Andrew HamiltonEssays

Murder in Dubai

Mossad murder team suspects

by Andrew Hamilton


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

— William Butler Yeats

IN A NORTHERN SUBURB of Tel Aviv in January 2010, a car pulled up to the main gate of Mossad, Israel’s KGB. The Institute’s Director greeted the Prime Minister as he stepped from his German Audi A6 limousine.

The Prime Minister was a thickset, meaty rather than fat man accustomed to associating with the rich and powerful of the earth on a conspicuously “more equal than” basis. The Director, who matched his colleague in brutality and bloody-handedness, was a squat, stumpy thug with a sagging gut like Ariel Sharon’s. Both men had the coarse features and easy arrogance of gangsters. Together they directed what admiring fellow Jews called a “‘Murder, Inc.’ from Warsaw to Bangkok, and from Paris to Dubai.”

Mahmoud al Mabouh

The purpose of the meeting was to authorize the liquidation of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a 49-year-old Palestinian Hamas official who supposedly[1] forged secret connections between Gaza Palestinians and the Al-Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran.[2] The Jews had tried unsuccessfully to kill him on numerous occasions in the past.

Israel claimed Mabhouh played a key role in arms shipments from Iran to Gaza via Sudan, Egypt, and the Sinai. It is in the Iranian context that the elimination of Mabhouh must be understood, according to Uzi Mahnaimi of the London Times.

Jewish Death Squads

Viewed coldly, Jewish behavior evokes certain associations in the mind. Adjectives like bigoted, hypocritical, underhanded, treacherous, brutal, hateful, unfair, dishonest, intolerant, narrow-minded, defamatory, clever, sly, malicious, furtive and deceitful describe some of them.

Assassination is base. It is repugnant as an isolated phenomenon. But when it selectively targets hundreds (thousands?) of individuals for liquidation over long periods of time as a means of carefully steering ideas and human events in directions they would otherwise not have taken, it becomes particularly menacing.

It is an open secret that Jewish death squads roam freely, undeterred by borders and unencumbered by laws or mores that bind everyone else. Only Jews among the peoples of the earth are sanctioned by states and ruling cliques to commit the crime of assassination wherever and whenever they please, with impunity, without oversight, unaccountable to law.

We read that “when it comes to the undercover method of assassination, no espionage agency has more expertise than Israel’s Mossad.” “Assassinations are nothing new for the Jewish state.” And the long list of known killings is “just the tip of the iceberg; the majority of the missions have remained invisible” (emphasis added).

Discussing state-sponsored killings, Israeli Uzi Mahnaimi summarizes:

Mossad has had a reputation for ruthlessness since it hunted down the Black September terrorists who massacred 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972. Time and again its vengeful arm has reached out across the Arab world and into Europe, too, smiting enemies. One hit [that Mossad Director Meir Dagan] masterminded was in Damascus two years ago against Imad Mughniyeh, a founder of Hezbollah and one of the world’s most wanted terrorists. Mughniyeh was decapitated when the headrest of his car seat exploded — close to the headquarters of Syrian intelligence.

Six months later, Mossad, in co-operation with special forces, struck again at the heart of the Syrian establishment. General Mohammed Suleiman, Syria’s liaison to North Korea’s nuclear programme, was relaxing in the back garden of his villa on the Mediterranean shore. His bodyguards were monitoring the front of the villa. Out to sea a yacht sailed slowly by. No noise was heard, but suddenly the general fell, a bullet through his head.

Fawaz Turki, a Washington, DC-based journalist and author, writes that Murder, Inc.-style Israeli death squads are not new. They have snuffed out the lives of hundreds of activists, political leaders, journalists, commentators, intellectuals, militants, and others since at least 1942. According to Turki, many Jewish assassins in the Arab world (known as “Mistarivim,” or “Arab pretenders”), unlike the Ashkenazi Jews seen in the Dubai police footage, have been Oriental Jews born in Arab countries, who dress in native garb and speak accent-free Arabic.

The Briefing

Inside the Mossad briefing room, the Prime Minister, the Director, and an Israeli general met with selected death squad members. The Prime Minister and the General were informed that the Palestinian was traveling to Dubai, where Mossad planned to kill him.

Preparations had been in train since early November 2009. Israel knew Mabhouh’s travel itinerary. A large number of agents had visited Dubai between November 6 and November 10, and in recent weeks Jews had twice shadowed his every move on other Dubai trips, methodically laying the groundwork. The murder would take place in his hotel room. The squad had already rehearsed the kill in a Tel Aviv hotel without informing the management. They were not detected.

