David SimsEssays

Jews Did This

Our wars are not fought for “moral” reasons — dead babies, Evil Dictators Doing Bad Things, and the like. Those are just props in a stage show, consisting mostly of lies, to get the easily-fooled populace to support whatever killing our misrulers want to accomplish. Here Mr. Sims greatly amplifies his previous article and gives us more detail on the Armenian genocide, the Ukrainian Holodomor, and Hitler.

by David Sims

IT SHOULD BE no secret to any educated person that wars are usually instigated for financial reasons. The Armenian Genocide (1915), often blamed on Turkish nationalism, was actually triggered by the Rothschild banking family, through their agent, a Jew named Emanuel Curasso. He was part of the group that led the Young Turks, whose membership was a mixture of Muslims and Jews.

The Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, founded by Alphonse Rothschild in 1883, extracted oil from fields near Baku, in Azerbaijan. This crude oil from Azerbaijan was shipped over the Caucasus Mountains by rail to a port city called Batumi, in what is today the Republic of Georgia. It was shipped by sea through the Bosporus and Dardanelles waterways, to the Mediterranean Sea, and thence, up the Adriatic Sea, to Fiume. Fiume was the name of a Croatian port city that is now named Rijeka.

The petroleum products, significant among which was kerosene, processed at the Rothschild refineries at Fiume, were sold throughout central Europe and, secondarily, in the Middle East, in competition with similar products sold by the Rockefeller-owned Standard Oil Company.

The ethnic tension between the Turks and Armenians, which had been a regular feature of that region’s political life for a long time, posed a risk to the Rothschilds’ shipping, and a business cost was involved in keeping that risk to a minimum.

So, to increase their profits, the Rothschilds hatched a plan to overthrow the Turkish Sultan and exterminate the Armenian people. The former was accomplished in 1908 and had the additional benefit (to the Jews) of removing an impediment to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

The latter was carried out beginning in April 1915.

The Wikipedia article on the Armenian Genocide contains some factual matter mixed with misdirection. It is reasonably accurate about what happened to the Armenians, but it is wrong about who the villains were and what their motivation was. The correct matter is information-candy embroidery, acting like a sweetener to induce the reader to accept the falsehoods as well.

The article sets the blame for the genocide on the “Three Pashas” and uses proximity of mention to lead readers to infer that these Three Pashas were leaders of the Turkish nationalists. But no such thing is true. If you then read the Wikipedia article on the “Three Pashas,” you will be told that they were members of “The Committee of Union and Progress,” which was the original name for a group that was afterward called the Young Turks.

Then, if you read Wikipedia’s article on Mehmed Talaat Pasha, he is said to be the primary organizer of the Armenian Genocide, and he:

“…worked after hours as a Turkish language teacher in the Alliance Israelite School which served the Jewish community of Edirne. At the age of 21 he had a love affair with the daughter of the Jewish headmaster for whom he worked. He was …charged with tampering with the official telegraph and arrested in 1893. He claimed that the message in question was to his girlfriend. The Jewish girl came forward to defend him. Sentenced to two years in jail, he was pardoned but exiled to Salonica as a postal clerk.”

What that probably means is Talaat was selected and groomed for his role in the Armenian Genocide because of his close connection with Jews in the infamous Jewish conspiratorial organization, Alliance Israelite Universelle. He wasn’t really exiled to Salonica, either. Salonica is where the Young Turks had recently been organized. So, rather than being exiled, Talaat was sent to Salonica to perform a very nasty job for the predatory Rothschilds.

The Young Turks were a group organized in Salonica, Macedonia, in 1890, by Emmanuel Curasso, an agent of the Jewish Rothschild family, to take over the reins of power in the Ottoman Empire, to reshape it politically, and to eliminate the Armenian population.

Nowhere does Wikipedia put all of the links between the Jewish founders of the Young Turks and the Armenian Genocide in the same article. Indeed, even if you gather up several related articles, there will be at least one missing link, such as the fact that the Three Pashas were part of a Jewish-organized and Jewish-led group that had two purposes that were rather important to Jews.

