
White Couple Sentenced to 28 Years for Displaying Confederate Flags

Jose Torres and Kayla Norton were part of a group displaying the flags on their vehicles when their caravan drove by a Black family’s outdoor birthday party, evidently greatly annoying the Blacks. Even though a shouting match ensued, the allegation that the Whites engaged in “terrorism” is preposterous. The extreme anti-White bias of the (apparently White) judge and prosecutor in this case should be cause for alarm.

by Chris Rossetti

Torres and Norton at their sentencing

IN JULY 2015, a group called Respect the Flag gathered on the public streets in Douglas County, Georgia. Their US and Confederate flag-festooned vehicles circled through many neighborhoods, as they “drove around with flags, selling them to raise money to donate American flags to people who can’t afford them,” according to the spokesman for the group. But in one of those neighborhoods, a group of Blacks taking part in an outdoor birthday party took severe exception when the caravan’s display passed by, shouting angry epithets and empty threats and getting some in return. The Blacks called police, who tried to separate the two groups.

Jose Torres

One participant, Levi Bush, said the rowdy Blacks were swarming the Respect the Flag vehicles, throwing rocks, and threatening the Whites with weapons.

The video above shows events after police had arrived.

Hardly a case of “terrorism” on either side; just one relatively minor unpleasantness among many major and minor unpleasant events caused by forcing people to live in a multiracial society.

In the Jewish-dominated and increasingly anti-White “New South,” though, the conflict was used to advance the political career of the Douglas County Assistant District Attorney, David Emadi, who called the flag group “a criminal street gang” and charged the group’s members with multiple felonies, and accused them of participating in “criminal gang activity” for driving with their flags displayed. The Respect the Flag members were charged with making “terroristic threats” against the party-goers.

Yesterday, a young White couple — Kayla Rae Norton, 25, and Jose Ismael Torres, 26 — cried in court as they were sentenced to a total of 28 years in prison for committing the “hate crime” of “racial terrorism” for driving past the party and shouting back at the enraged, out-of-control Blacks. No Black was charged.

Kayla Norton

In an effort to obtain leniency from the court, Norton expressed regret for her actions that day. She was also publicly “forgiven” in the courtroom by one of the party’s attendees. That did not deter Superior Court Judge William McClain from imposing a vengeful, unjustified sentence — which reads like something handed down by an anti-White System judge in The Turner Diaries: Torres will serve a sentence to 20 years, with a minimum of 13 served in prison, and Norton was given 15 years with a minimum of six to serve in prison. Upon their release, the two have been barred forever from their home and families in Douglas County. The couple have three children together, who will now be deprived of their mother and father.

Torres was described by family and friends in court as a devoted father, a hardworking plumber, and a dedicated volunteer football coach for local children. None of this swayed the anti-White judge, determined to prove his devotion to the Jewish-dominated System that misrules our nation.

Proving his political motivation, Judge McClain, a Republican, strongly emphasized to the defendants during sentencing the totally irrelevant fact that their caravan occurred less than a month after the shooting of nine Blacks by Dylann Roof, who had no connection whatsoever to anyone in this case.

Anti-White Judge William McClain

The couple were adjudged guilty of violating tough “street-gang terrorism” laws supported largely by conservative “law and order” Whites — but which are now (of course) being used by the System against White people. Two other defendants, Thomas Charles Summers and Lacey Paul Henderson II, fearing the anti-White witch hunt that has in fact ensued, had pleaded guilty earlier to making “terroristic threats” and received four and two years respectively.

Anti-White prosecutor David Emadi

Judge McClain, continuing his anti-White tirade, said Torres and Norton would have to “answer for their behavior” with long prison sentences. He also denounced the sensible decision of the Douglasville Police Department not to arrest any of the Respect the Flag group that day. He called their refusal to arrest White Americans engaging in exercising the First Amendment rights “inexplicable” and “a very bad mistake.”

