Custodela: The Last Bastion
by László Toroczkai, Mayor of Ásotthalom
ÁSOTTHALOM is a small town with only 4 thousand inhabitants, but with a huge territory. We have the fifth biggest territory in Hungary which is 122 square kilometer. In comparison, it is exactly twice as much as the territory of San Marino, it is sixty times more than the territory of Monaco.
Ásotthalom has the longest borderline on the Hungarian – Serbian border, which is also a schengen border, so this is the border of the European Union. Only half of the population of Ásotthalom lives inside the village, the other half lives outside, on farms. 60 per cent of our territory is forestal area. We have the most forests in our county, Csongrád. This was what the human smugglers made use of.
In 2012 the leaders of the European Union forced Hungary to change our laws in connection with the migrants, they forced us to have more liberal laws. Till then the Hungarian police could arrest the migrants, but the leaders of the EU forced us to do nothing with those who entered our country illegally. What’s more, they forced us to transport them, for free, by buses to the camps where we gave them food and drinks. Of course, 90 per cent of the migrants, after a few days, freely continued their journey towards Western Europe. Immediately after the EU made us change our laws, the first migrants appeared at Ásotthalom. This shows very well that the leaders of the EU are the ones who are responsible for the migration. The first, bigger groups of migrants arrived to Ásotthalom in September of 2014. (two thousand fourteen). At that time, 80 per cent of them were from Kosovo, the other 20 per cent arrived from the Middle-East and Afghanistan.
I became the Mayor of Ásotthalom on the fifteenth of December in 2013 and I have notified our Government since 2014 that we have to do something against illegal migration. At first, even the people of Hungary did not understand that this situation puts the whole of our European civilization at risk.
In 2014 forty thousand people have passed through our town. At the end of 2014 I started demanding a fence to the border and asked for the help of the police and the military forces. Back in those days they didn’t even reply to my letters, nothing happened. I realised that I was alone; Neither the European Union, nor the Hungarian government helped me in 2014. It is also important to know that the socalist-liberal government that governed Hungary before 2010 revoked the border guard system.
That was when I founded my own field police which belongs to the Municipality of Ásotthalom and we pay them for their work. The local policeman has almost the same rights as the state police: they have guns, they can stop anyone, they can handcuff anyone. We have 5 local policemen. We gave them horses, cross motors and Jeeps and we started to protect our open borders on our own. We started to chase the human traffickers. Most of the traffickers were Hungarian and Serbian gipsy criminals, but we have also caught Pakistani, Arabic, Albanian, Turkish and even Chechen traffickers.
In December 2014 I organized a forum for the local citizens, where besides the hundreds of locals, the leaders of the Hungarian police also participated. At the same time, on the Internet, especially on my own Facebook page, I started to share those photos that we took here about illegal migration, because I realised that most of the people simply cannot see what is going on here, at the borders of the European Union. The Hungarian – Serbian border was wide open, it was not protected either on the Hungarian or on the Serbian side and because here, the border is only a field, there are no hills or rivers, anyone could easily cross it. Only we, our local policemen protected the borders of the EU. With the photos I have shared on Facebook I managed to wake the public’s opinion. I shared photos that got a million views, but in those days, almost all of my Facebook posts reached several thousands of people. Because of this, journalists started to come to me, at first from Serbia and Hungary, then from all the countries of Europe, The New York Times from the USA, the Arabic Al Jazeera, the Turkish and the Chinese TV visited me several times. What we were going through here, on the borderline, couldn’t be suppressed anymore. I told to all the journalists that I demand a border fence to be built. The fence was my idea and I was the first to talk about it in Hungary.
Finally, during the summer of 2015, the Hungarian government started to act. By that time one hundred thousand illegal immigrants had gone through Ásotthalom. 80 per cent of the migrants were young, military-aged men and 99 per cent of them were Muslims. In 2015 the people from Kosovo stopped coming. Instead of them, 70 per cent of the migrants arrived from Syria, from Iraq and Afghanistan, but many of them were coming from Bangladesh, Pakistan and African countries. They did not respect our laws: some of them broke into farms, they stole cars and bicycles and they left a huge amount of rubbish behind. On the Hungarian – Serbian border, right next to my own home, two groups of migrants got into a fight. They used knives, one person was killed, two injured and the killer was caught at the territory of Ásotthalom.