There are more reliable resources than Wikipedia on the subject of the Armenian Genocide, such as Little Armenia’s Fact Sheet on the Armenian Genocide.

It is usually the case that what is left out of historical narratives is at least as important as what is included, in regard to enabling their readers to form accurate opinions and exercise sound judgment in putting historical lessons into political action. In 1908, when the Armenians first heard about the overthrow of the Sultan, they celebrated because, they thought, having anyone else in power must be a good thing. But that isn’t the case, when the “anyone else” is the Jews.

Likewise, the Second World War began because Germany broke away from the Jewish banking houses, including the Rothschilds. These Jews had expected Hitler to place Germany in debt with loans from their banks as his means of bringing about Germany’s economic recovery, at least in the near-term. (Economic recoveries based upon usury contain an embedded financial time-bomb, which explodes when the interest on the accumulated national debt becomes unpayable.) Instead, Hitler found other means — including international barter and alternative financial systems in which the Jews didn’t have any usurious fingers in the pie.

This fact was well-understood at the time, and it was summarized by Viscount Lymington: “If we have a period of peace for only three years, the financial system of Messrs. Frankfurter, Warburg, and Baruch, and most of Wall Street, will topple of its own accord.” (Source: The New Pioneer, May 1939.)

That was the actual reason for the Second World War. Hitler was about to yank the Jewish vampire off the back of Western civilization, and that vampire did not want to be deprived of its prey. So it began a war to defend the parasitical status quo.

The invasion of Poland was a pretext. If it had been the real reason for the war, then the simultaneous invasion of Poland’s eastern half by the Soviet Union would have been just as objectionable as Germany’s invasion of Poland’s western half.

A third example of very nasty organized Jewish behavior resulted in millions of deaths in Ukraine during the early 1930s. It was engineered by Lazar Kaganovich, a Jewish Soviet official who was told by Joseph Stalin to suppress Ukrainian nationalist aspirations. Stalin didn’t care how Kaganovich did it, and the idea of starving the Ukrainians to death was the method that Kaganovich selected because, apparently, being a Jew, he wanted to kill a lot of White people. Given the chance, he did.

* * *

Source: Author

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28 April, 2017 10:27 pm

Good article. Every self-respecting White person should never use Wikipedia for anything, especially issues related to history and science. Among other deceptions and misdirections of Jewpedia is the pattern of assigning non-White wives to important but rather obscure historical figures, such as Christopher Ludwick, who was pivotal in the Valley Forge incident during the American Revolution. They’ve conveniently added to his bio that he took an “Indian princess” as a bride, when facts prove without question, he had only one wife in his lifetime, and she was White.

1 May, 2017 6:46 am

Nice summary of the REAL forces behind the Armenian Genocide. “The Jewish Genocide of the Armenian Christians” by Christopher Jon Bjerknes explains the Jewish connection to the Armenian Genocide in great detail and depth. The book was one of the most difficult I ever read, partly because Bjerknes reinforced his thesis by endless quotations from the Talmud, Zohar, the Bible and other Jewish texts. But one benefit of wading through all the supporting evidence from the writings of the Jews themselves was the gradually dawning, but horrifying realization that there really are people who believe all the religious mumbo-jumbo. There really are people who believe the prophesy of the Apocalypse. There really are people who believe that the select of the Jews will one day be the only survivors on… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  PTFogg
2 May, 2017 1:37 am

“The book was one of the most difficult I ever read, partly because Bjerknes reinforced his thesis by endless quotations from the Talmud, Zohar, the Bible and other Jewish texts. But one benefit of wading through all the supporting evidence from the writings of the Jews themselves was the gradually dawning, but horrifying realization that there really are people who believe all the religious mumbo-jumbo. There really are people who believe the prophecy of the Apocalypse. There really are people who believe that the select of the Jews will one day be the only survivors on Earth and all others will be annihilated. There really are people who believe that God will come to reign on Earth, but only after the world is first destroyed, and it is their duty,… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Collins
3 May, 2017 6:10 am

