Classic Essays

The Total Collapse of America’s Anglo-Saxon Ruling Class, part 3


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

by Cholly Bilderberger

IF THE ENORMOUS inertia of the American produce-and-consume system is too strong to be changed, then what is going to happen? What is, in current cant, the scenario?

An inertia too strong to be pulled off its course by an outside change must run that course through to the end. The critical question is how long will that take? No one can believe that the American produce-and-consume system will last, let us say, for ten thousand years. No one can believe that it is going to end next year, either. So the end is between +1 and +10,000. If we could assign accurate, agreed values and projections to all the human, economic and asocial forces at work within and without this inertial system — if we could apply system analysis, in brief — we could predict the time. But we can’t agree on the values and projections, so we can’t predict with any certainty. In retrospect, from a point ten thousand years hence, it will seem quite obvious; but hindsight always is.

There is also the question of form. Will the system end by running down slowly? Or will it end with a crash, the inertial thrust colliding with some greater reality, like a train running into a mountain? Again, because we can’t make accurate and agreed value and projection assignments, we can’t be sure. All we know is that the end of the inertial thrust is inevitable, in some form.

(There is the further question, to be considered below, as to whether the produce-and-consume system has already collapsed in part.)

We can, of course, make personal projections based on our own observations and judgments. In my own case, I feel that the end has already come in one way, and that the formal collapse must occur within seventy-five years, if not sooner. (It could occur very easily within five years.) This is based on the following:

As noted in the last few columns, the produce-and-consume system has long since rotted the Majority from within. The overseeing class (upper plus managerial) has given up, spiritually and psychologically, and surrendered the leadership of the country to the minorities. The working class is too muddIed and bamboozled by its own commitment to produce-and-consume to act. The result is an inner chaos and breakdown, still papered over in part by the illusory day-to-day movement of produce-and-consume, but too strong to be denied indefinitely.

This chaos is already manifest and dominant in many obvious ways: the breakdown in the social structure, especially the family; the unstoppable increase in crime; the endless corruption in high places; the slide into pornography; the high incidence of mental breakdowns; the rise in illiteracy and general ignorance (much worse than the desperately juggled test scores indicate); the national, state and local fiscal irresponsibility; the surrender to the minorities (with all the economic consequences thereof). No country can sustain such chaos indefinitely, and the United States is no exception. The classic signs are all there, and the cracks are apparent to even the most sanguine Babbitts.

(A note on corruption: When we hear the word, we think of crooked politicians, devious executives paying off foreign companies, and so on, but there is another, far more deadly form of corruption peculiar to produce-and-consume: a blind dedication to the system itself. Let us consider, for instance, a highly placed chemist with a drug or food company who finds that Product X is injurious to health in ways not previously known. His first instinct is to minimize if not deny the drawbacks. So is the first instinct of the executives and fellow chemists to whom he reveals his findings. In time, Product X may or may not be revised or removed from the market, but those steps will only be taken if there is no other alternative. Produce-and-consume has schooled the chemists and the executives — all of whom may be pillars of their communities in private life — in unquestioning obedience. This corruption is so widespread and so destructive that it overshadows all the others. It means that everything is judged sole­Iy in terms of helping or hindering produce-and-consume. It explains the condition of the country from top to bottom — even minority domination, because resisting the minorities might rock the economy. If there were no other corruptions, this one would yet be sufficient in and of itself to bring the state down.)

From another related angle, America can’t produce a GNP increase of 3-5% per year indefinitely; there isn’t that much raw material available worldwide, especially at affordable prices. But the system isn’t geared to no growth, much less minus growth. It can only advance; there is no mechanism for retreat. Also: productivity is declining; coming generations may well be reluctant to maintain the colossal system (think of the bridges to be painted, the elevator shaft cables to be checked, and so on, ad infinitum); and the minorities who can’t carry their weight in a technological society are increasing constantly in ratio to the Majority, which could very well become a minority in time, leaving the country even more vulnerable. Then there is the end of cheap energy, which on its own can make the present system inoperable. (A mad dash hand-in-hand with the Israelis to take over Saudi Arabian and Persian Gulf oil, the energy solution proposed some years ago by Kissinger, and the one which inside Washington sees as inevitable, will only prolong the agony. In addition, the political consequences of such a move are incalculable, and could be a powerful instrument in toppling the country.)

From yet another angle, world antipathy to the United States, as personified in (but by no means confined to) the Communist bloc, will find ways to assist the collapse in direct ratio to American weaknesses. As the once formidable beast sinks to its knees, the waiting scavengers will become more active, and the end will be speeded up accordingly.

