
Trump’s American Pie


And the proof of the pudding

by Max Musson

IT IS NOW more than two weeks since Donald Trump was elected to become the next President of the United States and during that period there has understandably been much rejoicing among nationalist, traditionalist conservative and radical right-wing circles. If he is to be believed, Donald Trump does show great promise and his presidency may well represent a watershed moment in the history of our people.

A notable feature of Trump’s period as President-elect, apart from the predictable wailing and gnashing of teeth on the part of the liberal-left, has been statements made by the Trump camp ostensibly to reassure the out-going president and others who may have been alarmed by the changing tide of politics, that there is no need to be fearful and that all will be well.

Donald Trump began by expressing magnanimity towards Hillary Clinton, stating in his victory speech on 9th November that, “Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country”. This is the woman that just hours beforehand Trump had described as the most corrupt person ever to contest a presidential election and who is so corrupt, he pledged to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her with the aim of putting her in jail.

In his victory speech Trump went on, “Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.

“It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be President for all of Americans, and this is so important to me … ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, … a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds, and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people …”

These statements may be simply high-blown but meaningless platitudes of the kind routinely uttered by all career politicians, but they are not the words of someone who is steeped in and understands the demands of identity politics, and if they are meaningless platitudes, then this departure from the plain speaking that Trump has been applauded for throughout his campaign, is something not to be welcomed.

While I am genuinely pleased to witness Trump’s election and while I do believe his campaign, like the Brexit campaign before it, represents a significant change in which White voters are beginning to realise that we can effect political change, and that it may still be possible to assert our ethnic interests electorally, I have counselled nationalists not to allow ourselves to become too prematurely jubilant, because Trump has still to prove himself in the arena that counts, in the legislative arena where laws are made and real change effected.

There has been an understandable tendency for memes to be produced lionising Trump and portraying him as a new Caesar or a new Napoleon — the ‘God Emperor’ as one meme I have seen describes him — and like everyone else of our persuasion, I have light-heartedly enjoyed sharing some of these with my friends on social media. However, we must not allow ourselves to prematurely raise our hopes too high until the proof of the pudding is evident. For all his promise, Trump is not a White nationalist and he may yet turn out to be a damp squib from our point of view — he may yet back-pedal on many or all of his campaign promises.

Like Brexit, the Trump revolution is still an unfulfilled promise and all of the institutions of liberal-left hegemony remain in place and will be working overtime to reverse their apparent recent setbacks; to negate the impact of these recent developments; and to deny our nationalist political hopes.

Trump has secured election to the presidency without having previously served in any elected post whatsoever. He may be a very experienced entrepreneur, but he has not served his time as a grass roots political activist, he has not ever demonstrated in the streets nor experienced face-to-face the naked, fanatical hatred of our ruthless enemies.

Throughout his presidential campaign, Donald Trump has been on a steep learning curve, discovering for example, that elements within the Clinton campaign recruited mentally unstable people and fanatical left-wing activists to attend his rallies with the express intention of posing as his supporters and causing violence that could later be used by the media to discredit him. Now that he is President-elect, Trump will be on a steeper learning curve as he engages with other elements of a political establishment that will, if he is the man we hope he is, bitterly resent his presence and his incursions into the sacred citadels of power.

If he is the man we hope he is, many of the people Trump encounters over the next few months will want to see him fail and will do everything in their power to obstruct him and to sabotage his presidency — and some will want to see him dead. It troubles me that Trump has publicly thanked the American secret service for the protection they have afforded him and his family. If he is the man we hope he is, he cannot afford to entrust his physical safety to the hands of people appointed and trained by the existing political establishment. Just think how easy it would be for secret service agents to look the other way at just the precise moment a drug addled schizophrenic (primed by them?) steps forward from the crowd to empty the contents of his Saturday night special into an unsuspecting Trump?

In an earlier article I described the Trump presidency as “the biggest political upset in that country since Lee Harvey Oswald unleashed a bullet from the fifth floor window of the School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas, fifty-three years ago, this month”. We all remember the assassination of JFK, we all remember the subsequent convenient assassinations of Lee Harvey Oswald and Bobby Kennedy to cover the tracks of the malfeasants and to ensure the Kennedy legacy was not revived, and so my cautionary advice here is not unwarranted.

If I were Donald Trump, I would have hired my own private security team many months ago; I would sleep with a loaded pistol under my pillow; and I would not let the current secret service, or the FBI know my precise whereabouts in advance. Donald Trump needs to rely on his own private security team until such time as he has been able to thoroughly vet the entire secret service and replace any politically suspect individuals who might want to see him dead.

