
UK Home Secretary: Parents and Teachers Should Report Homophobic, Racist, and Religious “Hate” to Police


Treasonous British government gives Jews everything they want: Whites forbidden to criticize non-Whites or even their own genocide; racially-conscious Whites to be given harsher sentences if accused of crimes; even schoolchildren on the playground to be reported to police for “incorrect” words and thoughts.

PARENTS AND TEACHERS are today urged to report homophobic, racist and religious “hate” to the police, the UK’s Home Secretary Amber Rudd (pictured) has said today as she vowed to “stamp out hate crime.”

Rudd says that Britain is a “proud and diverse society” and warns that “hate crime has no place in a 21st Century Great Britain that works for everyone.”

Rudd is today publishing a “hate crime action plan” which encourage schools and parents to “challenge hate crime in the playground” and report it to the police.

She will announce a survey to establish the levels of “bullying” in schools, while teachers will be giving new teaching materials to children to understand that “hate crime” is unacceptable.

Police will also face further scrutiny to ensure they are taking “hate crime” seriously with a review by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, the watchdog group.

Rudd says: “Those who practise hatred send out a message that it’s OK to abuse and attack others because of their nationality, ethnicity, or religious background. That it’s OK to disregard our shared values and promote the intolerance that causes enormous harm to communities and individuals. Well, I have a very clear message for them. We will not stand for it. Hatred has no place whatsoever in a 21st century Great Britain that works for everyone. We are Great Britain because we are united by values such as democracy, free speech, mutual respect, and opportunity for all. We are the sum of all our parts — a proud, diverse society. Hatred does not get a seat at the table, and we will do everything we can to stamp it out.”

The Hate Crime Action Plan was originally drawn up by Theresa May, the Prime Minister, when she served as Home Secretary.

The Department for Education and the Department for Communities and Local Government is currently working on new teaching materials.

The Home Office said that they will “equip teachers to facilitate conversations around international events and the impact they have on communities here in the UK.”

Synagogues, churches, and mosques will be given government cash to protect themselves against attacks by racists, under plans to be published this week.

Rudd, the Home Secretary, will launch a new “hate crime” action plan, including a drive to punish offenders more harshly by ordering prosecutors to press for tougher sentences in court.

A £2.4 million fund will be set up to pay for “protective security measures” at places of worship, the Home Office said. [We all know which “places of worship” are meant here. — Ed.]

Rudd continued: “At a time of increased concerns about a climate of hostility towards people who have come to live in our country, let me be absolutely clear that it is completely unacceptable for people to suffer abuse or attacks because of their nationality, ethnic background, or colour of their skin. We will not stand for it.”

Prosecutors will be issued with fresh guidance on racially and religiously aggravated offences and encouraged to pursue tougher sentences against anyone accused of being motivated by “hate.”

* * *

Source: Telegraph

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Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
29 July, 2016 10:52 pm

Amber Rudd should be called a commissar, not a home secretary. I wonder if she’s a Jew, like Mark Rudd, the notorious New Leftist. (By the way, there’s an interesting article by the latter on his website, “Why Were There So Many Jews in SDS? (Or, the Ordeal of Civility).”) It can be hard to identify whether a given individual, even one in the public spotlight, is a Jew or not. Amber Rudd’s face indicates that she could be Jewish: her nose looks rather big and crooked, like so many of the tribe. The Daily Mail has published an article claiming that she’s a direct descendant of King Charles II and his mistress Barbara Palmer, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t got Jewish genes. Over many generations, bloodlines can be… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Collins
14 October, 2019 9:50 pm

A ‘Palmer’ was someone who made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

Reply to  Anthony Collins
14 December, 2022 9:30 am

She doesn’t need to be a Jew-Marxists, Freemasons and Christians do their masters work fanatically

P. Fox
P. Fox
29 July, 2016 11:44 pm

The Jewish puppet masters want the entire world like this. Its coming to the US soon.

30 July, 2016 1:18 am


30 July, 2016 3:26 am

So much for Brexit saving the British people from extinction.

17 October, 2019 9:08 pm

“Treasonous British government gives Jews everything they want” is accurate because Jews were expelled from Britain by royal decree that remains in force.

9 June, 2021 12:37 pm

Extraordinary and arrogant presumption-to whom does ‘Our’ refer? ‘values’? more than one? whose values? which cult of 50? ‘People who have come to live in out country’? How sweet! She must think England is her personal country and the peasants must never query her guest list of Muslim rapists and acid-splashers…only serfs would stand for the temerity of absolute moral cretins of her ilk and only effete eunuchs would stand for the invasion of their homeland by a continuous rabble of spoilt orcs-we must prepare a volcano for bourgeois Communists…so it’s to be Love-speech or gag yourself in a ‘Democracy’ in which the paleface Demos are absolutely scorned as obedient peasants?