Why I Don’t Want to Become a Minority
This video is an excellent primer on the pressing need for nationalism to combat the genocidal terror of forced racial diversity on White–and only White–countries. How would the Jews like diversity forced upon their apartheid-supremacist ethno-state?
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Source: Red Ice
It’s a very good video. And boy, this gal has received some acid hate from many of the anti-Whites at (((YouTube)))!
This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s hate speech policy.
Is there some other way of watching it or not going through YouTube?
Red Ice can put it on Bitchute, or, in the alternative, have some other thought criminal put it up there. We’d put it on ours except we’re limiting content exclusively to talks by William Pierce: Natall.com/Bitchute.
This video has been removed for violating You Tubes terms and conditions of service…