The Lost Ten Tribes
THE BRITISH ISRAEL nonsense has its origins in the Jews’ myth about the “lost ten tribes,” who were the Sheenies who had scattered throughout the civilized world and set up their colonies wherever the natives were sufficiently industrious and prosperous to be fleeced. In the Middle Ages there were all sort of tales about where the ten tribes were living, and this drivel was given a great impetus in the time of Cromwell, when a Kike turned up with the story that he had found in Peru a tribe of Indians who understood and spoke Hebrew and so must be descendants of the “ten tribes.” This eventually produced Joseph Smith’s variety of Christianity, which I mentioned in the December 1989 issue of Liberty Bell.
The Puritans of the Commonwealth and perhaps Cromwell himself (unless he was cynically repaying the Yids who had financed his revolution) were suckers for propaganda to the effect that the kindred peoples, God’s Race and the English, if united, would rule the world, but so far as I know, the specific statement that the “ten tribes” had migrated to Britain was first made by a Huguenot refugee in England named Abbadie around 1688; the only edition of his book, Le triomphe de la providence et de la religion, known to me was published at Amsterdam in 1723, but may not be the first.
The “British Israel Movement” was begun by an English lunatic, Richard Brothers, who, in 1793, discovered that he was God’s Nephew, because God = Jesus, and he was the son of Jesus’s brother, Jakob (James); there were, of course, some chronological difficulties in fixing his birthday, but with God all things are possible. Brothers, therefore, was by his glorious heredity, the “Prince of the Jews” and the destined ruler of the world, and therefore the true King of Great Britain. George III did not agree, and Brothers accordingly was locked up for a while, but there were in England persons no more intelligent than he, including at least one an influential Whig in the Parliament; they procured his release and censored his ravings so that they could be published without exciting derision. The only one I have seen is entitled A Correct Account of the Invasion and Conquest of this Island by the Saxons,…the Descendants of the Greater Part of the Ten Tribes.
This kind of hogwash, doubtless financed by the Yids, was especially popular as justifying the admission of undisguised Kikes to full British citizenship, and as fostering the comforting dream of British-Jewish dominion over the world, as decreed by old Yahweh.
Thousands of English and Scots developed a thirst for this sweet swill, which seemed to provide an historical justification of Christianity apart from the more or less incredible tales in their holy book. No one, so far as I know, has ever tried to compile a complete bibliography of the hundreds of books and booklets published on this subject, which was officially known as “British-Israel Identity.” The first two words are commonly omitted by epopts of the cult in this country. (I remember having heard, years ago, the beginning of a quarrel between two female crackpots, who differed on the question of whether Americans were descended from the same Israelite tribe as the British or a different one. I left before the hair-pulling started.)
There are all sorts of amusing incidents in this carnival, e.g., one book was translated into Italian by an Englishman eager to tell the Italians who owned the world.
A. F. R. A. Glover (not, I devoutly hope, an ancestor of the well-known Classical scholar!), constructed an elaborate genealogy, showing, step by step, the descent of Queen Victoria from a bandit chief named David, who is conspicuously mentioned in the Jew-Book. No one seems to know whether the Queen was amused. One wonders also whether she knew whether or not her adored husband, Prince Albert, was half a Jew. (There was a rumor that his royal father’s Yiddish treasurer consoled the queen for her husband’s insuperable aversion from women. Frank Harris, somewhere in his voluminous memoirs, says that Victoria’s son, King Edward VII, spoke German with the accent of a Bavarian Jew, but refuses to discuss the scandal, well-known in his day.)
There was a certain amount of truth in the claims of the votaries of British-Israel Identity. Remember that even in the time of the great King Edward I, who tried to clean up England in 1290, any Sheeny who was not a notoriously criminal usurer could scurry around to the nearest church and persuade or pay a credulous or venal clergyman to sprinkle him with magic water, which instantly made him an Englishman and beyond the King’s power. A large number of Jews did precisely that, accumulated large fortunes, and married their lavishly dowered daughters to the sons of necessitous or greedy members of the landed gentry and not infrequently even to sons of peers. This calculated pollution of English blood had gone so far by the first decades of this century that Hilaire Belloc was sure that none of the great territorial families was without a Jewish admixture that was evident in the features of their young men.
The British-Israel poppycock greatly facilitated the rise of Jews to political power in the train of D’Israeli, whom Victoria made a British earl (!) and, for a time, her Prime Minister. The recent ascent of a rabbi to the House of Lords is only the natural result of the growing corruption of the preceding century.
The British-Israel agitation had a disastrous consequence. Men like Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner were too intelligent, of course, to take the genealogical drivel seriously, but they were so gullible that they did believe in a permanent alliance between Great Britain and Jewry. That sealed the doom of Britain, for the Jews, with their fixed and instinctive policy of “first defile, and then destroy,” naturally ruin first the nations, such as Germany and Britain, that were most hospitable to them.
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Really? Did you just make this up? Sorry, you are WAY OFF! Try again!
Care to explain, James? I am genuinely curious. I have noticed a few annoying inconsistencies in Dr. Oliver’s corpus, seemingly related to his political development over the years, but nothing “made up” or “way off”. If you can substantiate him being “way off”, I want to know that so I may henceforth consider him unreliable.
I will disclose that I have a great respect for Dr. Oliver’s intellect, and learned much from his writings; but I did not know him personally, and I am not his partisan. If you care to reply, please start by stating whether you have any connection with the “Identity” movement. It is a relevant question.
