Jews and Muslims Unite Against Whites

Jews are “coming to the defense of mosques” — their own words — and supporting the Middle Eastern invasion of America.
SHERYL OLITZKY, a Jew, and Atiya Aftab, a Muslim, founded one of many growing Jewish-Muslim organizations.
They launched the “Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom” — today, the group has chapters in more than 50 cities.
The success of groups such as the Sisterhood point to a growing — and perhaps unprecedented — desire among American Muslims and Jews to work toward a common goal, some say.

Over the years, “More people have become aware of their common faiths given the rise of toxic anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic hate,” says Haroon Moghul, senior fellow and director of development at a shadowy NGO called “The Center for Global Policy,” a New York think tank that has received huge sums from government contracts. “There’s been a definite change, and for the better.”
This spring, business, political, and religious leaders from both communities for the first time formed a joint advisory council that seeks to give the Muslim and Jewish Americans a national voice. And amid a post-election spike in anti-Islamic sentiment, local Jewish groups have stepped up their support for Muslims in their own communities.
When mosques in California this week received a threatening letter — real source unknown — calling Muslims “a vile and filthy people” and saying that President-elect Donald Trump “is going to do to you Muslims what Hitler did to the jews (sic),” Jewish groups were already waiting, prepared, and among the first to call Islamic organizations with offers of “help,” according to Ojaala Ahmad, communications director for the Council on Islamic Relations in Los Angeles. The letter was also sent to mosques in several other states, including Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and Rhode Island.
One Jewish group out of New Haven, Conn., started an online campaign to raise funds for a Muslim nonprofit, urging fellow Jews to “hold ourselves accountable for the intersectional oppressions Muslim people are facing, and honor and join the movements Muslim Americans are building to combat white supremacy and advocate for their rights.”
“I think there’s more of a sense of urgency,” says Aftab at the Sisterhood. “We’ve heard from people all over the country, even all over the world, saying, ‘I need to reach out and do something constructive rather than be affected by this fear in a negative way.’ ”
The coming together of these two non-European groups, despite decades of conflict on issues of foreign policy, represents a historic coalition, observers say.
After meeting at a local community center, Michelle Missaghieh, a rabbi, and Aziza Hasan, a mediator with years of experience in coalition-building, started organizing local meetings for women to study the Quran and Torah. The program became a key part of NewGround, a well-funded government-linked group that spends its money through programs, grants, internships, and even a “leadership council” for high school students.

The Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council (MJAC), which debuted just days after the election, claims to represent the “next step in community building” between the two groups. Its main goals are to work at the policy level to fight “discriminatory laws,” as well as bolster support for coalition-building efforts like the Sisterhood and NewGround, says Robert Silverman — a Jew — the council’s executive director. The group was co-founded by the American Jewish Committee. Stanley Bergman, another Jew, is the council’s co-chairman. Prominent Muslim names have also been signed on to be the organization’s public and legislative face.
MJAC has indicated its intentions to work with the incoming Trump administration to make policy. Not content with merely advising lawmakers and the administration, the group vows it will have a hand in drafting “laws against bigotry” and insuring that the flow of immigrants and “refugees” from the Middle East will neither slow nor stop: “We will work to draft policy proposals likely to make a concrete difference in people’s lives.”
“This new council adds a leadership, national-level body that can talk about things happening throughout the country and get some change done,” Silverman continues. “You have to have community-based organizations; otherwise it’s just a bunch of talking heads. But if it’s only grassroots groups, it stays limited. You need both to work.”

Deborah Lipstadt, the litigous author of Denying the Holocaust who attacked and then fought historian David Irving in court in the 1990s, is among the new council’s members. She said she considered the advisory group a “tentative early step” towards greater relations between Muslim and Jewish communities.
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Source: Christian Science Monitor and National Vanguard correspondents
Keep up the good work
“They launched the “Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom” — today, the group has chapters in more than 50 cities.”
The group doesn’t have chapters in more than 50 cities. It doesn’t even have 50 chapters. It has the expectation of having such, but there are only 15 actually existing chapters, with plans to develop more, but certainly not 50.
The MJAC has 31 initial members:
Joey —
Thanks for the more accurate (I assume) information. Looks like either the SOSS Jewish group or the Christian Science Monitor (our source for the numbers) is lying — or both of them are.
Mr. Strom,
“I assume,” as well.
I’m thinking they want to appear more threatening or challenging than they really are.
This is ridicule, the muslim letter sound soo fake. Also… Why are jews against the people of USA?
I’m tired of all this hate white bullshit. Latinamericans with white people!!! Stop the racism against white people.
White people aren’t our enemies.
Penguin Classics put out an English translation of the Holy Koran. Professor N.J. Dawood, a scholar of Arabic was tasked with the work which I read several times in order to write what amounts to a ‘Reader’s Digest’ version which I appropriately titled, The Horror, An In-depth Look Into the Koran. If you do a little digging you can find a pdf copy on line. Someone uploaded it. So, let’s take a quick peek at the blue print for the ‘religion of peace.’ Almost every page admonishes the believer to torture to death all unbelievers, preferably ‘in a pavilion of flames.’ In Muslim Paradise Allah is nowhere to be found. Neither are adult women. What one does find in that salubrious place where so much water burbles and bubbles amidst… Read more »