EssaysHadding Scott

The Hoopla About the “Alt-Right”

This may vaguely resemble Ann Coulter’s idea of the Alt Right.

by Hadding Scott

IN RECENT YEARS I have paid less and less attention to what goes on in White nationalism generally, or what is now known as the “alt-right.” Whether White nationalism and the “alt-right” are the same thing, or different things, I cannot tell. Some people think that they are the same thing. Others deny it.

I first heard the term “alt-right” a few years ago. For me the term had some connotations. The word alternative has a positive connotation for some people in a certain age-group, because of “alternative music” or “alternative dance-music” that some preferred to the music played on radio-stations in the 80s and 90s. This alternative music, incidentally, usually exhibited less Negro influence than the music in the pop-charts. Thus it seems that the “alt-right” was supposed to be a better form of right-wing politics, for the cool White kids.

But why invent a new term at all? Are there really any new political orientations that have not been labeled?

No, of course not. A new label is invented to escape stereotyping. It’s the same reason that Blackwater Security keeps changing its name. Nobody wants to be called racist or White supremacist, because the mass-media always represent racists and White supremacists in a negative way. (Racism and White supremacy, by the way, were not always universally considered derogatory terms.) Most people prefer to do things the easy way. So, rather than try to fight the stereotype, one chooses a new label.

I have never used the term “alt-right” to refer to myself, because I thought it was too vague. I have never been eager to participate in fads, which is how the use of that term appeared to me. Also, as a National-Socialist, my position is a synthesis of what are normally regarded as left and right. To say that I am on the right would not be entirely accurate.

Most people are not going to know from the name just what the “alt-right” is. Because the term has no instantly clear meaning, its intended meaning is easily missed or distorted.

When Steve Bannon told a Jewish reporter for Mother Jones that Breitbart was a “platform for the alt-right,” he offered a rather vague notion of what this might mean:

“Our definition of the ‘alt-right’ is younger people who are anti-globalists, very nationalist, terribly anti-establishment.” [S. Posner, Mother Jones, 22 August 2016]

Mother Jones of course did not fail to inform readers of the term’s inextricable association with White nationalism. Bannon has subsequently declared that Breitbart had “zero tolerance” for “racial and anti-Semitic” views.

Ann Coulter, on the other hand, has recently said that her idea of the Alt Right is: teenagers who discovered that it is fun to be called racist.

This is not at all the impression given by Richard Spencer’s panel of “alt-right” luminaries — Peter Brimelow, Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, et al. — at a press-conference on 19 November 2016. They are all uptight about being called racist. When a reporter asked if they were racist, instead of boldly saying, “Yes, we are racists,” they objected to it. Jared Taylor said that the word racist was pejorative (obviously not having read René Binet’s Theory of Racism). So, it is clear that these luminaries, who are supposed to represent the “alt-right,” are in fact less radical than the “teenagers” that Ann Coulter thinks really are the “alt-right.”

When a reporter mentioned Andrew Anglin and The Daily Stormer, Peter Brimelow (a former employee of National Review) felt obliged to stipulate that Anglin was not a member of the “alt-right” at all, but “a flat-out Neo-Nazi,”meaning that there was some important difference between Anglin and the “alt-right.”

This really puzzled me, because it is not at all clear, from a strictly political perspective, that these “alt-right” luminaries share goals not shared by Andrew Anglin. The differences between MacDonald and Taylor alone are huge. MacDonald focuses entirely on Jews, while Taylor tries never to focus on Jews. If they are in one boat together, it is a broadly pro-White boat. It does not seem tenable to assert that they are in one movement together while Andrew Anglin is in a different one — if it is strictly a matter of politics.

It is obviously not a matter of politics. There are other reasons why they find the association with Anglin embarrassing. Basically, he is running a sensationalist tabloid in the form of a blog, and he is catering to a young audience, and, perhaps most importantly, he does not avoid taboos that these respectable luminaries assiduously shun, starting with the very name of his blog. Just as these worthies fled from the word racism, they flee from that association. Pretending that there was a huge political gulf between the “alt-right” and The Daily Stormer was a way of escaping this embarrassment. It is bourgeois respectability that is at stake here.

