Overton Window Landslide: Jew “Michael Savage” Admits Israel Behind Syria War Push
by Hadding Scott
ON 6 April 2017 Michael Savage (né Weiner), a radio personality heard across the United States, gave an anti-war broadcast that began by observing, on the one-hundredth anniversary of the United States’ entry into the First World War, that Woodrow Wilson had been reelected in 1916 on the premise that he had kept the United States out of the European war and would continue to do so — but then was coaxed into war in spite of his original intentions, with disastrous results.
Obviously, this is a parable for what is happening with Trump.
He points out correctly that we really do not know who in Syria used sarin. He invokes “common sense” as an argument against assuming that Assad was responsible for the sarin-deaths. He states repeatedly that it makes no sense to blame Assad for the gassing.
Savage offers answers to two distinct but, in practice, intertwined questions. The two questions are, who wants war with Russia? and, who wants to destroy Syria?
Savage initially blames “the generals” and “the military-industrial complex” for wanting war. Then he blames “the progressives” and “the liberals.” He gets closer to the truth when he mentions “the Neocon ventriloquists in the media,” since Neoconservatism is a Jewish movement. He mentions Jeff Zucker and Wolf Blitzer. Blitzer at one time was an employee of AIPAC.
Who wants war with Russia? George Soros and the left, he says.
Savage points out that the ex-chief rabbi of Israel has compared the sarin-gassings to the Holocaust as a way of agitating for war. To answer the question of who wants Syria destroyed, Savage finally declares at the end of his first hour: “Israel benefits the most if Assad is gone.”
The constituencies for war against Russia and war against Syria are both Jewish.
He links the change in Trump’s policy to the reduction of conservative Catholic Steve Bannon’s status within the administration. “It seems to me that the liberals and the Neocons are prevailing, and they both have Trump’s ears.”

Michael Savage has not always criticized his fellow Jews’ warmongering. In 2003 he was such a noteworthy warmonger that he was rewarded with a prime-time show on MSNBC, replacing Phil Donahue, after it was decided that MSNBC would line up with the rest of the news-media in supporting the war against Iraq. At some point, perhaps after witnessing the overthrow and brutal murder of Muammar Qadhafi, Michael Savage became a critic of Neoconservative warmongering, and has linked it to Israeli interests. He has been doing that at least since 2013.
The broadcast of 6 April 2017, however, marks a new level of frankness and clarity for Savage, in terms of declaring the responsibility of the Jewish State. He implies that he has held back in the past.
“But there is another element, and you know I am reluctant to say it, because of the fear I have, in saying what I am going to say to you, but I guess I’m past the point of holding back almost anything,” he says.
Let us hope that the so-called Alt Right will not be less clear and less bold than this Jewish talkshow-host in declaring that Jewish interests motivate these wars. Our people need to know this, so that they will recognize the pattern of lying and know what not to believe.
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Source: National-Socialist Worldview
He’s a Jew. Don’t trust a word he says. Simple as that.
In this instance, I dare say, this particular Jew was telling the truth. Whatever his motive may be, Michael Savage is actually helping our people to become more aware of some Jewish deceptions and not to be misled. If the masses of our people became generally Jew-wise, the Jews would pose much less of a problem for us. In fact, Rush Limbaugh, who is not a Jew, has been much less truthful than Michael Savage in this matter. Limbaugh occasionally does some good in domestic matters (for example opposing abandonment of the GOP’s White base in favor of wooing Hispanics, as proposed by Charles Krauthammer) but he has always been a reckless booster of any war undertaken while a Republican is in the White House. In mass-media there is nobody… Read more »
Jews only tell the truth so far as it is good for the Jews and serves their overall purpose. Otherwise, Jews are repulsed by the truth. To assume they’re doing us any favors by being honest in even the smallest sense is to let our guard down and expose ourselves to the delusion that “not all Jews are like that” and that some are actually on our side, which is exactly what these kinds of deceptions are designed to do. I’ve never seen a Jew telling the truth where he or she wasn’t telling us something we either didn’t already know or couldn’t obtain from a better, non-Jewish source. To play Good Jew/Bad Jew is lethal to our survival. To do so is to assume that one bacterium is less… Read more »
Okay now you admit that some Jews tell the truth sometimes. This is a change from your initial post.
