
Deliberate Genocide: In Germany, One in Five Has a “Migrant Background”


Introductory Note by John I. Johnson: Even these shocking figures are too low. They didn’t count non-White grandparents, Jews, or White/non-White hybrids — all of which would raise the non-White population figures. And are they under-counting “migrants” in the first place — for any reason?

Finally, most genuine Germans are probably elderly, beyond reproductive age, with few if any White offspring.

Population destruction isn’t something that is going to occur 50, 100, or 200 years out, as White literature too often says. It’s happening right now.

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NEW FIGURES show that every fifth person in Germany has an immigrant background. The number of people without foreign origins has declined slightly, while that of immigrants from within the EU has grown.

Some 16.4 million people with an immigrant background were living in Germany last year, amounting to 20.3 percent of the population or one in five people, according to the figures released on Monday by the German Federal Statistical Office.

That represents an increase of 3 percent over 2013, and of 10 percent in comparison with 2011.

Fifty-six percent of these people have a German passport, according to the office based in the central western city of Wiesbaden.

The report defines anyone who immigrated to Germany from 1950 onward and their descendants, along with foreign residents as having an immigrant background. People’s nationality or nationalities do not play a role in defining whether they have an immigrant background.

Recent Immigration Wave

The increase results in large part from the growing number of foreigners coming to the country, with 10.9 million immigrants living in Germany in 2014 — the highest number since the count began in 2005.

In particular, there have been a rising number of immigrants from within the European Union, but the fastest-rising sector by far is non-Europeans..

At the same time, the number of people living in Germany who have no immigrant background has declined by 885,800 or 1.4 percent since 2011, the figures showed.

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Source: DW

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26 December, 2022 8:35 am

Kalergi Plan. “Migrants” “asylum seekers” = non-white invaders. I remember the photos of lovely German girls holding huge banners welcoming these rapists, groomers, thieves, criminals. Now the women have to travel in groups to keep the :”Migrants” at bay, and white German police always take the side of the “migrant” to eliminate “racism”. How low has the once great German descended into oblivion. My German ancestors are rolling in their graves at our stupidity and jew slavery.