False Flags Abound
Those massive CIA and other “intelligence” agency budgets aren’t spent entirely on porn and prostitutes; expect more false flags in order to manipulate us into supporting the Jewish oligarchs’ wars.
by Michael Walsh
THE DOWNING of the Malaysian airliner MH17 over Ukraine on July 17, 2014 was a Washington-inspired false flag operation. Any qualified independent court would clear Russia of the attack and implicate Jewish-occupied Washington and its Kiev junta.
The purpose of the MH17 atrocity was threefold. The outcome would demonise and isolate Russia. It would serve to separate interdependent Ukraine from the Russian Federation. Finally, the downing of the MH17 airliner and the deaths of its 298 passengers and crew would cause anti-Russian psychosis in the NATO countries and other parts of the West. The peoples of the US and Europe were being warmed up for war.
Without a single exception, the controlled media pointed the accusing finger at Russia. The media did so despite the fact that there was no evidence of Russian involvement then or since. All requests by Russia for an independent inquiry and the addressing of certain issues have since been ignored. The ‘no comment’ from Washington and Brussels speaks volumes. New evidence and denial of data leaves no doubt as to who was responsible for the tragedy. The notorious BBC describes the shooting down of the airliner a ‘crash.’
The European Union, Washington, and the Kiev regime — aligned with the controlled media — are undoubtedly the main culprits behind the MH17 atrocity. All stubbornly refuse to assist in an investigation, respond to reasonable questions, or provide evidence to support their claims of Russian or dissident guilt.
Throughout its turbulent history, America has been territorially ambitious. Since the US was founded in 1776 it has been at war 90 per cent. of the time. England is no slouch either. Of over 200 countries in the world, only 22 never experienced a British invasion.
False flag operations are as much a part of war as is information — economic — electronic — and military warfare. Britain and the US have a long history of setting up false flag incidents.
Palace media lead many to believe that the US is constantly under threat from ‘rogue nations’ that ‘envy our freedom.’ In fact, the last country to threaten America was England in the period 1812-1814.
England and Russia did meddle in the American Civil War (1860-1865); it was futile for them to do so. Since then, no country desired or had any realistic chance of overcoming the geographical size and impregnable isolation of the omnipotent United States.
There has to be a compelling reason to convince the people that a war is “unavoidable.” The usual ploy is to demonise those being conspired against. America’s seizure of lands from Mexico in 1846 was preceded by a series of provocations following the same pattern as those the US alleged against the Germans in 1939.
In 1898, the US corporations and banking dynasties coveted Spain’s colonies. Conveniently, the American battleship Maine and its 255 American crew were destroyed in an explosion. The blast that destroyed the Maine and its crew was an interior explosion carried out by an American saboteur. Just as today’s media blamed the downing of the Malaysian Airliner on Putin’s Russia, America’s then-dominant Hearst media blamed the Spanish for the atrocity.
As a consequence of the Maine incident, the US war against Spain acquired for Washington DC and War Street (sic) Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, other territories, and effective control of Cuba. The explosion that sank the Maine had similarities to the false flag known as 9/11 that ignited the war against innocent Iraq.
When, in 1914, the Great War was raging throughout Europe, Washington and the Jewish power structure were keen to profit from the spoils of war. Problem: How could the American people become convinced that their interests were sufficiently threatened to justify the sending of their boys abroad?
In clear defiance of the laws of neutrality, Britain’s Cunard Shipping Company’s passenger liner, the RMS Lusitania, was loaded with £6 million in arms. Germany’s New York consulate was then quietly shown the ship’s manifesto: Here is undeniable proof that illicit US arms were loaded into the liner’s holds. This act removed the superliner’s neutral status and made it a justifiable target for German U-boats.
The unsuspecting Germans walked straight into the Washington-laid trap. The Lusitania was torpedoed with the loss of 1,200 lives — of which 128 were American citizens. The hoodwinked American people were outraged and their ire was directed at the German nation.
The propaganda of the World War 2 victors blamed the National Socialists for committing the Reichstag arson attack in 1933. Held and proven responsible was a Dutchman who had started the fire in the German parliament. The card-carrying Communist Party member had done so to draw attention to the repression of Marxist parties in Germany.
In September 1939, England accused the Reich of carrying out an attack on its own people in the German border village of Gleiwitz. Westminster and its grotesque media hacks claimed the attack, actually launched by the Polish government, was carried out by German troops to justify the German invasion of Poland.
The German response to this accusation was scathing and mocking. Adolf Hitler addressed the elected members of the Reichstag: “I suppose the other twenty-one border incidents, fourteen in one night, were German false flag operations too?”
Another precursor to the downing of the MH17 Malayan airliner was the sinking of the British liner Athenia in 1939. During this tragedy 1,100 passengers, of which 311 were American, lost their lives.
On this occasion the false flag operation failed to convince the American public to join in England’s war. Supposedly neutral Washington then illegally seized a number of German ships. The shrewd and conciliatory Workers’ Reich refused to play Washington DC’s game.
England and France’s war became further inflamed after England’s 1940 attack on Germany through the Low Countries was thwarted. Washington, DC and War Street were desperate to gain from the plunder of defeated Germany. The war prizes were already being itemised. How could the US government convince the US electorate that “their freedoms were threatened”?
If the US sanctioned and blockaded Japan then Japan could be lured into attacking US territory. Then, the German Reich (which was in alliance with Japan) would be obliged to assist Japan in its war on the US. The goaded Japanese tried to punch their way out of Wall Street’s trade blockade by removing its tormentors from Pearl Harbor.
As the Japanese attack on the Pacific base occurred, Washington was jubilant. The Japanese attack on the Pacific base was an American strategic success. In one stroke Congress and War Street acquired two wars. The plunder and the profits from the war on the Reich and Japan would make the US the richest and most powerful nation on earth. [To say nothing of the pleasure the murder and carnage gave to the Jewish elite. — Ed.]
Many US-inspired false flag operations have since been acknowledged, simply because evidence of US guilt is undeniable. Thanks to the Internet, the record of American false flag operations can be researched at the press of a key.
Governments cannot be transparent about their warlike aims. The plebs (plebeians) need what they think of as “good reasons” before they suffer wars that benefit bankers, arms manufacturers, and investors in conflicts. Hostilities are profitable. The US spent $2 trillion on the war on Iraq, 90 per cent. of which profits went to 1 per cent. of the US population.
These beneficiaries of wars are mostly located in Congress, the Senate, and among America’s corporate and media elite. Senators who voted to attack Syria received 83 per cent. more campaign money from military contractors than did those lawmakers voting “no.”
As we enter 2017, the world waits in nervous anticipation the next US-inspired false flag operation, this one likely to be used to justify a war with Russia or China. It will happen because Washington is now backed into a corner. American omnipotence will evaporate unless it destroys the Chinese and Russian rivals of American corporate power and afterwards profit from the carnage.
Gleiwitz and the Gulf of Tonkin, the sinking of the superliners Lusitania and Athenia, the conspiracy to sink the Maine — all can and will be repeated.
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