Ordinarily I would agree but, having listened to him for some time when he was still available on radio in my area, I was surprised that he routinely lambasted major Jewish politicians and their lackeys. He also directed his venom towards Jews on the Supreme Court, I’ve never heard any other broadcaster do this time and time again. I would not be surprised if this caused his removal from not only a popular time slot in a major area, (Boston), but from the station itself.
Bobby Fischer (Jewish) said:
“The holocaust was all BS.”
“Work camps for Jews would be good since 90% don’t know that real work or that it’s good for you.”
“Jews have been living like parasites off of others for the last 2-3,000 years, this must stop for their own good.”
“All the Jewish leadership in America need to be arrested and killed, about 10,000 to 100,000. Then put the rest (tens of millions) into work camps until they understand what work is.” How long? “10, 20, how ever many years it takes, something like the red Chinese did on a mass scale.”
I could go on, but you get the idea.
Need turn down open aid, but watch the source, yes keep an eye on the source.
Some sites claim that Bobby Fischer was half Jewish. A few make the argument that he was fully Jewish. He himself denied being a Jew at all, writing to the Encyclopaedia Judaica: Gentlemen: Knowing what I do about Judaism, I was naturally distressed to see that you have erroneously featured me as a Jew in ENCYCLOPAEDIA JUDAICA. Please do not make this mistake again in any future editions of your voluminous, pseudo-authoritative publication. I am not today, nor have I ever been a Jew, and as a matter of fact, I am uncircumcised. I suggest rather than fraudulently misrepresenting me to be a Jew, and dishonestly abusing my name and reputation as a kind of advertising gimmick to improve the image of your religion (Judaism), you try to promote your… Read more »
I will have to look that up, because most whites who would have said what he said during the time period he said, would in all likelihood have ended up dead.
Edgar Steele
The Order members
etc, etc…
There might be a few Jews who don’t identify themselves as Jews because they weren’t brought up as Jews, have been injured by their fellow Jews, or simply find the Jews and Jewishness repugnant. Bobby Fischer might have been one of them. One can be sure that some Jews are alienated from the Jewish community by the ill-treatment they have suffered from their fellow Jews. Jews who have been sexually abused by Jews, and who are prevented from taking action against their abusers by the Jewish community, may well be resentful towards the Jewish community. (The Talmudic penalty for informing on Jews to Gentile authorities is death.) Samuel Roth wrote his revealing work Jews Must Live after having been cheated too many times by Jews. Kevin MacDonald’s article “Is the… Read more »
I know its hard not to be bitter after Iraq and being fooled and pulled into their PNAC plan but I try to remember their are good Jews out there. Ones who will tell the truth and save lives. People like marine Alan Sabrowsky and we need these people. I can’t tell you how to feel about all of it and I know its terrible believe me. I had family in Iraq and my God son was killed in Iraq. I get what it is like to feel pure and absolute hatred towards neocon Jews but there are still good people who are Jews. Peace
There’s an old proverb, “Tell the truth and shame the devil.” Perhaps it might be said that when a devil tells the truth, he shames the goyim who do not do so.
Yes, that was my point. Why does Richard Spencer play down the role of Zionist Jews in fomenting these wars after even Michael Savage has spelled it out?
On another note, Most of the far sighted among us and even some of the Jews would prefer Trump come out and say this is a one off to slap Assad on the wrist or some such. Then later someone in the CIA will be exposed for feeding false flag info, which they have, and deceiving the President/American people. This will give President Trump public support to clean out the government and the intelligence agencies in total. Then for him to get back business here and help set the climate for a smooth transition to a relatively peaceful move far enough right, that we can put our people in openly. That way we avoid a lot of unneeded death on both sides, but if not then it will just happen… Read more »