The death squad consisted of 26 members. Preparatory trips into and out of Dubai were made by 14 members of the team (11 males and 3 females) between March and November 2009. The airline routes used by the killers never originated from or departed to Israel, but rather from or to such countries as Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Iran.

The hit squad assumed European, rather than Jewish or Israeli-sounding cover names and national identities:

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Eleven members of the Israeli-based international Jewish death squad that assassinated Mahmoud al-Mabhouh

France: “Peter Elvinger” — the cabal’s logistical coordinator.

Ireland: “Gail Folliard” (female), “Kevin Daveron,” and “Evan Dennings.”

Britain: “Paul John Keely,” “Stephan Daniel Hodes,” “Melvyn Adam Mildiner,” “Jonathan Louis Graham,” “James Leonard Clarke” and “Michael Lawrence Barney.”

Germany: “Michael Bodenheimer.”

The meeting between the Prime Minister and the Director drew to a close. Unbeknownst to either man, they had set in motion what would become the best-documented state-sponsored Jewish assassination in history.

Best-documented to the public that is.

Inside the Jewish establishment, selected Gentiles have long been privy to the precise details of many killings such as this.


1. There was no trial; hard facts were never adduced in the light of day.

2. Hamas: A Gaza-based Palestinian social services, political, and revolutionary organization that combines Palestinian nationalism with Sunni Islamic fundamentalism. Gaza: A tiny strip of territory in the southwest corner of Israel disputed by Palestinians and Jews. Al-Quds Force of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran: The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) is an elite force distinct from the Iranian military. Its task is to safeguard the country’s revolution and Shia Islamic system. The Quds force is the operations arm of the Corps outside Iran.


The father of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh holds his son’s image. The 5th of 14 children, Mahmoud was a Hamas official assassinated by an Israeli death squad.

Within days of the briefing at Mossad headquarters, Emirates flight EK912 to Dubai rose into the sky over Damascus, Syria. Aboard the plane was Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, traveling without bodyguards and using a false name. Syria had been the exile’s home since 1989, when Israel bulldozed his house in Gaza allegedly in retaliation for his involvement in the deaths of two Jewish soldiers.

Spies in the Damascus terminal had earlier communicated that the Palestinian had boarded his flight. On the highway below, a Mossad agent phoned the death squad in Dubai — via a call routed through an Austrian command center — that the Airbus A330 was on its way.

The Venice of the Gulf

Dubai is a city-state (emirate[1]) situated on the eastern edge of the Saudi Arabian desert and the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. The so-called “Venice of the Gulf” is the chief port and commercial center of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the main shipping, trading, and communications hub of the Persian Gulf region. The UAE is a 32,000-square mile (300 miles x 260 miles) crescent-shaped federation of seven independent emirates — one of them Dubai — on the Arabian Peninsula, the federal capital of which is Abu Dhabi.

Political power in the UAE is traditional and hereditary, with the ruling family of each emirate representing its dominant tribe. Dubai has been ruled by the al-Maktoum family since it seceded from Abu Dhabi in 1833.

Yet only 17 percent of the UAE’s total population is native Arab (known as “Emirati” — Arabs with origins in the UAE); 83 percent consists of immigrants — two-thirds Asian (Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, and Filipinos), and one-third Persian (Iranians) or Arab (Jordanians, Palestinians, and Egyptians). Although Arabic, the Semitic speech of the native minority, is the official language of the UAE, a strange consequence of mass immigration is that the most widely-spoken languages are all Indo-European: English, Hindi, Urdu, and Persian. Islam, the official religion, is the faith of 96 percent of the inhabitants.

Dubai’s Iranian expatriate community is estimated at 400,000 — nearly 20 percent of the emirate’s total population. According to the neoconservative head of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty,

Iranians work everywhere in Dubai: in the financial sector and in the construction, transportation, and hospitality industries. Daily flights connect Tehran and Dubai (it’s an hour and 40 minutes flying time), with 200 weekly flights between Iran and the United Arab Emirates, most of them to Dubai. According to Iran’s Consulate, a million Iranians pass through Dubai each year. Some come for business. Regime members and well-heeled loyalists are said to maintain luxurious weekend homes here.

January 19, 2010: The Stalkers

On January 18 and 19 at least 22 Jews (including 5 females) converged on Dubai under European cover, arriving via airline flights from Zurich, Rome, Frankfurt, and Paris. They checked into various extravagantly designed luxury hotels that line the city’s shore, including the Emirates Towers and the Fairmont.

