Washington State: Public Schools Must Help Students “Recover” from Trump Rhetoric
AN OFFICIAL in the Washington education department has sent an email to the state’s schools urging them to prepare students for “increasing levels of fear and anxiety” because of the so-called “Trump effect.”
Teachers are told to create “safe places,” plan for “recovery” from Trump’s statements, incorporate election-related lessons in the classroom, and provide students with “protection” who are exposed to such rhetoric.
The email was sent out by Mike Donlin (pictured), program supervisor of the School Safety Center for the Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Donlin sent the email to a mailing list of school officials in charge of complying with state law concerning harassment, intimidation, and bullying in schools.
Bearing the subject “The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on Schools,” Donlin’s June 16 email warns recipients that they should be taking preemptive action to stop Trump’s rhetoric from hurting students.
“As we close this school year, we need to be aware of a phenomenon called the Trump Effect,” the email says. “Regardless of one’s politics, the impact of this year’s political rhetoric on K12 schools is huge. It has produced increasing levels of fear and anxiety among students of all ages. Fear levels are becoming especially high among ethnic, racial and linguistic minority, and LGBTQ youth. Perception is reality.”
To define the so-called “Trump Effect,” Donlin links to an article published by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a Jewish-run anti-White hate group, funded by an over quarter-billion-dollar leftist slush fund. SPLC’s mission is to “identify,” “track,” infiltrate, and disrupt anyone they declare to be a “hate group” in America, and has been linked to violent attempted homicide: When the Family Research Council (FRC) was “listed” by the SPLC as a hate group, it caused an attempted mass shooting at FRC’s headquarters in 2012. Nevertheless, Donlin cites the SPLC repeatedly as an apparently neutral source of information.
Despite Donlin’s claim that the Trump Effect exists regardless of politics, every example he cites clearly implies that Trump and his candidacy are to blame for an alleged surge in school bullying.
“Many [students], regardless of their place of birth, are worried about being deported,” he says. “There have even been stories of families moving or students transferring from one district to another which they perceive as safer, more inclusive.”
Donlin says he expects the issue to “intensify” when school resumes in August, and he urges school officials to get ahead of things by incorporating Trump-related lessons into anti-bullying events and even classroom instruction.
“The rhetoric of this election campaign is something we cannot prevent [emphasis in original],” he says. “However, we can plan for mitigation, protection, response – and recovery … Create safe places for students (and staff) to go, to talk. Don’t ignore the impact on students, staff and families. Allow students to ‘see something; say something’ in this very different context. Build discussions into lessons across curricula.”
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Source: Daily Caller
Ridiculous and, at the same time, sad that the USA is under the rule of people like this guy