The Hungarian government announced in June 2015 that they would start building the fence between Morahalom and Ásotthalom. That was the most beautiful day of my life. Of course, the fence is not the perfect solution, we also need the police and the army that can protect the border, and we also need new laws. The Hungarian government listened to all my suggestions and they made the first, very brave step that no one else was brave enough to do then. They built the fence on the whole Hungarian – Serbian border, then on the Hungarian – Croatian border, they sent the police and the army here and what’s most important: they made new laws. Thanks to these laws, all the illegal migrants who enter Hungary by damaging the fence can be caught, taken to court and expelled from Hungary. If they try once again, they can be sent to jail. In September 2015 Hungary closed the Hungarian – Serbian border and that was when it turned out that the migrants who wanted to seem to be refugees are in fact violent intruders, who attacked the Hungarian police on the border. Their attack was suppressed, the leaders of their attack were arrested and are still in jail in Hungary. They might face long years in prison because of terrorism.
Since then, illegal migration has stopped in Hungary, but these invaders are still streaming in to the territory of the EU. They have just changed their routes and now they cross through Croatia and most of the migrants are now entering the EU across Italy. The leaders of the EU are continuously attacking Hungary. They try to force Hungary to re-open its borders. Only Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia helped us. These 4 countries — the Visegrad Group — are traditionally in alliance with each other. They have sent Polish, Czech and Slovakian policemen here to the border to help the Hungarian police to protect the Schengen borders.
Europe — without a doubt — is in distress. That is why the successful Hungarian model should be used on the whole of the EU’s external borderline.
Every 12 seconds a new migrant enters the European Union. Only in 2015 1.5 million illegal immigrants have arrived, more than 80% of whom were military-aged men and 95% of them were Muslims.
In proportion to the increasing number of the immigrants, crime too, is increasing. 30 years ago rape was almost unknown in Sweden, now Sweden has the third highest number of rapes in the world.
As immigration increases, so does the risk of terrorism. Now in Western Europe terrorist attacks have become part of everyday life. Religious and ethnic conflicts will be more and more common in the future.
The current leaders of Europe are responsible for this situation. They have betrayed the Europeans. Their aim is to destroy the sovereign nations, in order to make it easier for the bankers to rule us. In order to reach their goals they lie, they support the mainstream media to manipulate us and they are cruelly chasing and hunting those who want to reveal the truth.
My Dear Friends!
If we want to save Europe, we have to make an alliance and we have to use the Hungarian model that has started from Ásotthalom, in the whole of Europe. I believe that you who have come here from the different parts of Europe are the chosen ones. I believe that we will be able to save Europe!
We are not afraid! Here, on the Hungarian – Serbian border we stopped the invasion. We defended Hungary and now we want to protect Europe too.
In the future we want the European Union to be an alliance of sovereign nations who have respect for each other, and we do not want it to be an economic empire that destroys nations.
If we do nothing, our several thousand-year-old European civilization will be destroyed in some decades, even in our lifetime.
What do we have to do?
Our only weapon is the power of the public opinion. That is why, by using the name Custodela, we will have to establish a media network that covers the whole of Europe. A media network that will continuously watch and observe illegal immigration and multiculturalism. We will be there at all parts of Europe. We will go into the ghettos of immigrants with our cameras, we will see who are those people in our prisons and what they are doing in the migrants’ camps. We will go into the mosques. We will be there on the internal and external borders of Europe.
We will show the unveiled truth about multiculturalism and the real face of illegal immigration.
Our only weapon is the public opinion. The traitorous political leaders, who have already sold their souls to the devil, can only be changed or removed by the pressure of public opinion. That is why our aim is to show everyone the truth.
Custodela will be the name of our new, common media network. This is a Latin word which means protection.
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Source: Custodela