From the moment Emirates flight EK912 from Damascus landed in mid-afternoon, the lone Palestinian was uninterruptedly tailed by members of the death squad, who monitored his whereabouts at all times. Making no direct calls to one another while in Dubai, the Jews routed international prepaid phone calls through their command center in Austria, utilizing highly encrypted communications devices. In surveillance footage they can be seen constantly holding phones to their heads.

Curiously, almost all of the killers wore head coverings — caps for men and hats for the women. Most (perhaps all) of those who did not wore wigs.

From the airport Mabhouh, closely tailed by surveillance teams in constant communication with one another, went directly to Dubai’s luxurious Al-Bustan Rotana Hotel. A Jew sidled up to the front desk, eavesdropping on the conversation between the victim and a female employee. Mabhouh was heard to request a room without a balcony.

The desk attendant escorted the guest to his room. Before the elevator doors closed, two Jews dressed in tennis outfits and carrying tennis rackets stepped into the car with them. They exited behind Mabhouh and the attendant on the second floor. One waited beside the elevator while the other followed the pair to verify Mabhouh’s room number — 230. This Jew can be observed on surveillance video in the corridor passing near the victim’s door twice.

Twenty-five minutes after Mabhouh’s arrival at the Al-Bustan Rotana, hit squad coordinator “Peter Elvinger” of “France” reserved Room 237 by phone from the business center of Dubai’s Crowne Plaza Hotel. Room 237 was directly across the hall from the Palestinian.

Simultaneously “Elvinger” booked a flight out of Dubai. At the Al-Bustan Rotana he passed his room key to “Irishman” “Kevin Daveron,” a member of the core execution team. After visiting Room 237 for less than 10 minutes, he left the country via Qatar for Zurich before the murder was committed.

After an hour in his room, Mabhouh departed for four hours, shadowed by rotating teams of Jews. Meanwhile, two two-person surveillance teams remained inside the hotel, monitoring activity there all the while.

January 19, 2010: The Assassination

Two hours before Mabhouh’s return, four Jewish executioners entered the Al-Bustan Rotana and went directly to room 237. At this point the two surveillance teams inside the hotel were withdrawn and two new ones took their place.

Seven Jews comprised the core execution team, one of them a young Jewess with an Irish identity and the cover name “Gail Folliard.” Twice she can be seen grinning during the kill — once directly into the CCTV camera.

The corridor in the vicinity of the victim’s room had no surveillance camera, so the precise manner in which the killers gained entry to Mabhouh’s room remains uncertain.

Rooms at the Al-Bustan Rotana are equipped with programmable, card-access VingCard Locklink systems as well as deadbolts. During the Palestinian’s absence, hotel records show an attempt to reprogram the door access panel to Room 230. If the effort was successful, the killers were laying in wait for him upon his return. Otherwise, it is speculated that “Gail” or “Kevin” might have lured Mabhouh to open the door by posing as hotel staff.

“Gail” and “Kevin” monitored the elevator doors and hallway while the killers attempted to enter Mabhouh’s empty hotel room. “Kevin,” dressed in a suit and impersonating hotel staff, detained a guest who got off the elevator at this time. During the exchange it is believed he signaled the killers to temporarily withdraw. After a brief interval the unwitting female guest was permitted to continue down the hall past the victim’s room.

Mabhouh returned to the hotel in the early evening, after darkness had fallen and most of the hotel staff had left for the night. He can be seen on video exiting the second floor elevator as he heads for his room.

“Kevin” and “Gail” continued monitoring the elevators and hallway while the execution took place.

Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was overpowered by at least four, possibly five, men. Although subsequent accounts differed, forensic evidence proved that the victim had been injected in the thigh with a skeletal muscle relaxant used as an adjunct to surgical anesthesia.[2] The drug has also been employed as a paralyzing agent for executions by lethal injection. The victim died from asphyxiation, possibly smothered to death with a pillow while he was paralyzed. The killers left some of Mabhouh’s prescription medicine next to his body to suggest an absence of foul play.

Less than twenty minutes after Mabhouh had exited the lift, two of the executioners reappeared at the elevator door. One, wearing denim jeans and a green polo shirt, had a white, glove-like covering on his left hand and forearm. His companion carried a large bag. They stepped onto the elevator, but before the doors closed they were joined by the second pair of executioners. This pair wore caps and carried bulky shoulder bags.

A minute later “Gail” and an unidentified Jewish man who had been with the executioners down the hall while the murder was perpetrated boarded the elevator. Finally “Kevin,” the last to leave, exited the second floor four minutes after Gail and her companion had left.