Anti-White Douglas County District Attorney Brian Fortner with friend, newly-appointed Judge Cynthia Adams

Douglas County District Attorney Brian Fortner said in a statement he supported the harsh sentences.

* * *

Source: Author

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1 March, 2017 1:57 am

It seems every day I read stories about high school kids being forced to turn their confederate T-shirt inside out, remove their belt buckle or take the flag off the back of their car in the parking lot; this also includes the American flag, too. When is someone going sue these bastards on grounds of the First Amendment? The two people in this story did nothing wrong. How on earth can this stand? Is there an appeal pending? These poor souls need a legal defense fund set up ASAP where people can donate. “Street Gang Terrorism” laws, indeed. What kind of crime is street gang terrorism? Just another broad and ambiguous umbrella category under which the system can include as many types of behavior as possible. Just like “hate speech”… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Bell1
4 August, 2020 11:55 am

“When is someone going sue these bastards on grounds of the First Amendment?”

Just as soon as the JCLU decides to pursue the matter – but don’t hold your breath waiting for it.

Frank McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
Reply to  Bell1
30 December, 2022 12:50 pm

“Street Gang Terrorism” could this be a paranoid term that the prosecutors made up to justify a case? Tomás de Torquemada would be proud tohear of this,Unfortunately, timing is everything (stuff in the news and what special interest group is “offended”) add that to a bias called social justice which seems popular in courts today. What kind of attorneys are being cranked out today in law schools? “Hate Speech” at its core is absolutely meaningless. Hate the ways someone talks? Angry speech yes, or ‘dumb speech’ we can relate to, but words are words choose to ignore or refute where does punishment come into it? We live in a nation chock full of the lowest common denominator, we must be aware of these folks, because unrealized ignorance and misperceptions can… Read more »

Franklin Ryckaert
Franklin Ryckaert
1 March, 2017 7:42 am

When will judge McClain be convicted for “courtroom terrorism”?

1 March, 2017 4:51 pm

We are now at war, and we must be prudent in how we go about engaging the enemies of our people. You must take note of the official motto of the Mossad; “By way of deception thou shalt do war.” Make it the new rule of engagement for white revolution. Go back and read The Turner Diaries and Hunter – and I mean really read them. Learn, think, plan and then act!!!

Every traitor will in the course of time get their comeuppance.

William Rockwell lll
William Rockwell lll
30 April, 2023 2:36 pm

Talking about White revolution will not in itself manifest it. Nor will reading books on revolution accomplish anything, unless on can persuade millions of people to read such books, which is very unlikely. One thing which might appeal to the kind of people that will participate in WR, is to start a new way of thinking, a new focus on life in the form of a new religion a new cause, a new idea of what existence itself is all about. And that is -evolution-. Gd wants evolution and if it takes revolution to accomplish evolution, then so be it. The two words are only one letter apart, yet have different meanings. It must be put forth by the Revolutionaries, just how is their R going to bring about the… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  William Rockwell lll
30 April, 2023 5:02 pm

None of this revolution you have proposed has yet manifested itself by your god’s will, Mr. Rockwell. We in the National Alliance, Whites made of real flesh and blood that can manifest a reality if we so will, and we are involved in that as we speak, have been doing so since the mid-1970s. Our inspiration came from words and books and the actions by sincere and dedicated White men who were moved on behalf of our race specifically and named openly in the past. A mighty revolution did take place, yet subsequently crushed by corrupted Whites and their subverters who hid behind their coattails. It too was founded by White men who had come before with words that men could put to action. The program of the National Alliance… Read more »

1 March, 2017 5:11 pm

The United States hates the Southern nation; it hates White people; it hates the Dixie Battle Flag.

Kim Marie Freeman
Kim Marie Freeman
Reply to  mistercc
4 May, 2019 9:34 pm

the deep statists hate the BIBLE BELT too, don’t forget that. Anything blocking their global NWO manifesto is problematic to them. God and Jesus are problematic to them.

