New Music CD: Call of the Blood
THE INCOMPARABLE, AMAZING music of Dresden’s Call of the Blood is now available in a digitally remastered 20th Anniversary edition CD. Listen to a low-bitrate sampler here:″ text=”Listen to the Call of the Blood sampler”]
You can get your copy of Call of the Blood in the US for $18 postpaid, or get five copies of the CD for $60 ($18 and $75 respectively outside the US), by writing to our postal address (Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683 USA; make checks payable to the National Alliance) or order online by clicking your choice below:
Buy one copy of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (US only)
Buy five copies of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (US only)
Buy one copy of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (outside US)
Buy five copies of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (outside US)
We are very proud to offer this 20th Anniversary Edition of the very best White racialist popular music ever produced, Dresden’s Call of the Blood. The album has been digitally remastered in lush high fidelity sound and is offered in a beautiful, professionally-produced new edition.
The new album includes a full lyric sheet, with notes, and handsome new full-color cover art — never seen before — by the artist Alfred Sundvall, who also created the art for the first edition of this monumental work.
The extremely talented songwriter and leader of Dresden, Joe Pryce, unselfishly donated this masterwork to the reconstituted National Alliance under Will Williams, and we are honored by his gift.
The artist, Alfred Sundvall — who has sometimes produced work under the nom de guerre The Unknown Artist — donated the painting which graces the cover of this CD to the Alliance. It shows a White woman on a high summit, gazing out over a fog-filled infinity of mountains and valleys — not unlike the view from Pierce Point on the Alliance’s land in West Virginia, which our founder William Pierce loved so much. The cover art was inspired by Dr. Pierce’s favorite painting, Caspar Friedrich’s The Wanderer Above the Mists.
Call of the Blood is nothing like typical skinhead or “White power” music. It is powerful progressive rock, somewhat reminiscent of the British band Yes. It is melodic and lyrical, and is written and performed with absolute professionalism. Its 17 tracks are written from a radical White nationalist and National Socialist viewpoint. You have never heard anything quite like it in your life.
Here is the new CD’s track list:
• Horst Wessel Song
• George Lincoln Rockwell
• Avatar
• Ariadne in America
• To Robert Matthews in Valhalla
• Zog/Blood and Soil
• Desolation Row (to Robert Miles)
• Dark Queen
• Call of the Blood
• The Stormer (to Julius Streicher)
• Landsberg Am Lech
• For Wilmot Robertson (Instauration)
• Tryst (Danger in Central Park)
• The Party Song
• Threnody (to the Leader)
• White Amerika
• La Chasse (the Hunt)
This excellent music makes a great recruiting tool; music reaches a part of the soul that reason cannot touch.
By purchasing this CD you will also have the satisfaction of supporting the National Alliance, American Dissident Voices, and the National Alliance Radio Network.
You can get your copy of Call of the Blood in the US for $18 postpaid, or get five copies of the CD for $60 ($18 and $75 respectively outside the US), by writing to our postal address (Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683 USA; make checks payable to National Vanguard Books) or order online by clicking your choice below:
Buy one copy of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (US only)
Buy five copies of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (US only)
Buy one copy of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (outside US)
Buy five copies of Dresden’s Call of the Blood (outside US)
I have been looking for this, for quite a while.
Will send donation + record order.
Thanks again,
I’m something of a songwriter myself. I have one song entitled, “Night of the Living Homos”, and I’m working on another that I’m going to call, “The Destruction of European Lice”.
From the sampler of “Call of the Blood”, I like the rendition of the music from “Triumph of the Will”, and also “For Blood and for Soil”– really pretty melody.
The extremely talented songwriter and leader of Dresden, Joe Pryce, unselfishly donated this masterwork to the reconstituted National Alliance under Will Williams, and we are honored by his gift.
It is a sad day for the race and for me, having to report that Joe Pryce died yesterday.