All the above projections have been so exhaustingly documented and discussed that they have become commonplace. Indeed, I know of no insider who disagrees with them in private. (Or in public in a cautionary sense — with the proviso, “If we don’t pull ourselves together, this is what will happen.”) A large proportion of outsiders also agree. The only questions asked by all insiders and by those outsiders with their wits about them are: When? Long enough for me to have mine? But for those who still resist the obvious, there are other arguments, especially the American people per se. Park outside any supermarket and watch them enter and exit, and ask yourself sincerely if you see the future in those beaten eyes, sagging faces and lifeless bodies. It seems a miracle that such blubber can keep the country going today — can it really do so much longer? Then, to see the even more questionable next generation, drive to a high school and watch the afternoon exit. Out they shamble, eyes on the ground, shuffling along as though their backs are broken, faces devoid of vitality and intelligence — can these zombies take this stupendous machine over and run it?

The young, middle-aged and old are all produce-and-consume products rather than people. A sort of inverse evolution has demanded adaptation to television, non-nutritive food, a cretinous cultural life, and minority domination, and they have responded by so adapting. (A genuine, unfettered “science” could– and would — establish the fact that minority domination can’t exist to the extent that it does in this country without a zombie-ized population. There are measurable correlations between the stupefying consequences of produce-and-consume — especially the poisonous food — and the rise of the minorities. Only a brain-damaged people could have permitted it.) When three generations of a family are viewed together, the downward progression can be clearly seen from the grandparents through their middle-aged children to the teenagers, who can barely communicate. In a certain number of generations, the process would probably produce a race on all fours, but it is doubtful that the experiment will go on that long.

Faced with such science fiction come true, it seems academic to ask: Will the collapse come? Or even: When will it happen? To a very large degree, it already has. We are now at rather the moment when the cartoon cat, having been smacked in the mouth, smiles to expose the huge cracks running through his teeth just before they all fall out. It does not seem possible that modern Americans, barring a genetic miracle reversing the damage already done, could come back; the point of no return has been passed. (I am speaking generally, of course. Nothing is ever one hundred percent, and there are a few Americans who still have some spark, and they — or their children — may survive the collapse and even start over. This possibility will be discussed in a later column. But the present existence of such exceptions in small numbers does not — and can not — change the general script. Incidentally, just as there is a profound difference between action and movement, as Hemingway noted, there is a profound difference between muscle tone and the spark of life. One can’t jog one’s way to the latter.)

This inverse evolution is such an overwhelming disaster that it makes the other American weaknesses — cowardice, greed, indifference, etc. — seem almost irrelevant. However, to go back to them for the record, in my own Iifetime I have never met an American man — even among those with some spark, of whom there were a lot more years ago — who would put something before produce-and-consume no matter the cost and the consequences. I have known a large number who smiled at produce-and-consume, and a lesser number who tried to escape it (by moving to places like Tahiti, for instance), but none who would fight it head on. To make sure, I always countered dissatisfaction by saying, “I agree — shall we do something about it?” I didn’t say that in so many words, having learned early that no one can afford to be so candid in American life, but I was clear enough in each case to be understood. And never once did I get a positive response.

(I may seem to be overlooking the hippie-revolutionary fringe, which seems at first glance to fight produce-and-consume. But on closer examination, their opposition to it is not a root cause but an incidental result of their “beliefs,” which they would substitute for produce-and-consume and which are too impractical to work. They are not really post-produce-and-consume in their thinking, but its last gasp, and they will go down with it. They don’t dislike it as a system as much as they do the people who administer it. It is not that they are too revolutionary, but that they are not revolutionary enough. This is also the great drawback of the far right, which is, by the way, adamantly and shrilly for produce-and-consume.)

So my conclusion, after innumerable encounters on all levels, is that one cannot exaggerate the gutlessness of the American people. We have sold out totally to produce-and-consume and are, to my experience, devoid of self-respect. We are so far down that we can be defined as people who wouldn’t act if we had the solution.

In retrospect, America will probably be seen as a try that failed. Nothing so bad about that: all human tries, from earliest recorded history, seem to have done the same. Americans have tried to control and enjoy produce-and-consume, surely one of humanity’s most cherished dreams. Indeed, much if not all of human history has been built on it; the American try was the culmination. A nearly deserted continent, replete with cheap energy, gave laboratory conditions for the ultimate attempt, the American try. We Americans have sacrificed ourselves in the try, and the utter failure — as expressed in ourselves — should destroy human faith in produce-and-consume forever. We stand in our cages like cancer-ridden laboratory mice, doomed in an experiment we never understood.