This is at the opposite extreme from Ann Coulter’s impression of what the “alt-right” is.

I was dismayed to hear Spencer say that the “alt-right” is interested in “the conservative revolution in Germany.” The “Revolutionary Conservatives” were a tiny political movement that had very little effect. Whatever useful ideas they produced were subsumed under National-Socialism. The most famous of them, Hermann Rauschning, was a traitor. When people say that they are interested in the Revolutionary Conservatives, it tells me that they have some inhibition about showing an interest in National-Socialism, which was obviously a much more important movement. It is a way of maintaining distance from Hitler, which means that Richard Spencer is still under the influence of Holocaust-propaganda. Spencer’s professed admiration for the French New Right — Benoist, Faye, Steuckers — likewise represents a retreat from taboo, because these men generally avoid discussing Jews. Bourgeois respectability, bourgeois inhibition, still at work.

It must have been like the Earth crumbling beneath them, therefore, when Tila Tequila and two young men at the conference were photographed giving a Roman salute. All those pains taken to avoid being called racist, and to avoid association with The Daily Stormer, only to have this happen. (It has since been determined that the two males photographed giving a Roman salute with Tila Tequila are Jews.)

If Richard Spencer and his friends are not even able to control the behavior of people attending NPI’s conferences, they are certainly not going to be able to control the use of the term “alt-right.”

Ultimately, because there is no control over what “alt-right” can mean and who calls himself “alt-right,” the term will continue to be stretched and distorted until it becomes entirely useless, or even a liability for some who have conspicuously applied the term to themselves. That process surely accelerated recently, when the term acquired importance as the object of so much attention.

Now, Spencer’s National Policy Institute is a different matter. That is an organization. Its goals and membership can be defined by its leadership. Good luck to Richard Spencer on that. I just hope that NPI’s proposals will be as radical and thorough as our situation requires.

* * *

Source: National-Socialist Worldview

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Hadding Scott
Hadding Scott
26 November, 2016 10:40 pm

When I wrote this article I had seen the question-and-answer session with news-media, but had not yet seen Spencer’s speech, the event’s finale. Spencer himself, drink in hand, did not exactly discourage the kind of behavior seen in the photo, although he said that he was saying some things “half-jokingly.” He later said that Roman salutes were made in a spirit of exuberance and irony. It seems that his conduct was influenced by the devil-may-care Internet hellraisers that Ann Coulter thinks are the real Alt Right. If Spencer’s mentor had been William Pierce instead of Paul Gottfried, he would not have done that. (Not to say that Gottfried the Jewish academic encouraged such behavior, only that Dr. Pierce, based on his long experience with racial organizations, would have emphatically discouraged… Read more »

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Hadding Scott
27 June, 2019 3:40 pm

HADDING SCOTT: ..If Spencer’s mentor had been William Pierce instead of Paul Gottfried, he would not have done that… Hadding, this Jew “expert” on extremism supposed in the generally anti-White The Atlantic magazine a couple of years ago that Spencer’s alt-right can be traced to Dr. Pierce’s novel. That’s a good one, eh? Maybe his mentor wasn’t Gottfried. :o} — Alt History How a self-published, racist novel changed white nationalism and inspired decades of violence J.M. BERGER SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 Before there was an alt-right, there was The Turner Diaries… […] White nationalist Richard B. Spencer moved the bar even further with the latest iteration of white identity politics, creating the “Alternative Right” website in 2010, the seed of the broader movement is now known as the alt right. Even… Read more »

Reply to  Will W Williams
27 June, 2019 9:14 pm

“… the novel demonstrated how to successfully leverage racial fears and resentments in the service of violence, without a call to a specific ideology….” What Berger wrote there is ridiculous bunk. It’s like saying that J.D. Sallinger wrote Catcher in the Rye because he wanted to turn people into random assassins. The influence of The Turner Diaries and the personal influence of Dr. Pierce are two very different things. In his novels Dr. Pierce cut loose and did the things that he would not do, and advised others not to do, in real life. This is one of the uses of fiction, to experience a freedom of action that the intersection of prudence and reality does not allow. Dr. Pierce as a person always counseled prudence. But Berger’s characterization of… Read more »

