What Stephen McNallen Really Thinks About Race
TONIGHT I WANT to talk to you about race. Now, this is not meant to be a race discussion. This is meant to be a race discussion. I owe it you, my subscribers and my friends, to give you a succinct all-in-one-place statement of what I believe about the emotionally-laden concept of race. Paradoxically, as my message spreads and reaches a larger and larger audience, you are likely to hear people say the most outrageous things about what I believe. So I am going to tell you in the following paragraphs just exactly what I think about this “hot button” topic.
This is the straight skinny directly from me to you and I invite you to revisit this video when the mobs are breaking down the door and clamoring for my head. What follows is, for me at least, definitive.
Point number 1: Race is real.
It is not a social construct. There are quantifiable differences between the races that go far beyond skin color and affect temperament, subtle behaviors, and much more. The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Jung, believed there were inborn differences in the deep psychology of the various races. He makes this statement in his essay, “Wotan,” and elsewhere. On a less esoteric level, when the instinctive responses of newborn babies around the world are tested, they differ by race. I’m talking about babies less than 30 hours old, so we can forget about socially acquired characteristics. Those instinctive reactions vary in ways that match the “stereotypes” of the races in question.
To take just one example, Navajo and Chinese babies are more passive, less excitable, than are newborns from Europe or Africa. On a mass scale, these are the individual tendencies that shape entire cultures and civilizations. If you’ve got a bunch of people that, on average, tend to behave a certain way, that’s what their culture is going to look like. You can truthfully say, then, that race is not a social construct; races construct societies.
You can refer to the book Human Sociobiology by Dr. Daniel Freedman of the University of Chicago for the study in question, and I will give a link to that in the description of this video. Along the same lines, and contrary to the nice, safe and comfortable cliché that “no one is born racist,” studies do indicate that babies are aware of racial differences from a very early age and that they prefer people who look like them and that this preference is genetically hardwired rather than taught. See the video description for a link to the relevant article.
A third false statement is that, when presented with a fleshless skeleton, scientists cannot determine to which race it belonged. One of the much-touted “founders of modern anthropology,” and I don’t remember if it was Franz Boas or Ashley Montagu, made this assertion. But it is just plain false. The truth is that forensic anthropologists correctly identify skeletons by race about 85% of the time.
Point number 2: Race is important.
If race only influenced skin color, hair type, and obvious physiology, it wouldn’t matter so much. But that’s not the case. As noted above, it affects deep psychology — hence, spirituality, values, and, to an extent, our worldview as a whole. Essentially, races shape our cultures. Nicholas Wade, science writer for the New York Times, has summarized the recent work of scientists who study how genes and culture interact. He has two books. One of them is Before the Dawn: Rediscovering the Lost History of Our Ancestors and the other one is A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History. They are invaluable in this regard and I give links to them in the description of this video.
Race basically influences everything that we are.
Point number 3: I love my race.
I understand that ultimately all life, and, in particular, all human life is interrelated. I get that. But my race is made up of people like me. We not only look more alike, we think more alike. We perceive the world in ways that are more alike. I am more closely tied to men and women of my race than I am to any other group on Earth. Whether you call us “Europeans,” “White people,” “Aryans,” “Hyperboreans,” or whatever, is irrelevant. This is the race of my ancestors. The long line of men and women who, despite famine and war and disease, passed the torch of life from one generation to the next, down through the millennia, to me.
This unique genetic heritage is something I treasure above all else. My race gave me life and I give the members of my race love in return. How can anyone think there is anything “evil” about this? It’s a positive thing, not a negative thing. Race is just family writ large. It doesn’t have anything to do with hating other races or thinking of other races as inferiors. Anyone who knows my history knows that I have risked my life alongside people of other races. I don’t need to apologize for being White or for having a special love for my race.
Point number 4: I will defend my race.