Our situation is difficult to comprehend because it is unique on at least two counts:

In the past, with very few if any exceptions, the collapses of civilizations and societies have been mechanical and physical.

The people comprising those societies lived to beget subsequent societies. However, the difference between Americans and, let us say, Romans — or any others on Toynbee’s endless list — is that the Romans and the others were pre-produce-and-consume human beings. They were able to start over in some form. But in America, humanity has adapted to produce-and-consume to such an extent that there may well be no post-collapse possibility of survival for most of the population. We shall, to a very large percentage, go down with our monstrous creation. This will be a first in human experience; and because of that, it is difficult to grasp. We think that because people have always survived collapse, etc., they always will. It is not necessarily so.

Human history shows a steady increase in available energy. Because of that, we believe — subconsciously even more than consciously — that the present shortage of cheap energy is only temporary. The man in the street says, “They’ll invent something,” and he truly believes it. Actually, “they” don’t need to “invent” anything. Many alternatives to oil exist, but they are not cheap compared to oil, and it is doubtful that anything that cheap can be in­vented or perfected. But even if something is found — the perfection of nuclear fusion, for example — it would be a disaster rather than a boon, because it would allow produce-and-consume to run even wilder on a global scale, burning up the life support systems at an even greater rate, zombie-izing humanity even faster, and bringing about collapse just as relentlessly. The final hope for produce-and-consume would really be the final blow to it. At the present time, the collapse can be seen as something which has already happened to people (psychologically, spiritually and physically), or something which is going to happen to the country (economically, mechanically, and structurally), depending on definition. Or as a combination of both. If we look solely to the future, we can see three main lines: Our past collapse as a people will finally drag our system down; our system will collapse in the future entirely on its own; our system will receive a temporary reprieve from a new source of cheap energy, but then will, as noted, go down anyway, probably faster. The strongest probability is that the first two of these lines, already entwined, will become indistinguishable. Should the third occur, it, too, will melt into the other two.

The final considerations are when and how. To most people, these are the most interesting questions, but they are really the least important. My own guess is that the collapse will be fast, in a purely relative sense. But slow or fast, the progression of the entwined lines mentioned above will be the same. My personal projection is as follows:

1) The inner and outer chaos will become one. The irreversible mental and physical disintegration of the American people under produce-and-consume will make maintenance and economic progression impossible. The cost of energy will continue to increase, and productivity will continue to drop. There will be more inverse evolution, more subservience to minorities, more human breakdown, the inevitable consequences of produce-and-consume. Because the American people are already so broken down, there isn’t a great deal further to go.

2) There will be further increases in the irreversible social, moral, financial, economic, mental, etc. breakdowns. World disbelief in America and consequent pressure will increase.

3) There will be no real resistance to collapse (see the last column on the overseeing class): just a succession of little and inadequate men, who know in their hearts that nothing can be done, but who will go through the cosmetic motions to the end, playing the hand out in a mesmerized, final-days-of-Saigon fashion. We have become repetitious people, and will go through the motions until there are no more to be made. (Even determined and resourceful men could do nothing now; the inertia of the system has become too great.)

4) Finally will come the official breaking point. (We have long since passed the unofficial one.) All the forces mandating collapse will flow together and form an irresistible torrent. The gigantic maintenance network will cave in, and the cities will become nonfunctional. Panic will add to the chaos. There will be very little food, gasoline or functioning government at any level. Money will become worthless. Mobs will roam the cities, and, to a large extent, the countryside as well.

5) Prior to 1945, all societies had their roots in the land (even pre-World War II America and Germany). The bases of the various economic pyramids rested on land and tapered up through industry. When, for example, the Russians overran Vienna at the end of World War II, the majority of the Viennese were able to escape to the country, to friends and relatives living on small but workable farms throughout Austria. The 1945-1950 period was grim, and they went hungry, but they survived. There will be no such possibility in America. The pyramid is inverted, with less than two percent of the population living on the land. The roots are gone, and, in addition, the farms are entirely different — large acreages given over to single crops, demanding tremendous amounts of petroleum products and artificial fertilizers to function. At the time of collapse, these farms will stop producing at the same time, and for the same reasons, as the cities. The mobs pouring out of those cities will find no relief on the land. Only much later, after their numbers are decimated, and farming methods of a hundred years ago slowly relearned (horses will have to be bred in numbers, for example, which will take years), will the land sustain life.