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Hadding
28 June, 2019 11:40 am

Exactly! For insight on what led Dr. Pierce to write The Turner Diaries in the first place, see here:

28 November, 2016 4:27 pm

I have no time for cowards. I am a racist and I am proud to be a racist. When anyone calls me a racist I say (in a posh and well-spoken voice) of course I am and what are you going to do about it? The late and great Dr William Luther Pierce spoke about this very subject in his broadcast of December 22, 2001 – “Labels.” He highlighted the fact that labels are used to intimidate people into silence. Cowards are very easy to intimidate as shown by the recent behaviour of Brimelow, Taylor and MacDonald. Anyone who highlights differences based on race must by definition be a racist. At this point it is worth recalling the ignoble words of the great communist piece of filth Lenin and I… Read more »

Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
2 September, 2017 2:05 pm

James Clayton: Additionally, Kevin MacDonald was a member of academia. Talking about preaching against the enemy while a member of the enemy’s choir. I don’t know how long he last there.

Today he would be physically assaulted and the college administration would say something about how they know where the anger (of assailants) comes from, or the school stands firm in support of the assailants protest rights. Or some such drivel.

I’ve listened to many of MacDonald’s talks on youtube, for what that is worth, and he doesn’t sound as if he is apologetic.

Hadding Scott
Hadding Scott
Reply to  Thomas Plaster
2 September, 2017 6:03 pm

Kevin MacDonald is retired. I think that what “WHITE WARRIOR” says, calling MacDonald, Brimelow, and Taylor “cowards,” is too strong. No question, these men have rendered some valuable service, but I also see a deficiency of radicalism in these old guys that doesn’t seem to be getting better. MacDonald’s big, glaring fault for some time now has been what seems to be a paralyzing fear of Holocaust Revisionism. When someone recently asked his opinion, he called it “the third rail,” i.e., if you touch it, you die. He seems unable to discuss the matter intelligently or to admit that the Revisionists have some valid points, which is remarkable for an expert on Jews who is also pro-White. And did you know that he now has two Jews writing for TOO?… Read more »

28 June, 2019 6:20 pm

So Lenin promoted Hate-speech? Shocking. Naughty Lenin also said:

“Our power does not know liberty or justice. It is entirely predicated on the destruction of the individual will.”

He also said

“Through a reign of terror during which every lie and breach of contract will be lawful, and every cruelty a merit, we will find a way to abase humanity down to its lowest level of existence. That is indispensable to our victory”. (see Epperson’s ‘The Unseen Hand.’)

Austro Hungarian
Austro Hungarian
29 November, 2016 2:22 pm

The fellow who started the salutes at NPI is Mike Enoch, the top broadcaster at The Daily Shoah. They have over 80,000 downloads every week, and their shows regularly run to three hours. And yet from interacting with their fans on various sites across the internet (not on their forum, of which I am not a member), I am convinced that only 1 in 20 has ever bothered to listen to even a single 20-minute broadcast of Dr. Pierce. There are a few edgy youngsters with long attention spans who have listened to all his Dissident Voices, but they are very few indeed. While I will grudgingly agree with alt-righters when they say that youth and humor have made a difference in their recent reach, they are not as popular… Read more »

Reply to  Austro Hungarian
14 November, 2020 7:22 am

Good assessment.

Mad Infidel
Mad Infidel
1 December, 2016 9:04 am

Austro Hungarian your assessment seems pretty spot on. Now I have been involved with the movement since the Summer of Hate of 88 in one fashion or another and at that particular time I really wish we would have had the internet access that the kids of the Alt-Right now have access to. You are correct that they truly believe themselves to be more influential than they truly are and in fact if it wouldn’t have been for the never Trumpers and the Left throwing the title out there post election, I doubt many Joe Sixpacks would even know the term. However, they do seem to produce numbers on the Daily Stormer of rather large proportions and one of my concerns is that they have attached themselves with the Republican… Read more »

