David SimsEssays

Making it to the Moon

by David Sims

THE QUESTION was asked “Does it ever bother Europeans when they look up to the Moon at night realizing their flags aren’t the ones planted there?”

What really counts is the race of the people who landed on the Moon. The Apollo program was conceived of, initiated, and carried out by White people.

Neil Armstrong was being politely generous when he said “We came in peace for all mankind.” But “we” = White.

Only White people have been to the Moon. Nobody from any other race has been there in person. Only the White race has proved that it has what it takes to go there.

So when White Americans landed on the Moon, they represented their race at least as much as they represented their country. Because the Europeans are our cousins, with whom we share recent common ancestry, they can claim a share of the glory.

It is a claim that, say, Black Africans do not have.

Not only that, we (Whites) went to the Moon early, with technology that would be considered clearly inadequate, substandard, and unsafe for such a risky venture. We (Whites) made it work anyway.

After his very substantial part in that momentous achievement, the Jews punished Arthur Rudolph — designer of the Saturn V rocket which propelled the Apollo astronauts into space — based on the pretext that he had committed “war crimes” while working for the National Socialist government of Germany during World War 2. (There were many real war crimes committed by the US and its Soviet allies during and after that war, but that is a subject for another day.)

Jews pressured the US Department of Justice to accuse him of being a war criminal in 1984. Arthur Rudolph was forced back to Germany to face a possible trial. He had been a spectacularly productive US citizen for 30 years, whose work was vital to the success of the Apollo program.

The German government did its best to find dirt on him, but they failed. They released Rudolph in 1987 because there was insufficient evidence to try him for war crimes. But his life of freedom in the United States was finished. All because of the Jews and their vicious, made-up accusations.

Meanwhile, a Jewish attorney named Eli Rosenbaum, who represented the run-mostly-by-Jews Office of Special Investigation (OSI), claimed that he had proof that Arthur Rudolph was a war criminal, even though the German government couldn’t find any such proof during their three-year investigation.

It just goes to show that you have to be careful whose hands your information has passed through. If a Jew was anywhere in the pipeline, there could be a sizeable percentage of lies and distortions introduced into that body of so-called “facts.”

* * *

Source: Author

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Alfred Schaefer
Alfred Schaefer
25 June, 2017 11:18 am

Nobody has ever made it to the moon. The white race was fooled by the Jew that we made it there. Stanley Kubrick produced the show, he even confessed to this. They went into low earth orbit, and the rest was just a show. That is why we never go back, because it is too difficult even today. That is why there are never any stars in the “pictures” taken from the moon, because they would have been too difficult to get right in the studio.

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Alfred Schaefer
29 December, 2018 10:17 am

ALFRED SCHAEFER: Nobody has ever made it to the moon. The white race was fooled by the Jew that we made it there… — Uh, huh. With the 50th anniversary of the moon landing coming up in a few months, National Vanguard readers may be interested in what Dr. William Pierce, a genuine rocket scientist who had actually worked for NASA before dedicating his life to his race, had to say about it in the first entry in his personal journal: “20 July, 1969… “Today Aryan man reached the moon. I found myself profoundly moved by the moon landing. Since the age of 12 (23 years ago) I have dreamed of this. Space travel was, in fact, my first dream. Somewhere around the age of 20 it got sidetracked —… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
25 June, 2017 7:06 pm

From Donya’s world… “A corpse in Arvanneth was nothing except food for stray dogs. That is why adventurer Josserek Derrain was so cautious as he slipped under cover of darkness. By now, even the lowliest guard in the Southern Empire was looking to slit his throat for the reward. Josserek’s intention was to see that no one ever collected that money. As he moved forward looking for shelter, the wary traveler saw a naked child at play in the street. The boy was rolling a human skull around for sport. How Arvanneth had changed since the days of its great glory – before the ice came! Those were the times – many thousands of years past – when men could fly, when myth says they went to the Moon and… Read more »

Axis Sally
Axis Sally
Reply to  Walt Hampton
27 December, 2018 9:31 pm

I doubt that post is authored by the real Alfred Schaefer. But to enlarge on your theme, isn’t it interesting that NASA’s boys and girls of color today cannot begin to conceive the achievements of SS Sturmbannführer Wernher von Braun and his band of “Nazi” scientists; much less duplicate them? And that the U.S. mulatto president, Barack Obama had to acknowledge same by canceling the Constellation program adding, in effect, “since ‘we’ can’t make it to the moon, we’ll go to Mars instead.” Hence the billions of largess to race-traitor charlatan Elon Musk. Heh heh. All the while NASA having access to three of the main ingredients of von Braun’s Earth orbit rendezvous strategy: a space station, a fleet of reusable space shuttles, and perfected EVA construction techniques. It would… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
28 December, 2018 2:44 am

I agree. Thanks Miss Sally.

28 December, 2018 10:20 pm

There is a discussion about the Van Allen Radiation Belts in the documentary titled “Astronauts Gone Wild” that is very interesting and I hope those who believe will watch this short clip if they can find it. I’m not promoting the film, but this small part was enough for me.

29 December, 2018 12:37 am

Time to start filtering LOSDs (lostee’s – Little-Object Space Debris) in Earth orbit at 20k+ mph, to create clean-lanes, while praying no objects get redirected due to collision; yes we managed to pollute space already. https://www.theguardian.com/science/across-the-universe/2012/oct/04/astronomy-space .

29 December, 2018 4:05 pm

I took the following notes from a prominent military periodical about 15 years ago. I’m printing the notes as they are. Rocketry Nazi rocket scientist surrendered to Federal soldiers in Austria rather than Russian army. As WW2 was coming to an end, the allies raced to ransack Germany — Operation Plunder. The Federal army had their eyes on German rocket scientist engineers. 3d Reich weaponry was far advanced in technology and design — technical documents. The Federals looted aircraft designs — submarines — torpedoes — wind tunnels — blueprints — industrial designs — uranium — hydraulic presses — Above all V2 rockets. About 450 German rocket scientists surrendered to the Americans in 1945. 100% Nazi. Over 100 leading rocket scientists arrived in America a few months after the war ended.… Read more »

21st Century WN
21st Century WN
30 December, 2018 10:48 am

Article: “THE QUESTION was asked “Does it ever bother Europeans when they look up to the Moon at night realizing their flags aren’t the ones planted there?” We must never forget that it was a native-born European who was most responsible for putting white men on the Moon, so in that sense European “flags” did in fact get “planted” there. As for those who do not believe white men landed on the Moon, why are they here among us? If the landing was a fraud then the greatness of white men is, by extension, also a fraud. So why would such people support white nationalism? What would be the point? As for me, know this: if you believe the white race’s greatest achievement was nothing but a lie, then I… Read more »

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
8 September, 2022 2:07 pm

Up to several years ago, the Wernher von Braun Wikipedia page stated that he was THE “Father of Rocket Science.” Then suddenly a whole slew of lies “came out” about him and how evil he was, of which I never even bothered to look up, but only heard about, parroted by various mainstream personalities. I did check his Wikipedia page, and no longer was there any mention about him being the “Father of Rocket Science.” Strangely, today, that page again states that he is the “Father of Rocket Science,” but with wording that plays down the title a bit. If we could ever get out’ve this straight-jacket we’re in, we could start to work on colonizing Alpha Centauri.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Josef Tone
9 September, 2022 11:58 am

“If we could ever get out’ve this straight-jacket we’re in, we could start to work on colonizing Alpha Centauri.” What do you want to do to contribute towards ‘getting out of this straight-jacket,” Mr. Tone?