6) The metaphor of the inverted pyramid extends through all American life and will affect the collapse accordingly. The priorities of previous societies are now either inversed or eliminated. Neither the production machine nor the people is geared to survival on the simpler terms of yesterday. The nearest historical parallel is the Aztec Empire, functioning one day and gone the next, incapable of adjustment. The American collapse may be like that, a sweater unraveling at the speed of sound. If true, the population will shrink at an enormous rate. In a country where the people have become the system (produce-and-consume in this case), the end of the system means the end of the people.

7) Panic will fuel the collapse, abroad as well as in America. The repercussions will shatter the “free” industrialized world: western Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan and South Africa will be dragged down with us in varying degree, depending on the extent of their human and economic dependence on produce-and-consume. The partially industrialized world will bend but not break completely, and the non-industrialized sections of Asia, Africa and South America will suffer the least changes. The industrialized Communist countries will have a collapse of sorts, but their tight internal organization and relatively lower produce-and-consume dependence will keep them from caving in completely. (The long-term prognosis is no more promising for them than for us, though; all produce-and-consume societies will go in the end.)

8) The immediate post-collapse American scene will include the first efforts to control the chaos. Forms of national, state and local martial law will be attempted, but Americans will be killing each other — for food, in frustration, etc. — for a long time. Looting, starvation and disease, especially in the cities, will be endemic. The general climate will be that of the European Dark Ages, with native overtones of violence and despair.

9) The collapse will invite overrunning from Mexico and the rest of South America. Whether the Russians will wish to take over is debatable — certainly they will be able to if they so desire. The Blacks and other dark minorities will be least affected — psychologically as well as physically — by the collapse; and, if they are not decimated in a last frenzy by the doomed Majority, will join with such invaders as arrive in the haphazard creation of the new — and very different — America. The fate of the Jews will satisfy the most demanding of their enemies. There will be no place for them, no opportunity for parasitism in this shattered land, and no new country to which to go. To say nothing of the danger of the Majority frenzy cited above. America was the perfect host, to a degree they could not have dreamed possible, the pinnacle of the long trek upward from the Middle East, and it will also be their last host. Needless to say, the American collapse will also be the end of Israel.

10) Fifty years after the collapse, the country will be a mishmash — about like Mexico in 1850. There will, of course, be pockets of Whites and many contradictory details; but by and large it will be unrecognizable compared to 1979.

The above steps are not meant to be exact in terms of time. The process could start tomorrow and be completed in fifty years, Or it might not start for a long time and not be completed for a very long time. But no matter the length of time, it will arrive at the inexorable end. As noted, it is a personal projection. I cannot be sure that it will happen just that way, item by item, but on the other hand, I do not think that the thrust of American produce-and-consume, which has been gathering speed and force since the Civil War, is going to be pulled off course. Its destiny is collapse and it will have it, in its spirit if not my details. (Everything may end, of course, in other, quicker disasters — nuclear holocaust, environmental breakdown. These would not invalidate the step-by-step collapse as outlined here, because they would be part of it, like a man committing suicide rather than dying by inches.)

It all sounds quite grim, but even that is a matter of perspective. “We stole this country from the Indians, and the Jews stole it from us,” mad Hemingway told me, adding that he was quoting Fitzgerald, and if one sees America as a silly party right from the start, its end is comic rather than tragic and not really deserving of sympathy or concern. In the next, and last, column in this series, I shall outline my notion of what any American who is not merely produce-and-consume meat (I take it on faith that some must exist) can do both before and after the collapse — not to avert it, because that is impossible (nor to delay it, because that is undesirable), but to flow with it and overcome it by accepting it.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

* * *

Source: Instauration magazine, August 1979

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Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
9 October, 2019 1:09 pm

“Also: productivity is declining; coming generations may well be reluctant to maintain the colossal system (think of the bridges to be painted, the elevator shaft cables to be checked, and so on, ad infinitum); and the minorities who can’t carry their weight in a technological society are increasing constantly in ratio to the Majority, which could very well become a minority in time, leaving the country even more vulnerable.” This is the Bible’s very first story of the end of an advanced civilization – the Tower of Babel. Here is the fleshed out version of that story’s intent. “angents” = angels/agents. While angels are “messengers of god,” agents are “messengers” for the government. For ancient Jews, the angelic job of the “messenger” generally had the same outcome as when agents… Read more »

Walter Green
Walter Green
Reply to  Arch Stanton
27 January, 2020 2:46 am

So, Torah is a Jewish version of the ‘Art of War’.
But much more deceptive than Chinese one.