Hadding Scott
Hadding Scott
Reply to  Mad Infidel
1 December, 2016 9:38 am

As I understand most of the attendees at the NPI conference on 19 November were from the Internet troll-armies. You think that they have some false impressions about Trump, but they definitely have some false impressions about Richard Spencer. Just because he said “Hail Victory!” and raised his arm, they came away with the impression that he was some kind of national-socialist. Andrew Anglin wrote that Spencer had “named the Jew.” No, sorry, he did not — not even once. Meanwhile they also don’t realize that Paul Gottfried edited Spencer’s periodical last year. Richard Spencer’s NPI is paleoconservatism pretending to be national-socialism through the use of dog-whistles. Not that NPI is bad, but it is not the radical racist organization that many seem to think it is. As for Frazier… Read more »

Reply to  Hadding Scott
14 November, 2020 7:29 am

Good analysis very sharp.

Reply to  Mad Infidel
14 November, 2020 7:28 am

Pierces speeches are the most pasionately JudeophobeI have ever heard and for an Anglophone to reach that kind of insight is astonishing…I heard his speeches in the late 90’s and was stunned…in fact they should be translated into other Euro tongues with a voiceover or somesuch…a genius.

Mad Infidel
Mad Infidel
1 December, 2016 11:38 am

I received my information directly from Richard Scutari eye to eye. That’s all I will ever need. I will also choose to take David Lane’s word for it as well as he has written quite extensively concerning the subject prior to his death. I am not trying to be negative or in any way trying to promote conflict, but I will choose to take Rich’s opinion over the matter as he was not only there but is paying the price as I write this.

Mad Infidel
Mad Infidel
1 December, 2016 4:39 pm

I’m not going to sit here and throw mud, but yes I will take Scutari’s word over yes, yours. I read your post and it basically sounds to me that it was ok for Miller to testify. We are done here. As far as slander against Miller is concerned I anxiously await the idiot who can dispute me with factual evidence.

Hadding Scott
Hadding Scott
Reply to  Mad Infidel
1 December, 2016 5:52 pm

You don’t have to take anybody’s word. I gave you facts.

You say that Miller “helped to bring the Order down.” This is utterly false. In the Fort Smith Mass-Sedition Trial where Miller testified, members of the Order were being put on trial for the second time. In that particular trial, nobody was convicted.

Why don’t you check that out?

Mad Infidel
Mad Infidel
1 December, 2016 5:25 pm

Ok, last attempt and perhaps it will encourage you to educate yourself further, and yes you have a dog in this fight and it matters not if you realize it. First of all the five words has not a thing to do with the warning given and quite frankly owed to those younger in the Cause concerning traitors. Perhaps you may like to speak further with Tom and he will gladly back up my story and claims concerning Miller. The five words has nothing to due with comrades but law enforcement. AS far as Rich is concerned, he is a friend and I know what he has done for this movement and it might be helpful to do a little research on exactly the huge amount of money that the… Read more »

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Mad Infidel
2 December, 2016 5:22 pm

Mr. Scutari and Mr. Miller are both long time friends of mine and both hold Dr. Pierce in the highest regard. They both endorse the current National Alliance. Hadding Scott and Tom Metzger are also friends. We all have our disagreements on this or on that, but differences aside we all read from the same bottom line on the same page, including Glenn Miller, the man, whatever his screwups, that I will always credit with getting me fully activated for the cause more than 30 years ago: race preservation, renewal and advancement. The National Alliance, after more than a decade of decline after the death of its founder, is renewed and is now the same serious adult movement today that Dr. Pierce founded and built; and Ann Coulter described the… Read more »

Mad Infidel
Mad Infidel
4 December, 2016 8:59 am

” The information on rat Miller is going out to all. It will be interesting to make note of which individuals of influence beyond, which organizations give their support to Miller’s vision of 2005 or any of his other endeavors. Regardless of how good Miller’s rhetoric may sound, it does not change the fact that he has proven himself to be an enemy to our 14 Word Cause. All who side with Miller are giving aid and comfort to a enemy of our 14 Word Cause. To hell with Miller and to hell with them! Our night of the long knives will be a busy one.”
Richard Scutari from Unbroken Warrior
SO by all means continue your course.