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Kim Marie Freeman
5 May, 2019 9:44 pm

The Jew’s imaginary tribal god up in the sky, Yahweh, and his chimerical son, born of a virgin, are problematic even to Southerners who are neither superstitious nor gullible, not just to deep statist goons who dislike Southerners.

Johnny Trash
Johnny Trash
Reply to  Kim Marie Freeman
19 September, 2022 3:55 pm

Here is another great Article from The National Vanguard

True Patriot
True Patriot
Reply to  mistercc
18 September, 2022 11:57 am

You are correct that Southern Patriots are ahted. Its all been done by the wicked JEWS The Christ Killers. The evil Jews know the fighters are in the South which is why they were behind the Civil War. I started years ago trying to find out the truth on the Civil War not the lies taught in JEW controlled Brainwashing Cesspools they call schools. JEWS do not want anyone to discover their centuries of evil deeds so they scream Anti Semitism to censor and silence all truths of their murdering of the White Race for centuries including being the Christ Killers. Evil demons walking this Planet TIME FOR PEOPLE TO WAKE UP

Frank McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
Reply to  mistercc
30 December, 2022 1:51 pm

I am a born Northerner from NY, who became enamored of the antebellum Southern Heritage. Managed to visit a old uniform factory structure along the Nickleback creek trail. It had been burned down bt Sherman’s troops and the 450 mostlyfemale workers, abducted and shipped off to points North. Only a handful managed to return after the war. Then visited few some plantations in Boswell, stopping to lay respects at the Confederate cemetary and all it’s impecably managed veterans headstones with personal emblems and CSA flags planted there.
Lived in Atl while studying medicine. I went to Buford with friends one weekend and was pleasantly surprised to see a few pick-up trucks proudly displaying the “Starz n’ Barz, from their flatbeds as they were driving around.

William Rockwell lll
William Rockwell lll
Reply to  Frank McCarthy
30 April, 2023 2:40 pm

Femal workers shipped to points north, were they Black? More creditable information please.

1 March, 2017 11:06 pm

This decision was inexplicable and frightening. Even after released from prison, the convicted pair appear to permanently lose rights to visit their own three children. I bet this legal team has accepted shorter sentences for rapists and armed robbers that they prosecuted/tried, especially on plea-deals, yet in this case there was no physical injury or meaningful threat of deadly force. A good defense lawyer would have brought that up, and any prior-sentencing inconsistency, in the sentencing phase, even though that is likely judicial misconduct. The national MSM doesn’t see how dangerous this is, but hand-wrings over illegal dish-washers. Yet I also bet that this matter will be addressed on a news magazine show like 60 minutes.

Sven Svensen
Sven Svensen
2 March, 2017 12:46 am

Emadi is a Middle Eastern name.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
2 March, 2017 10:51 am

Is there a legal defense fund for these two young people?

It will take money, even though I suspect that the judge was virtue-signaling and knows that he will be over-ruled.

This is complete idiocy and will not stand.

harold wright
harold wright
2 March, 2017 2:17 pm

I appreciate your telling it like it is

2 March, 2017 6:04 pm

This judge is without a doubt unfit for the job and should be fired.

Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
Reply to  Hans
28 February, 2020 4:07 pm

comment image

Justice is sterile if it does not defend the freedom

2 March, 2017 7:31 pm

“In a sick and dying nation, culture, race or civilization, political dissent and traditional values will be labeled and persecuted as heinous crimes by inquisitors clothing themselves in jingoistic
patriotism.”- David Lane

2 March, 2017 8:03 pm

This sentence will never stand, it will get shit canned on appeal, the court system is screwed in America, there will be a civil war in the next 10 years and it’s crap like this to blame, and when it does happen I hope people like this judge and prosecutor have well hidden bunkers.