Thanks for your comment. It helps me wrap my mind around the incomprehensible, how people in this day and age can still not only believe such religious superstition, but actively spend their lives working for the Apocalyptic destruction of the world by a fiery holocaust. I came across this quote by Karl Marx a while ago. At first I thought it was a personal statement, motivated by bitterness in his own life, but now I wonder if it really is a statement of more widely held Jewish religious beliefs. “Then I will be able to walk triumphantly, Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom. Every word of mine is fire and action. My breast is equal to that of the Creator.” from “Invocation of One in Despair” a… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  PTFogg
5 May, 2017 2:54 am

Charles Jansen’s review of Hervé Ryssen’s La Guerre eschatologique: La Fin des temps dans les grandes religions has some good observations on Jewish messianism, such as the following: “Judaism has the immense advantage of giving Jews a huge motivation. It sparks enthusiasm. Jews live in an acute tension revolving around the Messiah, a tension made only greater as human action plays a determinant role for provoking his coming. As the Chosen People, Jews are endowed with a special mission on Earth and must do whatever it takes to turn the whole world into a state of ‘peace.’ (As Ryssen says, this is the kind of ‘peace’ that comes after all enemies are crushed.) “It is important to notice that Messianism is more important than religion itself. God is remote, and… Read more »

1 May, 2017 8:01 am

The involvement of the Jews in the Armenian Genocide goes even further than being the founders of the Young Turks. According to Bjerknes, the Donmeh Jews suckered the Turks into killing the Armenians in order to vilify the Turks in the eyes of Triple Entente, to instigate WWI, to destroy the Ottoman Empire, and so to make it possible for the components of the Turkish Empire to be reconstituted as ethnic-racial nation-states (i.e. Israel as the nation-state of the Jews) at the peace conference after the war. Thus the Balfour Declaration and the League of Nations – mission accomplished. I think Bjerknes also explained that the Donmeh Jews whispered into the ears of the Armenians that opposition to the Turks would bring a backlash from the Turks, that would gain… Read more »

1 May, 2017 11:35 am

Theodor Herzl – I know – WWI – duh…

16 May, 2019 6:38 pm

The term ‘Young Turk’ does not mean, ‘a Turk who is young’. It means ‘someone who has only recently become a Turk’. The ‘Young Turks’ were in fact Baltic Jews.

This may explain why the present Turks object to being associated with the Armenian Genocide.

Reply to  Truthweed
11 March, 2024 1:03 am

That’s not true. The “Young Turks” was a revolutionary movement, started by Jews! 1891: Out of the Donmeh a Zionist political group forms called The Committee of Union and Progress, later called The Young Turks. The group is headed by a Freemason Jew by the name of Emmanuel Carraso who organizes the secret Committee of Union and Progress in Geneva with the help of the Rothschilds. B’nai Brith also played a prominent role THE BRITISH AMBASSADOR TO THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE SIR GERALD LOWTHER’S LETTER TO SIR CHARLES HARDING, May 29, 1910 — “Shortly after the revolution in July 1908, it soon became known that many of the Young Turks’ leading members were Freemasons. It was noticed that Jews of all colours, native and foreign, were enthusiastic supporters of the new… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
4 April, 2020 4:01 pm

I have become an addict. I can’t help myself. I cannot stop my addiction. I try to avoid it but I’ve discovered I am incapable of doing so. No matter how hard I try I keep returning to my addiction and once indulged, I cannot stop, I must have more, More, MORE! And so my addiction level rises ever higher. I must now confess I am addicted to the National Vanguard website. Perhaps other readers have experienced this same addiction. It begins innocently enough with a single article, no problem there, just read the article and go back to CNN alerts about Trump or the Coronavirus. But a strange thing happens when one arrives at the bottom of an article, they see another article that simply must be read. Then… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
4 April, 2020 10:46 pm

I have to admit: I’m semitic and I quite like this site and read non stop too. I can accept criticism of judaism as long as it is not from someone telling me about Jesus… And actually I’m not sure if I consider myself ‘jewish’ I want new definitions like ‘semitic nationalist’ without the trappings of so many rabbinical tomes of nonsense. Whites wanting their own space is absolutely justified considering the toxic cultural trends jewish media has wrought especially feminism and homosexuality via Hollywood . I myself am trying to escape it and it feels like there is no where to go. I will most likely end up a genetic dead end because I cannot marry a jewish feminist hag and intermarrying probably would not work out either. My… Read more »

mr eye
mr eye
Reply to  StraightSemite
5 April, 2020 9:55 am

I commend you. I have known some cool jews such as yourself, but they are pretty rare. Overall your tribe has done incredible damage to white nations, but I still try to judge individuals on their own merits or lack thereof.