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
4 December, 2016 3:18 pm

Who is “siding with Miller,” Mad Infidel? Not I. He will die on death row if he’s not put to death first. The only people giving aid and comfort to Glenn Miller at this point are his wife and children and grandchildren, if that’s all right with you. They are not my enemies nor are they enemies of your 14 Word Cause. I have discussed Miller with Richard Scutari and he understands my position on him as my early mentor in 1985, if you do not. The Order men sure appreciated him back then, along with Pierce and Metzger and a few others that they allegedly gave money to. Since you quote from his book, it might interest you to know that Mr. Scutari has asked me to write a… Read more »

Joey Virgo
Joey Virgo
Reply to  Will W Williams
5 December, 2016 1:50 pm

The new book or re-release of “Unbroken Warrior” is not out yet in PDF format, but Billy Roper wrote the Introduction to it and he lets people read that:

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
4 December, 2016 4:23 pm

James Clayton: Br’er Rabbit’s mother’s advice was that, if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

That with a twist: “If you can’t say something nice about somebody, you must be talking about Hillary Clinton.”

Mad Infidel
Mad Infidel
5 December, 2016 9:51 am

Well, I will talk with Rich about it, wonder if he knows he came out of retirement. AS far as I’m concerned anyone who would follow not only a rat but a race mixer is no better than the same.

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
Reply to  Mad Infidel
5 December, 2016 11:35 am

MI: I will talk with Rich about it, wonder if he knows he came out of retirement. — What troublemaker brought Richard “out of retirement” in a discussion of the Alt-Right? When you talk to Richard ask him if he received the books I mailed to him the second time last month after they had been rejected by the Pollock FCI the first time I’d mailed them, OK? I had to cite to the Warden of that facility his own Rule Book to get him to reverse his imperious mailroom clerk’s spiteful decision to reject and return to us our perfectly legitimate gift to Richard. I caught the smarmy Jew Marc Ginsberg on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning. He was asked what he thought of the Alt-Right crowd, and he… Read more »

Hadding Scott
Hadding Scott
5 December, 2016 10:17 am

Who here is following Glenn Miller?

You don’t seem to be able to take a factual correction without making a moral issue out of it.

Joey Virgo
Joey Virgo
5 December, 2016 1:38 pm
Hadding Scott
Hadding Scott
11 December, 2016 4:59 pm

“It doesn’t need to be some kind of cataclysm or apocalypse like a lot of sort of Old Right — and by Old Right I mean like what Fascist or National-Socialist-influenced people like William Pierce, for instance — envision.” I see that Greg Johnson is still misusing the terms Old Right and New Right, dismissing Dr. Pierce along with fascism and national-socialism as “Old Right.” Nobody that I know accepts GJ’s gratuitous redefinition of those terms. In the USA, the New Right is normally understood to be a movement initiated by Barry Goldwater and culminating in Reaganism, while the standard meaning of Old Right is conservative isolationists who rejected the New Deal. Nobody in Europe would call Fascism and National-Socialism “Old Right”: they are in fact left-right syntheses. In Europe,… Read more »

Will W Williams
Will W Williams
11 December, 2016 6:51 pm

I listened to the first 15 minutes of Greg talking about the roots and history of the Alt-Right movement. It was informative. Thanks for that, James. That was about all I could take of professor Johnson.

2 September, 2017 4:24 pm

My position on the alt-right can be stated in four words: “With every artifice employed.” The name itself is Jewish in nature. Those people like ‘alternative’ this and that.

I don’t care for ‘the daily stormer’ either. That outfit likes to insult the Boomer generation, completely unaware that southern boomers fought race wars at their public schools and colleges in the 1960s and early ’70s to maintain White separation — the 2d Reconstruction. We took up the challenge while dealing with the sadness of body-bags coming home. The daily stormer should sweep around its own doorstep. The White youth of the 1980s and ’90s own the trophy buckle (cowboy talk) for being the biggest race mixers in the history of North America.