We White people face numerous threats to our future. Our numbers are shrinking in almost every location on Earth. Europe, our homeland, the place that gave us birth, will be majority non-White within a couple of decades, unless, as I intend, we can change that situation. Our population in the United States is now shrinking. Not just as a percentage of the whole but in absolute numbers. More White people are dying than are being born — and that’s not okay. We will be a minority in America around 2040 and the Census Bureau predicts that we will be between 30% and 15% of the U.S. population by 2100. Fifteen percent? Fifteen percent of the U.S. population.
White people could become effectively extinct during the next century — eradicated by a dropping population and intermarriage with other races. Like the Ainu or the various tribes in the depths of the South American jungles, a few pockets of Whites might hold out for a few more generations, but ultimately, in an ever more crowded and interconnected world, our fate would be not just marginalization — but extinction. Our long journey of some 40,000 years of heroes and villains, successes and failures, pain and joy, would come to an end. And that is just not acceptable.
Are you a Black person hearing my words? How would you feel if you knew there would be no more Black people on Earth? Are you east Asian, say Chinese? How would you feel if you knew there would be no more Chinese on this planet — ever? So much for “diversity.” If you think this is a fantasy, that it can’t happen — my friend, you are in denial. And if you think this little speech is an attack on non-Whites, you’re wrong. It’s mostly our fault. We’ve allowed it to happen.
Every race and tribe and ethnic group is ultimately responsible for its own existence. We’ve either bought the bulls–t or we are so brow-beaten that we don’t have the courage to stand up for ourselves. We need to change our attitude. We need to say what I just said a minute ago, “I will defend my race.” I will fight for my race, primarily with words and ideas, but I will fight more literally if I have to. I’m no hero — I’m just a man. But if push comes to shove, I will give my life if need be that my race may live. I owe that to the ancestors who gave me life and to the descendants who only have life if we give them a chance to be born. And, know it or not, if you are a White man or a White woman, you have that same responsibility. It’s time for us to “man up” or “woman up” as the case may be.
People concerned about the fate of our race, many of whom may or may not be “racist,” sometimes cite the Fourteen Words, which are, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” Let me say it again so you can hear each and every word — we must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. The mainstream media, the left establishment, and all the usual suspects have declared that this statement is “racist.” It is not racist, it is not White supremacist, it is not bigoted, it is in no way expressing hostility toward any racial group.
If Al Sharpton had written exactly the same sentence, substituting the word Black for White, if he had said, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Black children,” no one would think anything of it. He would be praised and some day a monument would be erected on the Capitol Mall of Washington with that quote on it.
Years ago, I rephrased the Fourteen Words into the more compact Eight Words: “The existence of my people is not negotiable.” To cast either the Fourteen Words or the Eight Words as a racially hateful statement is absurd. But the System will nevertheless try to do so because we’re White. It’s the usual double standard, once again. To summarize my four points — number one, race is real — number two, race is important — number three, I love my race — and number four, I will defend my race and I will do so with joy in my heart. We must do right and fear no one.
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Source: Stephen McNallen
A sermon that should, but will not, be preached in every Christian church in the country.
I am going to look into Asatru.
Perfectly said.
This article should re-written by the author into an open letter to Trump, or perhaps the author could re-write it as a letter to Trump and whoever is best in the know about how to go about maximizing the chance it reaches his desk – whatever strings need to be pulled – could get it to him. He likely isn’t the one to save the White race, as I hold the wisdom of the authors of the articles published on this site in high esteem. But I don’t think he wants the White race exterminated. And he *is* the President.
“A third false statement is that, when presented with a fleshless skeleton, scientists cannot determine to which race it belonged. One of the much-touted ‘founders of modern anthropology,’ and I don’t remember if it was Franz Boas or Ashley Montagu, made this assertion.” I suspect that it was probably Montagu, who, among other whoppers, claimed that race is “skin deep,” and that Jews don’t have distinctive noses. How could Montagu tell such lies with a straight face? The shortest and simplest answer to that question is that he was a Jew. As Joseph Goebbels elegantly put it in Michael, “The Jew is the lie personified.” Jonathan Marks, in a chapter in the anthology A New History of Anthropology, notes that after changing his name from Israel Ehrenberg to Montague Francis… Read more »