it.

So, what did many brainwashed non-German Whites do back then? They went to kill their White brothers, sisters, and cousins, siding with non-Whites and non-White interests. They took too short a view of existence, instead of using their brains to realize that it was not and never is in their best interests to help non-Whites against Whites. They were like sheep who fight other sheep for the benefit of wolves.

Awakened Whites understand the above and know it’s true because awakened Whites understand some of the basics of Nature and evolution. And, among these basics is the fact that all organisms must struggle to survive and exist — and the greatest enemy for the continued existence of any particular kind of organism is usually similar organisms that can breed with them and contaminate their genome and thus cause them to be genetically replaced. And that is genocide and extinction.

Here, once again, are three of the most important quotes regarding our survival as White people:

“[T]he varieties of mankind are so different that similar differences found in any other animals would warrant their classification in different species, if not in different genera.” — Charles Darwin

“Living organisms must necessarily compete, for food, for mates and for living space, especially with other members of their own species. They must avoid predators and other dangers. For all these various reasons, some will leave more offspring than others, and it is the genetic characteristics of such preferred replicators which will be passed on preferentially to succeeding generations. This is the essence of natural selection.” — Francis Crick (Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA)

“Man is something that shall be overcome. Man is a rope, tied between beast and Overman — a rope over an abyss. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

* * *

©2017 H. Millard

Ourselves Alone & Homeless Jack’s Religion: Messages of Ennui and Meaning in Post-American America by H. Millard — In this book, H. Millard, the hard-to-pigeonhole author of The Outsider and Roaming the Wastelands, has put together some of his category-bending commentaries on post-American America. They deal with politics, philosophy, free speech, genocide, religion and other topics in Millard’s edgy style — and lead up to “Homeless Jack’s Religion,” in which Homeless Jack lays out revelations he found in a dumpster on skid row. ISBN-10: 0-595-32646-3

Roaming the Wastelands by H. Millard — The groundbreaking novel of post-American America and of a life-affirming philosophy that is beyond left and right. From Chapter 1: “There are some among us who can’t help but listen to a different drummer. The drumming they hear is from their DNA. Some try to block it out, but it is heard in the blood which has no ears that can be covered to stop the sound that is not a sound. It is a call of the wild from centuries past to the wild in some humans. Those who try to deny the drummer are doomed to unhappy lives, for they are denying what they were born to be.” ISBN-10: 0-595-22811-9

The Outsider by H. Millard — Non-conformist and alienated, Buck wanders alone through a post-American America seeking meaning and the authentic. H. Millard’s iconoclastic, sacred-cow-toppling essays and fiction have appeared in everything from the high-IQ society Mensa’s publications to newspapers and magazines. Follow the linked title or get it by telephone: 1-877-823-9235. ISBN-10: 0-595-19424-9

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28 June, 2017 11:07 pm

Excellent article. But I do differ with you in one respect. Even though I’m an admirer of Adolf Hitler (rest his intrepid soul), I do not believe that the majority of we Whites who live outside of Germany would be better off today had the National Socialists won the war. I think the German people would be, sure! But Hitler never had designs to enforce NS on any other nations… therefore, we’d have been left to our own fates. But: If the rest of the White nations, including America and Britain, had actually fought on Germany’s side AND ADOPTED NS (or something similar), then we’d as a people have surely been better off and would definitely be today. Germany having won ww2 would have simply been good for THEM, not… Read more »

James Radigan
James Radigan
Reply to  JimB
10 May, 2021 9:50 pm

You are correct, Jim. The National Socialists were not about taking over the world. They were only interested in having a safe and predominantly White Germany.

22 October, 2017 6:12 pm

1st Seeing germans filmed everything they ever did, where is the footage of jews actually being gassed. 2nd auschwitz consisted of many great things for the jewish workers. they had their own post office, currency, arts and crafts, theatre, film nights, kitchens, orchestras, they even had a soccer team that played against the camp soldiers. Then when the allies bombed the train tracks, roads, docks, and air ports, it was hard to get food to the jews. so a lot of them died from starvation and typhus. 3rd. The majority of ww2 footage of starving people is taken from the Holodomor, where millions of Russian and Ukrainian Christians were killed by Jewish Bolsheviks. When the germans entered the Ukraine they were greeted with flowers at their feet and called angels.… Read more »

Reply to  Nathan
11 May, 2021 6:07 pm

Greetings Nathan, and well observed: Regarding “All footage of hitler seen by americans and british and aussie and canadians and new zealanders were of a mad man screaming in a strange language! NOT one piece of footage of hitler had subtitles! so no one could hear his truth!” Even now, Israel’s targeted enemies are not permitted to speak in English in the mainstream media. Sadam Hussain and his US-educated sons spoke English, Assad in Syria speaks English…

16 May, 2019 6:10 pm

Evil Hitler needed to shout in order to be heard by his audiences.
He spoke in front of huge crowds.

I recall seeing a documentary where madman Hitler was portrayed shouting. What was he shouting about? He was shouting about the cost of food, not world domination.

James Radigan
James Radigan
Reply to  Truthweed
11 May, 2021 12:20 pm

You are another well-indoctrinated individual. You are caught up in the false paradigm of lies that you have been fed by The Edomite Jews.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  James Radigan
11 May, 2021 4:55 pm

Hi, James. Thanks for reading NV and for taking the time to submit several comments. I’m not going to publish most of them, though, and normally I wouldn’t even publish this one. But because I believe that you are a good, racially loyal White man with good intentions, you deserve an explanation. When a commenter has a widely divergent agenda from ours, we might allow a few remarks from him in his agenda’s direction, in the interest of dialogue and also in the interest of exposing him to our new way of looking at the world, with which he might not be familiar. But we are not going to allow NV to become a place for that divergent agenda to be repeatedly promoted. This applies to people who think eastern… Read more »

Reply to  James Radigan
11 May, 2021 6:00 pm

Greetings James. When I used the term ‘evil’, I was writing ironically to emphasize the deliberately false, defaming, idiotic and ignorant description used by Hitlers’ critics.

19 October, 2019 6:44 pm

Excellent article. Gott mit uns.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
11 May, 2021 5:40 pm

All of the Hitler-haters are lining up for their
Covid-19 Kill Shots. By the end of the year,
they will be too busy pushing up daisies and
will no longer be the problem that they are.