If Donald Trump does not see the need to take these precautions, it should sound warning bells as far as we are concerned, because it will indicate that he is possibly not the man we hope he is.

I have entitled this article, ‘American Pie & The Proof of the Pudding’, and to continue the cookery analogy we can imagine that we are judges in ‘The Great British Bake-off’ and the contestants have been tasked with baking ‘American Pie’.

There are three stages to the competition: the devising of a recipe; the gathering and measuring of the ingredients; and finally the baking of the pie.

So far we have seen many candidates present their recipes and following this the candidates were reduced in number down to a short-list of two. The two final candidates proffered their recipes and one recipe was chosen by our audience as the one they want, and on the basis of that recipe the winner has been decided. However we don’t yet have a pie — we simply have a recipe and a promise that the pie will be baked according to that recipe.

It is right at this stage that we should be excited about the prospect of the forthcoming pie, because the winning recipe would appear to indicate a delicious finished product, but as one of my old bosses used to say, “there’s many a slip twixt cup and lip”, and we must wait while the ingredients are weighed and assembled, and for the cook to finish baking before we make a firm judgement of the kind of politician Donald Trump is.

What worries me at this stage is that while Trump has presented a most enticing recipe and one, the popular vote in support of which, indicates that a majority of Americans still yearn for a decent and wholesome America, the ‘ingredients’ that Trump is assembling following his election do not seem to wholly concur with his stated recipe.

The pledge to prosecute ‘crooked Hillary’ seems to have been forgotten; the much vaunted wall along the border with Mexico and the register of Muslims seem to have been put on the back-burner; and some of the people appointed by Trump to serve within his administration seem to be people who to some extent at least, have previously served the existing corrupt American establishment well in the past, and have paid lip service to the prevailing liberal/multicultural zeitgeist, albeit somewhat unenthusiastically.

Following Trump’s scheduled fifteen-minute meeting with outgoing President Obama, which eventually lasted for over an hour and a half, Trump appeared anxious. One observer, a psychologist, concluded that Trump looked like someone who had just received some very sobering news, and since then Obama has been touring the world reassuring world leaders regarding the forthcoming Trump presidency, and for example stated at a recent Asia-Pacific summit:

“Don’t assume the worst.

“I think it will be important for everybody around the world not to make immediate judgements, but to give this new president-elect a chance, to put their team together, to examine the issues, to determine what their policies will be.

“How you campaign is not always how you govern”.

There is no way of knowing what passed between the President-elect and the out-going President, but this of course brings me back to the caution that I have previously issued, that “it is not what a politician says that is important, it is what a politician does once in power that matters”.

As I have said before, I am old enough to remember the excitement that surrounded the elections of both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan and I remember the conservative values espoused by both men, yet the way they governed turned out to be rather different from the way they campaigned. They talked the talk, but subsequently failed to walk the walk.

While we can take heart from the election of Donald Trump for the reasons I have explained above — what it tells us about the White electorate in America, we must not become too prematurely celebratory and we must not out of a sense of euphoria sit back on our laurels and neglect the serious work that we are currently engaged in. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating and only time will tell whether the Trump presidency is truly a cause for jubilation.

* * *

Source: Western Spring

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Anglocised Greek
Anglocised Greek
23 February, 2017 4:39 am

I’d have thought you a skeptical bunch here; but if Trump proves to halt America having fallen with a ZOG, even though he’s surrounded himself with a bunch of names which read like an invitation list to a barmitzvah… then I’ll come over to America and perform a full Metzitzah b’peh myself on those of you who haven’t been circumcised already… if I can find a just few left among you.

I regret to inform you…. It’s all over, bar the shouting.
It’s increased military expenditure, and deprivation of liberties for Israel’s sake.

The alt-right is alt-lite, and Pepe the frog is circumcised and wears a kippah.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Anglocised Greek
23 February, 2017 8:30 am

We in the National Alliance are highly skeptical of Trump, and believe that there is no substitute for our long-term fundamental and revolutionary program. See:

But back in November we decided that the more optimistic opinion from Western Spring was worth sharing with our readers.

Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
14 July, 2017 10:56 am

As of July 2017, it appears that Trump is indeed less than what he talked. Hillary Clinton will not even be investigated much less put before a grand jury. That smacks of establishment politics. After eight years of the illegal alien occupant of the White House and its attendant hostility & outright violence toward Whites, Trump said, as mentioned in this article, that America needs unity and to “come together”. Things never said or even hinted at by the (White hating) political LEFT. This smacks of establishment politics. After six months in office Trump has seemingly conceded the political LEFT fiction that the US Supr Ct has some weird/mysterious power/authority to order the other two branches around and give permission to those two to perform their function of law they… Read more »