Reply to  mr eye
6 April, 2020 10:35 am

Thanks. I grew up around people who weren’t Semitic and had a fairly good education at a mostly white private school…And some college which was worthless waste of money and a dead end although I did display a firm grasp of economics. So I have some perspective as to the comparative values of white civilization vs religious indoctrination and indeed it would be a loss if the liberals have their way. The damage to Europe is bad. I used to hate Europeans because I believed the holocaust narrative but now I am very skeptical and think it was as much or more the work of jewish banking interests and hard economics. I’m conflicted as to whether or not it was worth it for the creation of modern Israel. As much… Read more »

Reply to  StraightSemite
6 April, 2020 7:12 pm

You are indeed a “righteous jew.” I like the way you think.

Reply to  Slavko
8 April, 2020 12:10 pm

I just hate homosexuals and everything they say, do and write. It’s the part of the bible I can really understand, that makes much sense to me, the commandment to execute faggots when you got witnesses or proof. Everything else really has to take a back seat to dealing with this problem in a way that is strategic and within the laws of the land. It should include anyone who supports ignorance and disease in society and tries to minimize or understate the damage the gays cause and profit from it. The people who say ‘as long as its not hurting anybody live and let live’… they are pitifully deluded It has to be obvious to anyone with a brain and a soul that if you don’t keep the homos… Read more »

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  StraightSemite
9 April, 2020 7:00 am

You better watch out my friend, despite you being jewish won’t protect you from being considered as someone who strive to kill 6000.000 again.
Trust me in this.

Reply to  Angry Swede
9 April, 2020 12:50 pm

Please, don’t insult me…I’m striving for 6,000,000,000. The Moshiach’s task is far more difficult than that of Hitler. All jokes aside. I only state to enact penalties legally, in a place for example that is predominately Arabic. That is why I’m exploring out of the box separatist locations. It’s absurd that these same lefties idealize Arabic culture when they would have none of this and push gays off of roof tops. I imagine the Swedish gay community is key to supporting the invasion and rape by Muslims as a sort of murder by proxy of straight men in Sweden… A way to vent their endless venom towards ‘hateful’ family types who aren’t enamored of bestiality and have the temerity to suggest it might in some way be harmful to the… Read more »

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  StraightSemite
10 April, 2020 4:27 pm

Yes, gay and LGBT communities support the so called oppressed minorities in Sweden, but they are not the only ones.

There are alot of ordinary straight swedes from the whole political spectra and different communities who support the invaders aswell, and then we have jewish communities who also are very eager to support the exchange, the great replacement.
It’s just facts and i guess you are well aware of it.

Reply to  Angry Swede
11 April, 2020 6:53 pm

I am well aware of it. Jews are particularly insidious in left wing political activity as they lend ‘religious’ and ‘moral’ authority and help elevate policies to unassailable dogma using terms like ‘tolerance’ and ‘virtue’…The other Swedish lefties just sound typical of all that is ignorant, delusional and feminized. I’m looking for solutions like ways to create viable business projects in mining outside of liberal jurisdictions…And then if the lefties get jealous and try to muscle in, make them pay the most severe price on the field of combat. I don’t know if it is possible but I’m interested in the Sinai as a potential strategy. The reason is, this region will determine the future of political discourse due to trillions in unmined resources. It also has history as the… Read more »

Reply to  mr eye
11 March, 2024 1:16 am

Same here! However, the atheistic Zionists have done incredible damage to Jews as well. In 1941 and again in 1942, the German Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain; on condition that none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or British colonies. Which means the Germans had no intention of killing Jews, they just wanted them out and again, because of what they do, not who they are. The Zionist leaders in Switzerland and Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti. The answer of the Zionist leaders was negative, with the following comments:… Read more »

Reply to  StraightSemite
6 April, 2020 5:34 am

A sane and reasonable Jew…almost a state of genius in its own right which makes this site an act of genius, of course….stupid Europeans and insane Jews are,otherwise, a very bad combo and even worse in combo with the ersatz tribes of primitive alien and pervert minorities both are destroying civilization with.

