
The Messenger Should Be Shot


Warmongering from the controlled “Western” press, from Germany and Serbia then — to Russia now

by Michael Walsh

A DILEMMA we all face was pondered upon by American journalist, Mark Twain:

If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.

Media, like influenza and measles, is such a big part of our lives it is difficult to avoid contamination. Nothing changes over the years; Neville Henderson, England’s Ambassador to Berlin before the outbreak of Churchill’s war was exasperated.

I would feel confident if it were not for the British Press or at any rate that section of it which is inspired by an intelligentsia which hates Hitler and the Nazis so much that they see red whatsoever the facts are.

The German Minister of Information, Dr. Joseph Goebbels reminded his nation’s much betrayed Germans:

Think of the Press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.

Britain’s Prime Minister six weeks before the outbreak of World War II put pen to paper:

History will judge the Press generally to have been the principle cause of war.

M2006.143.1-P1Fast forward to August 2016: The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) completely clears Slobodan Milosevic, of war crimes committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war, including Srebrenica massacre. Milosevic condemned ethnic cleansing, opposed Karadzic and tried to stop NATO’s determination to dismember Yugoslavia. Buried near the end of a 2,590-page judgement on Karadzic the report demolishes Press propaganda that justified and ignited NATO’s illegal onslaught on Serbia in 1999. The recent exoneration of a man accused of genocide made no headlines. BBC and CNN that bull-horned pro-NATO propaganda press releases ignored the Court’s findings.

John Pilger who was Britain’s most popular and highly awarded investigative journalist until he became too candid says;

Milosevic was the victim of war propaganda that today runs like a torrent across our screens and newspapers and is a great danger for us all. He was the prototype demon, vilified by the western media as the Butcher of the Balkans responsible for genocide. The British Prime Minister who has been held responsible for war crimes invoked the Holocaust and demanded action against “this new Hitler.”

Western media made the NATO bombing onslaught acceptable to its viewing audience and readership. When NATO’s war ended the FBI failed to find a single mass grave. The delegated Spanish forensic team didn’t find a war crime other than NATO’s.

NY-Post-e1472059508650Media’s softening up of their duped readership was followed by journalists coverage of pre-invasion Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya and then by stealth, Syria. The most effective promoters of NATO warmongers was the Guardian, Observer, New York Times, and BBC.

Today, toxic Western media places the blame for the catastrophe of Syria on that unfortunate nation’s legitimately elected (and popular) President Bashar al-Assad. Gareth Porter, a journalist reporting from Washington, recently revealed the names of those likely to make up a Clinton cabinet. All are staunch supporters of an illegal onslaught on Syria.

The same pre-war pressure is now being applied to Russia. The Guardian’s Luke Harding leads his newspaper’s Russophobes in a stream of journalistic parodies that assign to Vladimir Putin every earthly iniquity. When the Panama Papers leak was published the Guardian identified, by prominent word and large picture, Russian President Vladimir Putin. In fact, the Russian President was the only person not implicated in the Panama cash-laundering scam. According to Western journalists President Putin shot down a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine. “As far as I’m concerned, Putin killed my son.” No evidence is required. John Pilger writes ominously of War by Media and says:

If war with Russia breaks out journalists will bear much of the responsibility.


Mainstream media journalists, correspondents or columnists are often quasi-writers who are in fact government trained and paid agents. G.E.O. Knight, a British writer and frequent commentator reporting back from Germany:

The Foreign Office is well aware that quite a number of men attached to newspapers in foreign countries are employed for the purpose of espionage. In the course of my wanderings around the foreign capitals I have met newspaper men who have openly boasted of having been employed in this and that country’s secret service, who have accepted the hospitality of people whom they have wantonly betrayed. That, you will argue, is all part of the business. But it seems to me a pity that foreign correspondents should not be above suspicion and devote themselves to specific jobs and their specific jobs alone.

The fact has to be faced that journalism as a profession is venomous for which there may be only one antidote? Effective remedy lies not in raising awareness, eschewing media or boycotting advertisers. There is a case that suggests mainstream media journalists, correspondents or columnists are no different from a sniper who, to deflect attacks, wears a Red Cross uniform or insignia.

There is a growing belief that journalists who pose such significant risk to humanity should be subject to the usual rules of war, regarded as combatant agents and killed on capture without trial. Is such a notion extreme? Not when one considers the consequences of journalists deliberately creating a pro-war psychosis in which tens of thousands and millions of people are killed without their being given opportunity to be first tried in a court of law.

* * *

Source: Renegade Tribune

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2 September, 2016 9:15 am

Stop calling them “journalists”. All who work and write for any main stream media are “propagandists” for the system – period. If they stray from their programmed lies or slip on a politically incorrect banana peel, they are instantly fired. Avoid their poison at all costs.

michael walsh
michael walsh
Reply to  Joe
9 September, 2016 12:40 pm

Good point, Joe……

2 September, 2016 2:50 pm

Really! Does this really surprise anyone? The media is owned, controlled and staffed by Jews. Jews use the media of news and entertainment to control the minds of the populace. I should not have to tell you this – it should be patently obvious.

I stopped watching TV about 30 years ago, and I have never read or subscribed to any newspaper.

2 September, 2016 8:10 pm

Stop calling them propagandists for the system. They’re ethnic warriors.

10 September, 2019 6:29 pm

Milosevic’s first words to the court that was trying him were approximately: “I do not recognise this court because it was not created by a full assembly of the United Nations.”

The court was a bogus/illegal organisation.