
Race-Aware Kobach Named to Trump Transition Team

kobachKRIS KOBACH, the race-aware Kansas secretary of state, has been named to Donald Trump’s transition team:

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach has been asked to join President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team.

The team will advise Trump on policy issues leading up to his swearing-in in January, preparing him to begin his first 100 days in office. It’s an unpaid position for Kobach.

Kobach called the transition from Obama’s presidency to Trump’s “one of the sharpest transitions we’ve seen,” a 180-degree turn for the country.

The anti-White leftist publication The Daily Kos called Kobach “one of the most racist politicians in all of America.” Kris Kobach, they said, was the architect of the “racist” law called SB 1070, passed in Arizona in 2010, which allowed police to stop and demand proof of citizenship from anyone who they reasonably suspected was in the US illegally.

Thanks to Kris Kobach and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), two dozen similar bills quickly spread to other states.

Kobach was also reported to have spoken to a group of race realist writers at a gathering sponsored by the Social Contract Press about one year ago.

Kris Kobach speaks to a writers’ group sponsored by the Social Contract Press

Before becoming the secretary of state in Kansas, Kobach worked for FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a non-racial group that works for lower immigration.

Kobach is also known for pushing tough laws against voter fraud — especially against allowing illegal immigrants to vote, one method by which anti-White leftists are known to rig elections.

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Source: Daily Kos and National Vanguard correspondents

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Joey Virgo
Joey Virgo
13 November, 2016 3:31 pm

If Governor Paul Le Page of Maine Trump added to the transition team, there’d be no doubt that the President-elect meant to help the White race. At least, such an addition would make me happy personally.