2 March, 2017 11:08 pm

Out of curiosity:

Why does the author use the terms “white” and “black” to describe people? Is there not a spectrum, depending on ancestry? Would it not be more accurate to say “white-skinned” and “black-skinned” people?

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Benjamin
2 March, 2017 11:25 pm

White and Black as used here are names of races, races — subspecies, really — which are measurably different in mental makeup, bodily structure, and biological functioning. They naturally form very different societies when left to their own devices, and remain dramatically different even when unnaturally forced to live for generations under the same government. Skin color is but one small difference among hundreds between these two races. Color is merely one of many external signs of the manifold inner differences — much like the different colors of the tufted titmouse and the cardinal are but one obvious external sign of the innumerable differences between them.

3 March, 2017 6:33 am

This is absurd, preposterous and ludicrous. Driving around displaying a Flag and provoke, may be inappropriate and perhaps childish, but they did not destroy anybody’s life, possibly just a birthday party. This is just the blacks revenge for their historical suffering. Had the Judge been black, we would probably have seen far more protests from the white community. If the blacks feel that they are discriminated, their attitudes in the court room and in this case won’t do them much good.

William Rockwell lll
William Rockwell lll
Reply to  Bjöen
30 April, 2023 3:10 pm

What historical suffering did B’s endure. They were brought here because they were either slated for slavey amongst their own or were criminals or in some cases rival tribes. The W man did them a good turn by bringing them here and having them work for a living where they learned the rigors of work and some of them were in fact promoted to overseer positions, not that the master was of total good intent for them. Read the book “Black Masters” by Johnson and Roark; there is another book out written by an underprivileged Jew using the same title. It appears Jews are the only people who can get away with that. The book entitled “Suicide of the West” first appeared under the authorship of James Burnham then some… Read more »

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
3 March, 2017 12:04 pm

Ya’ll left out the part where the whites brandished a shotgun and threatened to shoot children. That was the basis for the charges rather than displaying a Confederate flag.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Ralph Jones
3 March, 2017 12:18 pm

That’s not true. Empty threats were made by both sides, but no one said he or she was going to kill children. Not even the most biased of the Jewish-controlled media are claiming that, as far as I have seen. The Blacks threatened to attack first, according to witnesses. It is — or ought to be — absolutely legal for someone to display a weapon in order to deter such a threat, and that is exactly what was done. The Blacks were not punished in even the slightest way for their threats. The White couple, who did no more than the Blacks, will spend a huge portion of their young lives in prison, unable to parent their three children — and upon release will be banned forever from their home… Read more »

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
7 March, 2017 12:43 am

Dude, this article is absurd. This group of people went out of their way to drive around with confederate flags everywhere, causing a huge scene. There were mutliple 911 calls about them prior to this occuring.

The convicted in a court of law brandished a shotgun and threatened a childrens birthday party.

I’d really encourage anyone to do more research into this case. This “article” doesn’t mention the shotgun that this couple held on a childrens birthday party…

There are lots of injustices in the world, this is not one of them. I’d really look into this, if you’re standing up for the convicted couple–you’re on the wrong side of history. Seriously.

Reply to  Ralph Jones
5 May, 2019 1:11 am

The sentence was way too harsh, cruel and unusual.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
4 March, 2017 6:12 pm

Things are moving rapidly.

Not only here, but in Europe.

The next 10 years will tell the tale, IMO.

Let’s get it on!

4 March, 2017 11:17 pm

If I hadn’t just heard about this on The Alternative Media/Farrin Shoaf, I had to read it myself. I could’ve never dreamed this would be the world we live in today! I am so angry after that I could bite a nail in two! Something has to be done.

Jan Sobieski
Jan Sobieski
5 March, 2017 3:12 am

I don’t get shocked often anymore, but these punishments are shocking. The white race has gone insane.