Within two hours of completing their murderous task, the Jewish swarm of stalkers and executioners boarded international flights for Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Rome, Qatar, Bangkok, Frankfurt, Paris, and Amsterdam. Many ultimately converged on Zurich, whence 8 flights into Dubai had also originated. At least two of the assassins are believed to have entered the US via a connecting flight.

The next day, Wednesday, January 20, 2010, at 1:30 PM in the afternoon, the hotel administration opened the door to Room 230 after repeated attempts to contact the victim had failed. The door “was locked from the inside with the latch and chain in place,” according to police.

Initial medical reports incorrectly stated that death was caused by an increase in blood pressure inside the brain.


1. An “emir” is an Arabian prince, chieftain, or governor. An “emirate” is the office or jurisdiction of an emir.

2. Succinylcholine chloride.


Dahi Khalfan Tamim

The death from natural causes of an unknown foreign guest in a Dubai hotel room would have been the end of it had it not been for the unanticipated reaction of a tenacious Arab detective, Lt.-Gen. Dahi Khalfan Tamim, Chief of the Dubai Police Force — ultimately the key figure in this mystery.

Previously Tamim’s force had solved the high-profile 2007 “Pink Panther” jewelry robbery in Wafi City (the “Pink Panthers” is a gang of international jewel thieves), the murder of Lebanese singer Suzanne Tamim in 2008, and the murder a few months later of former Chechen General Sulim B. Yamadayev.

Without Tamim, the massive investigation into Mabhouh’s death would not have taken place. The evidence needed to solve the case and expose the killers would never have been meticulously gathered, collated, and presented to the world for all to see. Teams were assigned to investigate, and within 24 hours of the body’s discovery police had begun tracing the killers’ identities. It is difficult to imagine another police chief anywhere in the world building such a damning public case against these particular killers.

Dubai police quickly discovered that the assassins had left clues: hotel, passport, phone, credit card, and transportation records; fingerprints and DNA evidence; and their recorded presence on incriminating CCTV (closed-circuit television) surveillance camera storage media.

“This assassination has given us a window into Mossad’s world and the way they operate,” Tamim later said. “We have learned more about their techniques, the disguises they use and their methods of spying.”

The CCTV Trail

Although Mossad was “very much aware of the CCTV in Dubai,” according to a well-informed Israeli source quoted by the London Times, it was “astonished at the ability of the Dubai police to reconstruct and assemble all the images into one account.”

Below are links to the complete 27 minutes of composite CCTV footage released by Dubai police to the international press. The clips appear to be the only ones online containing the government’s entire composite account of the affair. (A few western media outlets ran brief outtakes ranging from a few seconds to a minute or two in length.)

The original footage was supplied by the Media Office of the Dubai Government and posted by Gulf News to its website. Gulf News is a Dubai-based English language newspaper.

The important 27-minute segment tracing the arrival of the killers and their movements inside the hotel is from YouTube (the only place I was able to locate it), originally via a website called “Dubaisession.” Dubaisession’s clips were originally taken from Gulf News.

“The Murder of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, 19 January 2010″

“Footage Supplied by the Media Office of the Dubai Government”


The Jews were supplied with passports from numerous European countries. Nothing about the killers or their official documents was recognizably Jewish or Israeli.

“They were not fake passports,” veteran English foreign correspondent Robert Fisk noted. “They were real passports with fake names and pictures. The question is: Who provided the documents, the actual passports, to the Israelis? Were they stolen? Were they bought? Or was someone in the European security services saying, ‘Well, look, I know you need twelve passports. This is in return for information you gave us last week.’ Have the security and intelligence forces of the EU and other western governments gotten so close to Israeli security and intelligence forces that they’re actually handing over to them official documents that can be used in dark operations?”

Credit Cards

Team coordinator “Peter Elvinger’s” credit card was issued by DZ Bank of Frankfurt, Germany. One credit card was issued by Nationwide (UK) and two by UK-registered IDT Finance of Gibraltar.

Fourteen prepaid MasterCards used to pay for plane tickets and hotel rooms were traced to Storm Lake, Iowa’s MetaBank. The cards had been issued by MetaBank’s partner, New York City-based Payoneer, which has an R&D office in Tel Aviv, where Mossad headquarters is located. According to a report in Gulf News, Payoneer’s financiers, including Carmel Ventures and Crossbar Partners, have ties to Israel. Moshe Mor of Greylock Partners was formerly a military intelligence captain in the IDF.