It’s bizarre Jews crow about Europa going under to Islam while LGBT perverts troop in Israel and Afro’s run wild….the Messiah, in any case, was an Egyptian, the word derives from Mahar, a hero…it’s likelier any Messiah would be Satan.

Reply to  Stefan
6 April, 2020 10:46 am

It’s a good site with many ways to grab attention. I know what goes into this type of work and can see it was a lot of heavy work with little financial backing. I know a lot about the issue of messiah or moshiach which I detail in another comment. It is simply not a practical idea because so much of humanity is proven to be stupid and ignorant beyond any type of salvation even when presented with truthful ideas, statistics or facts, like for example, statistics about AIDS. I have first hand experience with people thinking I was messiah both jews and christians because I looked like Jesus (without long hair) when I was younger and in Israel was physically big enough that some thought I was maybe a… Read more »

Reply to  StraightSemite
7 April, 2020 5:27 pm

The situation is a tragedy but it’s clear the Aryan race is grossly naïve but that does not help Jews at all…I have known many Jews, mostly good folk but all paranoid ruins due to the Holohoax…I don’t think Israel can profit, without selling it’s soul to gain the world…I also think the original Jews were Greeks and blended with Egyptians, so in that respect, only the Europoidest Jews are true Jews…Mizrachim and Falashas, not…when a race loses its purity, then enters Puritanism in ideologoid form since lost in blood. I read Ventris and Yehuda Bauer…as for Humanity, a lost cause after WW2, mit das ende der Dritte Reich und der untergang Deutschlands-Oded Yinon would be good if Israel were white and cleansed the Middle east of Arab Muslims and… Read more »

Reply to  Stefan
8 April, 2020 12:06 pm

I’m not sure about mizrachim or falashas either. You may very well be right about Greeks blended with Egyptians. When I refer to myself as Semite it is because I believe the majority of my ancient ancestors and genes are from the general region between Greece and Egypt but I don’t necessarily identify with all the religion known as Judaism. I look at judaism as some possible historical records of events mixed with flawed human interpretations. It is more of a clue to reality than an actual map. A lot of bullshit and rubble but some gems. The biggest tragedy for Israel was not the holocaust but losing the Sinai through negotiations after winning it in war. It was Jimmy Carter the guy who loves jesus and homosexuals who somehow… Read more »

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  StraightSemite
8 April, 2020 2:13 pm

The Jew’s Weapons: Democracy, Freemasonry, Communism, Capitalism
comment image

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 April, 2020 12:33 pm

It is nice to hear about your addiction to our Alliance’e online magazine, Arch. We are trying our best to build an organization that fights for the exclusive interests of our people, and, unfortunately, of the 200,000+ visits to National Vanguard each month, virtually none are actually joining the National Alliance that pays for National Vanguard and American Dissident Voices and the rest of our multi-media outreach. Why not? I’m interested in hearing from someone like you as to why you do not join the National Alliance, or even support us as a financial supporter. I believe StraightSemite would join the Alliance were he eligible, but he can’t, being a Jew He can support our organization however, like anyone else who is “rooting for White nationalists in America.” Arch, if… Read more »

Reply to  Arch Stanton
5 April, 2020 12:35 pm

As opposed to those things the same Jews want us to be addicted to.
Get yourself addicted to something that is good for you, good for the human (white) race.

And NV helped CURE my addiction to two different and equally destructive things that those same Jews want us addicted to.

All thanks to a new worldview.
National Vanguard has changed my life.

I wonder how often they hear that?

Reply to  Arch Stanton
17 October, 2020 9:51 am

I can feel it every day. Even without knowing English, using an online translator, I continue to be tormented by the thirst to assimilate more and more information presented on this site.