5 March, 2017 5:07 am

Hi ! From France ( nearly fully colonized country by jews; leftists and muslims), all my support to this young couple ! (no capital j and m, even if the system suggests it) US patriots, it’s time for you to start fighting seriously, if you don’t want to die ! Take my country as an example, dedicated soon to a real disappearance, with the help of leftists, and “haman rights” activists, the bloody “welcome rapefugees” (u see, I speak the limbo) guys and girls (essentially girls by the way, how strange…?) ! My poor country has been bleeding and is dying, years after years, with the help of all these faggots from big towns, nearly blind who refuse to see what migrants do here, as in Sweden, as in Germany… Read more »

5 March, 2017 4:00 pm

Hearing Hyesha Bryant speaking in court makes me feel bad. I suppose she’s the mother of the child, whose birthday party was celebrated. She “forgives” she so generously declares, but she does not seem to care the least about Torrres’s and Norton’s destroyed lives, who have got a harsh and disproportionate punishment .

She will have a birthday party for her daughter next year, while Torres and Norton may never ever celebrate their children’s birthdays. Honestly, I believe, that behind her emotional performance in that courtroom, there’s neither heart nor soul, but just hatred for them and a hidden feeling of joy seeing two young white people being sent to prison.

Jeff Rokker
Jeff Rokker
5 March, 2017 6:03 pm

How is it a “Terrorist Act” to drive around with flags (any flag) on your vehicle ? This is the USA !!! Even if you get into a argument/altercation, w/ some jigs; its disorderly conduct, at worst assault. So why aren’t the defense lawyers screaming 1. Violation of Civil Rights- freedom of speech, freedom of association, right to a fair trial. 2. Judicial misconduct- being sentenced as a “Terrorist”, excessive sentence, and on and on. Norton/Torres must have the worst defense lawyers in the country to allow this miscarriage to happen.

6 March, 2017 10:20 am

They never should’ve stopped near the party, but kept on going, staying and arguing with blacks is like talking to a wall. There was at least one case where a black invaded a woman’s home to take down a flag, these people are crazy. I would’ve kept on driving and never engaged the party goers at all, that was a big, big mistake.
As far as the sentence goes, hopefully it will be overturned, the “punishment has to fit the crime” is one of the cornerstones of our judicial system, and this sentence is way out of line with the any harm, real or imagined done to anyone.

Frank McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
Reply to  archer
30 December, 2022 1:06 pm

Never ever engage with colored folks who have been drinking booze at a party, on their frontlawn. They will become beligerent at the drop of a hat, and are conditioned to impulsively with violent kneejerk reactions to a stimulus, in this case and it is unfortunate the “Stars N” Bars” of Southern pride. It would behoove them to know that other blacks prodly display their Confederate flags. But no TV media sources cover it.

7 March, 2017 6:40 am

I had to see for myself, as I’m not a U S resident. There’s in fact an official State Flag in Georgia (a new one in 2003, which replaced the old one) based on the national flag of the Confederacy. If it was that one or the earlier one, which the group was waving in which Norton and Torres participated, is of less importance. What matters, however, is that all news reports and comments about the incident, as far as I can see, by journalists representing MSM, especially by Afro-American reporters/journalists affirm, that it’s provocative to display the flag in question in places where there are blacks. What about white people singing the national hymn in the presence of a black audience, while displaying the Stars and Stripes Flag. What… Read more »

Brian Smith
Brian Smith
5 August, 2017 1:15 am

A flash of the hand of the Jewish police state.
We must not neglect to dispense justice after our victory…

Dan M.
Dan M.
5 August, 2017 9:48 pm

The sentence brings to mind the tyrannically harsh and barbarian sentences against the political dissidents in the communist states: Soviet Russia, China and the North Korea. Has the United States changed into a Stalinist dump?

The Soviets also propagated a “multicultural” policy; look at some of their propaganda posters showing representatives of all races standing or marching side by side in a perfect harmony and grinning happily.

Reply to  Dan M.
2 May, 2019 11:30 pm

Remember when two USSR citizens were executed because they sold some Jeans without a licence? Remember when rock music was banned in the USSR and offenders received a seven year prison sentence?