“Outspoken Israeli patriot” Yuval Tal, Payoneer’s founder and head, appeared on Fox News in 2006 as an Israel Defense Force (IDF) “special ops commando.” But since the Mabhouh assassination, “Tal has been shielded by a wall of public relations representatives and does not respond to media requests for comments.” (“Hamas murder probe in Dubai: Who is Yuval Tal?” March 3, 2010. The article contains embedded video of Tal’s 2006 Fox News appearance.)[1]

On its website Payoneer says: “Our Standards: Payoneer is committed to meeting the highest standards in integrity, security, and privacy. We only service customers that operate legitimate and transparent businesses. US-based, we strictly comply with all applicable online payment regulations including KYC (Know Your Customer), BSA (Bank Secrecy Act), AML (Anti-Money Laundering) and OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control). We are constantly improving our state-of-the art technology to assure customer authentication and privacy.”

By the Numbers

Airline flights taken: 56
Killers involved: 28
Hours of CCTV footage reviewed by Dubai police: 648

Cities Visited by Assassins and Planners

Hong Kong
Doha (Qatar)
Unnamed Iranian city.

Countries Involved

Austria: The communications command center for the kill.
Hong Kong
Iran: 2 killers traveled to Iran
The Netherlands
South Africa
Syria: The victim’s home.
United Arab Emirates (UAE): Site of the assassination.
United Kingdom
United States: 2 killers believed to have traveled to the US; most credit cards issued by US bank.

“Identify Their Traits, Accents, Body Language and Manners”

Gen. Tamim stressed that the dual nationals who claim their passport identities were stolen and used by the assassins were not necessarily victims: “They could be potential collaborators.”

He also announced that Dubai immigration officers would undergo intensive training to study Jewish people and identify their traits, accents, body language, and manners.

Above the Law

Jews: The Morally Different People (T-shirt boasting of killing pregnant Palestinian woman)

Jews reacted with jubilation to the news of the assassination.

They printed T-shirts boasting of the deed.

Israeli TV ads celebrating the murder were filmed in time for Passover at the end of March 2010 — the Jewish holiday that commemorates the slaughter of the first-born children of Egypt.

The Cleveland, Ohio Jewish News exulted, “Murder in Dubai a job well done.”

Within less than a month of Tamim’s revelations, a global curtain of silence descended. The killing vanished completely from the headlines. There was no scandal, no outrage, no protests, no condemnatory media exposes — nothing.

Two arrests were made. Both suspects were Palestinians, alleged Israeli collaborators who provided logistical support to the death squad.

The rest of the murderers “will likely find themselves stuck at desk jobs at Mossad headquarters north of Tel Aviv for a while,” two Jewish “journalists” with ties to the Mossad write. “But eventually, they’ll return to missions in the field. As professionals, they’ll make sure to change their appearances and cover stories yet again.”


Dubai requires international assistance in its investigation if it is to have any hope of apprehending the killers.

The assassins were caught dead to rights. Locating and convicting them is not the problem; the evidence is there. But the governments that sent Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, David Irving, and countless others to prison for their speech have done nothing and will do nothing in this case because the killers are Jews.[2]

“Israel will get away with this,” Robert Fisk said. “There’s no doubt. That’s what they were working on the basis of, and that’s the way it will be.”

Beneath the hot desert sun of the Persian Gulf, a detective’s lone voice: “In the UAE it is rule of law that governs us, and if leaders of some countries give orders to their intelligence services to kill, this practice is rejected and is a crime in our laws, religion and Islamic traditions.”

But in the citadels of “democratic” Tel Aviv, New York, Washington, London, Dublin, Paris, Vienna, Bonn, Zurich, Brussels, and the United Nations, it’s business as usual.


1. The newspaper states that “Payoneer helps organize Birthright Israel trips, by providing debit cards for all travelers. Birthright is an Israeli charity that offers free trips to Israel for young Jews mostly from North America.”
2. Compare also CNN “national news” (the story made the top half of the front page of the New York Times and other establishment media as well): “Teen arrested in Wal-Mart racial announcement incident.” A 16-year-old NJ boy has been arrested on bias intimidation (”hate crime”) and harassment charges for announcing over the store’s loudspeaker, “All blacks need to leave the store.””Wal-Mart, the world’s largest public corporation, is working with law enforcement officials. ‘Whoever did this is wrong and acted in an inappropriate manner,’ Wal-Mart spokesman Lorenzo Lopez said. ‘Clearly this is unacceptable.’”

This kid, who may not even be White (although the hate crime charges suggest that he is) will be sanctimoniously preached at and criminally punished more severely than the racial assassins who murdered Mahmoud Mabhouh in cold blood — one of many such killings carried out in flagrant violation of international law over many decades.

* * *

Source: Author and Counter-Currents

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