Will Williams
Will Williams
11 December, 2017 12:02 pm

Here’s an alt-righter telling fans yesterday how to win over Baby Boomer fans of Judge Roy Moore, here: — They put a lot of stock on Christian values. That was the only thing that they refused to cuck on. An important detail to say the least. And that’s totally fine for us as well. I say that if we can repurpose and retake the Amerikaner flag, we can do the same for Christianity as well. Luckily for us, Christianity is a rather red-pilled religion. At least on combating degeneracy and calling out the Jews. Time to start bringing up the Jesus that calls out the synagogue of Satan, casts out money-changers from the temple and is the life of the party at Cana. In other words, if we want… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Will Williams
11 December, 2017 1:03 pm

Cucking on something is conceding the enemies’ point.

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
11 December, 2017 1:25 pm

It’s more. It’s the uniquely white self-flagellation of one’s *own* values to gain acceptance from those whose values are set to destroy yours.

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
11 December, 2017 3:41 pm

Thanks, Kevin. says this about “cuck”: — What does cuck mean? A cuck is a derogatory slang term for a weak, effeminate, or inadequate man. Cuck has also been blended with conservative to produce cuckservative, often shortened back to cuck. Both cuck and cuckservative are especially used online by white nationalists to insult US Republican politicians they judge as insufficiently conservative. Cuck is shortened from cuckold, a term that has been belittling the “husband of an unfaithful wife” since the 1200s. The word cuckold derives from a French word for the cuckoo bird. Just as the female cuckoo lays eggs in other birds’ nests, so a cuckold’s wife, as it’s said, sleeps in another man’s bed. Green’s Dictionary of Slang notes that cuckold was abbreviated to cuck as early… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
11 December, 2017 7:52 pm

Alt-Right Internet-culture in general has a juvenile flavor to it but “cuckservative” has been a deadly characterization of the majority of Republican politicians and commentators.

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Hadding
12 December, 2017 11:06 am

Thanks for that article, Hadding. Should I somehow miraculously happen to run into Jeb Bush I wouldn’t call him a cuckservative; I’d look him in the eye and call the POS what he is: a sorry, race-mixing excuse for a White man…and low energy. The pro-White alt-righters should repeat that sort of “meme” at Jeb until he crawls into a hole and stays there.

What are all of those “good” white conservative Republicans conserving (preserving) anyway? It is certainly not their race.

Reply to  Hadding
14 December, 2017 7:03 pm

“Low energy,” huh Will?

It seems that you’re a little more partial to Trump’s style of rhetoric than to Alt Right troll-culture.

Reply to  Will Williams
11 December, 2017 1:20 pm

I suggested on that protestant sects can use flexibility in religious interpretations to change the way that church bureaucracies view racial issues, which has been liberal in recent decades. Interpretation doesn’t mean lying when you’re already accepting that Christianity is factual (which is unproven). Blacks used their churches effectively to further civil rights organizing; there’s no reason why similar processes can’t be used by and for whites, except aimed at separation and independence, not the parasitism inherent in civil rights.

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Sethmoto101
15 December, 2017 9:23 am

SETHMOTO101: I suggested on that protestant sects can use flexibility in religious interpretations to change the way that church bureaucracies view racial issues, which has been liberal in recent decades. Interpretation doesn’t mean lying when you’re already accepting that Christianity is factual (which is unproven)…

Christianity depends on its adherents being docile as lambs, gullible, superstitious, and worshipers of a Semitic god up in the sky. Responsible, independent-minded, racially conscious Whites see Christianity as a totally unsuitable belief system for their people. Those are the ones who are attracted to Dr. Pierce’s Cosmotheism.

I agree with Ann Coulter’s assessment of the alt-right: teenagers who discovered that it is fun to be called racist.

11 December, 2017 7:31 pm

Shakespeare used cuckold in Othello.

“O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock. The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss. Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger; . . .”