The same rulers want to govern the USA.

6 August, 2017 11:30 am

The United States hates the Southern nation; it hates White people; it hates the Dixie battle flag.

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  cc
8 August, 2017 9:54 am

All the more reason for Whites to separate from descendants of our former, now obsolete farm equipment, Jamall, Rhimington and Sicondria, and the rest of their kin. At least the couple in this story are still alive, unlike the two innocent Whites who were murdered “at random” for displaying their Confederate flag:

B. Wilson
B. Wilson
2 May, 2019 3:57 pm

“In pursuance of said order, the Second Massachusetts negro infantry, 700 strong, Col. Draper, a white man, commanding, with one hundred white cavaly … started for the Northern Neck, landing at Kinsale. Four hundred negroes (with white commissioned officers) and fifty white cavalry, proceeded to devastate Westmoreland County, destroying everything in their line of march. ” … And, more horrible, … twenty-five or thirty ladies were violated by this party of negroes…. Neither age nor color was spared by these demons, who were encouraged by their white officers. “The rest of the regiment, 300 strong, with 50 white cavalry, under the immediate command of Col. Draper, marched to Richmond County. On the route six negroes violated the person of Mrs. G. eleven times, she being the wife of a soldier… Read more »

6 May, 2019 1:14 pm

Jews have a long history of keeping a low profile in the Southern Country. I have witnessed it all my life. They know that the bible belt cannot and will not protect them from the thick fringe of southern racism.

There’s An old Texas axiom popular with Confederate cowboys / rodeo hoods: f**k with the bull — you get the horn.

30 October, 2019 4:13 pm

Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years after being responsible for hundreds of deaths.

3 August, 2020 5:36 pm

I was shocked when I read about the sentencing of these two young white adults a few years ago, and heard they were also carrying rifles. I thought they were sentenced for displaying weapons and not for just displaying flags. Even so, it is totally sickening that the judge sentenced them to prison for that many years, and that they can never see their kids or return to their hometown again. Especially when it was just display and they never fired any weapons. The blacks throwing rocks at them is far worse than just displaying the flags or guns, either way. I’ve seen behavior by blacks like this where I lived in the past and I’m realizing it wasn’t just behavior confined to one city. It’s really unsettling that they… Read more »

True Patriot
True Patriot
18 September, 2022 11:52 am

It’s past time for Wild West Style Justice of all these criminal POS calling themselves judges and prosecutors. they should all be yanked from their power perches and arrested , jailed for direct attacks on the U.S. Constitution, First Amendment Rights. Confederate Flag is the greatest Flag of all, but the evil JEWS have revised the true History of the great Confederacy. Had the Confederacy won none of this would be going on today. The JEWS owned the slaves not the Whites, and the JEWS even today are still trading slaves while the JEW controlled media spins their Fake News all TV Channels. Had True History been taught in schools this underserved “created” hatred would not be happening today. Everyone deserves to know about the horrific crimes of the JEWS… Read more »

18 September, 2022 3:40 pm

This has to be overturned on appeal.

A clear cut case of a violation of the White couple’s First Amendment rights.

Frank McCarthy
Frank McCarthy
30 December, 2022 12:37 pm

[“Their caravan occurred less than a month after the shooting of nine Blacks by Dylann Roof,”]
Ah so this is the reason for this reactionary and unbalanced court proceedings! Let’s do some revenging guys!
I remember Nikki Lake jumped to conclusions at the speed of light when she banned the good ol’ “Stars n’ Bars” from flying in Gov buildings in South Carolina. Kneejerk reactions from the outrage offended mob of race hustlers is a detriment to our American justice system. Unfortunately these days we seem to be at their mercy!
Hopefully these good folks will be out on good behavior and soon. And the race hustlers black ‘celebrants’ as well will be castigated for untoward behavior especially when it come to our prescious 1st amendment right to free expression.