Finland: Future Days 2016
The Nordic Resistance Movement holds its annual teaching, training, and solidarity event in Finland this year; the video — which includes a significant speech in English — is inspiring.
by Paavo Laitinen
THIS YEAR, Future Days were organized in Central Finland. The first morning began with our traditional flag raising — and, though it was early, most of the participants had already arrived. After the flag raising it was time to head indoors and begin.
The Future Days events were worthy of their opening. Finnish Resistance leader and member of the Nordic Council Antti Niemi gave a speech outlining the principles of the political program of the Nordic Resistance, including the changes that we National Socialists call for in labor market policies.
Niemi’s speech was followed by a year-on-year favorite: Janne Kujala reiterated the events of the past year. We were able to see how every year the visibility and activism of the Nordic Resistance has only increased. We’ve seen increasing street action, and our own media have been greatly developed, especially online radio operations.
Towards the end of the lecture Kujala also revealed one of the most significant news events: the Resistance movement has founded an activist group in Lappeenranta. Through the activities carried out during the past year, we can see how our movement has grown, and new chapters are rising — a strong indicator of growth. Kujala finished off with a new demo video, which showed a high degree of professionalism.
After a small break, Juhani Keränen took to the stage, presenting our Resistance Activist’s Handbook. The Handbook is a revised version of our activist’s guide, redesigned to fit seamlessly into Finland and its current political environment.

Sebastian Lämsä gave a presentation on how activist groups can purposefully develop their operations and recruitment. The presentation pointed out that people have very different motives when it comes to political activity. It is important that activist groups are able to identify these motives and market our movement in different ways for different target groups.
Next, participants were able to enjoy the kitchen staff know-how when an excellent meal was served. This time the kitchen surprised the participants with vegetarian food. A big thank you therefore for our environmentally friendly and delicious lunch!
Afterward, it was an honor to hear the much acclaimed Risto Teinosen presentation of his story — including the persecution encountered in Estonia and the fight for our principles.
Next to speak was the Nordic Resistance leader Simon Lindberg. His speech emphasized the unity of the Resistance, explaining: “We are one and the same movement, even though we work in different countries. In the Nordic countries ours is the only comprehensive and radical movement with long-term goals. We are the only Scandinavian movement that dares to say out loud the name of our real enemy.”
Next it was time to reward the year’s best activist group and individual Activist of the Year. The activist group of the year award went deservedly to the Helsinki Group led by Otto Rutanen. The Helsinki Group has once again demonstrated its long-term and open work model to other groups. The Activist of the Year award also went to the right address — this year the award was granted to Juhani Keränen, who is not only working in Oulu activist groups, but is also active in Resistance editorial work, and especially the popular Studio 204. At the same time certificates were given to the people who have been successful in the Future Days fitness test and who have been shown to deserve to be called activists.
Fitness and force training lasted for about two hours, and participants saw the obvious — that the training was hard but entertaining. The event ended with well-deserved coffee and cake, with participants recounting the lessons learned during the day. Jyväskylä activist group wants to thank all the participants and in particular the Future Days speakers and presenters for this successful and inspiring event!
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Source: Nordic Resistance Movement
Modernism! Like those t-shirts. It was the cause of the downfall of the RCChurch – over hundreds of years. Bella Dodd, Jew and Communist, converted to Catholicism in the early ’50’s and testified before Congress this: she said thousands of men had been seeded into the seminaries. She said, after some time no one will recognize the church. As much as NV doesn’t cotton to Christianity (and neither do I except in the form of the traditional catholic church – very few people around who see the truth of VII) – the fact is that it is the CHURCH that the Jews, Masons, and communists – of course most are all three regarded until they destroyed it as they MAIN enemy. As their writings show and you can find this… Read more »
Men are awakening. They were put to sleep by the Christian myth, and the women took over. The machine age, also, put men to sleep, and empowered women. White men made the world safe for their women, and then the women encroached on our power.
In a way, I am glad of the current crisis. It will be looked back upon as a time of the glorious awakening of our men, casting off the soft fetters of Christianity, liberalism, and sexual license.
Men acting like men! Woman making the delicacies and supporting their men.
Finland will not become as Sweden, or France and Germany.