Will Williams
Will Williams
21 April, 2018 6:15 pm

The Washington Post declares death of the alt-right: By Terrence McCoy April 20 at 3:51 PM Eight months after a white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville ended in the death of a counterprotester, the loose collection of disaffected young white men known as the alt-right is in disarray. The problems have been mounting: lawsuits and arrests, fundraising difficulties, tepid recruitment, widespread infighting, fierce counterprotests, and banishment from social media platforms. Taken together, they’ve exhausted even some of the staunchest members. One of the movement’s biggest groups, the Traditionalist Worker Party, dissolved in March. Andrew Anglin, founder of the Daily Stormer, the largest alt-right website, has gone into hiding, chased by a harassment lawsuit. And Richard Spencer, the alt-right’s most public figure, canceled a college speaking tour and was abandoned by his… Read more »

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
22 April, 2018 10:58 am

It’s ridiculous when supposed alt.right supporters start putting parentheses around their major founders’ or mainstreamers’ names like weev or Ricky Vaughn, on 8chan, but they are known for artistry that normie whites can relate to:
comment image

22 April, 2018 12:20 pm

The Alt-Right and Daily Stormer: Reckless outfits lacking skillful management and racial experience. They received preferred media coverage with no accomplished merit. Nothing behind them but air.

Reply to  cc
24 June, 2019 9:46 pm

Where is alt.right now?

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Sethmoto101
25 June, 2019 6:54 pm

SETHMOTO101: Where is alt.right now? — Thanks for bumping this topic. I’d forgotten how good the comments here about the so-called alt-right were. As for your question, Hadding sent me a link to a Youtube video day before yesterday that he thought I might be interested in because it was a “live chat” where William Pierce and the National Alliance were being discussed. I wish Hadding had told me the discussion didn’t get around to WLP and NA until around 42 minutes into the video. The first 35 minutes is some of the most boring crap I’ve listened to in a while and I can’t get those minutes back. But the video might answer your question about where alt-right went. At around 35 minutes a caller by the name… Read more »

Reply to  Will Williams
26 June, 2019 1:36 am

I happened to turn on that live stream when they were talking about WLP. That’s why I thought that they had talked about him more than they did.

Most of the same people that called themselves Alt Right in 2017 are still active in some way. They just aren’t doing big public demonstrations.

This is partly because of the bad experience at Charlottesville, but more importantly, I think, it’s because Spencer is not doing them.

In a way it’s too bad, because that kind of event provided an alternate path of expression for potential synagogue-shooters. The succession of suppressed mass-demonstrations by desperate individual acts of violence was predicted.

Erik Black
Erik Black
26 June, 2019 10:32 am

Isn’t Richard Spencer of the Alt-Right a guest speaker at this upcoming “Solutions” conference? Somehow, I find that amusing.

Will Willaims
Will Willaims
Reply to  Erik Black
26 June, 2019 6:12 pm

Spencer had been listed earlier as a guest speaker but is no longer featured: Too bad. I was looking forward to meeting him and hearing what he has to say these days.

26 June, 2019 11:33 am

The Alt-right and Daily Stormer conveniently burst on the scene to promote Trump as a popular friend to White separatists. No novelty. Vote Republican. Maintain the criminal establishment and its antiWhite race mixing campaign backed by Federal tyranny.

Reply to  cc
26 June, 2019 5:46 pm

They were both active for a few years before Trump came along.

There is nothing wrong with having voted for Trump in 2016. If nothing else he expanded the conversation in ways that were helpful. He set an example of rejecting the dominant narrative. “Fake news” is in everybody’s vocabulary now.

Voting is not nearly as useful, and not nearly as good an investment as efforts to educate the public, but voting will continue to be relevant for as long as we live under a government that is voted in.

26 June, 2019 6:35 pm

The outfits I mentioned above received preferred media coverage with no accomplished merit. They promoted Trump as if being staged managed by the republican party.

White racialists who vote have one foot in the criminal establishment and one foot out–two-timers.

Reply to  cc
26 June, 2019 7:19 pm

Absolute rubbish. The GOP establishment would never have asked for The Daily Stormer or the Alt Right.

27 June, 2019 11:22 am

In the next campaign, the aforementioned groups will rise up and promote Mr. Trump as they did in the last run–the great White savior.

Reply to  cc
27 June, 2019 11:30 am

Very doubtful.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
10 March, 2024 10:32 pm

It’s going on five years since this perceptive, and as it turned out, correct assessment by Hadding about the alt-right “Movement,” and many of the interesting comments under it have been bumped. He wrote this in November of 2016, well before the alt-right crashed in Charlottesville in August of 2017.