Dr. Oliver’s discussion of the blood-poisoning of the English sets me mulling over a question I have long been unable to answer: Why are the English such adepts at spycraft and intrigue? England has long had the most efficient, effective, and extensive spying services in Europe, far exceeding anything on the Continent. (And by the way, to-day, GCHQ is in some ways even further ahead in universal dragnet spying than its more infamous bedmate, the American NSA.) Moreover, their power-players are historically notorious for treating both the King’s Court and diplomatic affairs as some sort of sociopathic game. The manipulativeness deployed in maintaining their “balance of power” policy sinks to a nadir not otherwise seen amongst European Whites. And I say all this with no great love for the erstwhile… Read more »
An online search for Alfred Nossig’s Integrales Judentum reveals that a PDF file of it can be downloaded from the following webpage:
This is a short book, and perhaps you could write an article about it, translate parts of it, or both.
To actually see the quoted words on the page in the original is like a kick in the stomach. This is even more flagrant than that Barbara Lerner Spectre video which is now in popular currency. I am not competent to do translation, but I will make—no, I must make good use of it. Thank you again, Mr. Collins. I harbor no illusions about “educating the public” (see vol. 1 ch. 12 enumerated item 8 in Mein Kampf). But really, why are people still passing about that tired 1920 broadsheet by Winston Churchill when Nossig, Coudenhove-Kalergi, and similar are much more important? And how many “truth-seekers” know that Sarkozy’s infamous 2009 speech parroted an ongoing programme explained openly by Coudenhove-Kalergi in 1924? Those who want to be educated must be… Read more »
Sorry to double-post; but rereading my own words, I realize that my reference to Anja Silja came off as unusually petty. At risk of committing the worse sin of gossip, permit me to explain. For demonstrative purposes not to be confused with scholarship, I will take a hatchet of my own to Jewipedia, because that is what it is good for. With boldface and bracketed material supplied: After her debut in 1960 at the Bayreuth Festival… she [Anja Silja] began a relationship with the stage director Wieland Wagner. At Bayreuth, she also sang [a long list of important roles]. Outside Bayreuth, the soprano appeared in Wieland Wagner’s productions of [seemingly every role Wieland could throw at her], and other operas. Of her Salome, Harold Rosenthal wrote in Opera, in 1968:… Read more »
British Israel Movement believers have always embraced the dual-seedline doctrine teaching that 1) Jews are mongrelized imposters unrelated to Hebrew-Israelites and 2) Jews are the direct bloodline descendants of Satan – ie, the serpent seed.
Oliver’s claim that the British Israel Movement in the 1700s “fostered the comforting dream of British-Jewish dominion over the world, as decreed by old Yahweh” suggests that Jews somehow co-opted and weaponized the movement. If this is true, which I doubt, it in no way brings into question the legitimacy of the British Israel Movement itself anymore than Jews co-opting and weaponizing Disney makes old Walt a white devil and pedophile.
I wasn’t around in the 1700s, but I’ve read “British Israel” material written since the middle of the last century that regarded the Jews in a very friendly manner; Herbert W. Armstrong is just one example. But it doesn’t matter, since the “Bible” itself is an embarrassingly stupid pile of Jewish lies, with close to zero truth in it and no relevance to White people’s struggle to survive except as an obstacle. “Christian Identity” is the result when good people begin to realize that organized Jews are a danger to us, but they simply can’t let go of their wildly misplaced reverence for the Bible and its Yahweh and its “Chosen People.” So they pretend that the Jews aren’t the “real” Jews — and pretend, even more implausibly, that we… Read more »
Jews didn’t even exist until 600 years after the death of Abraham. Therefore, it is impossible for the Bible to be “an embarrassingly stupid pile of Jewish lies”. Ten books in – the first Jews arrive on the scene. They are described as disgusting creatures who “render the word of God to no effect” and as “the children of Satan”. After-which they [and Jerusalem] are wiped out, with the surviving remnant taken away as slaves.
One of the hallmarks of Christian Identity Lunacy (CIL) is the fantasy that the Hebrews in the Evil Book weren’t really Jews but were the ancestors of White people. Utter nonsense. Anyone who can read of the massacres, cruelty, perversions, uniquely Jewish trickery and theft, and peculiar kinds of insanity practiced by the “Old Testament” Hebrews in their own stories and not realize that these were Jews is willfully blind. What happens is that some good White people get imprinted by the “Bible” when they’re very young children, and for many of us imprinting at that age is ineradicable. They simply can’t let go of their attachment to the Evil Book, so when they realize (quite rightly) that Jews are committing genocide against us, they find themselves emotionally and psychologically… Read more »
I’m shocked :)
I believed the Queen is descended from Anglo-Saxon King Cerdic who was the great grandson of Wotan, an actual person who was later deified by ancestor worship.
Regarding British spycraft, about twenty years ago an Australian television lifestyle program asked viewers whether they thought they could become a spy. The television station offered to send viewers a fun software program game to assess them.
The viewers were then informed that only British subjects need apply!
Implication: Australians were being recruited by Britain to spy on Australians.
As Peter Wright stated in his book Spyhunter, he was advised to join the Freemasons because everyone else in the British spy society was one.
Peter Wright, the spyhunter, was himself the source of the leaks he was hunting. He complained that his good friends of twenty years, Tess and Victor Rothschild were accused of being USSR spies. They were.
The Rothschild’s Peter Wright was defended in court by lawyer Turnbull who became head of Goldman Sachs in Australia then Prime Minister of Australia.
Noah, Abraham and Moses belong to a long list of fictional characters that exist in Jewish fables. Jews talk more s**t than a 2 dollar radio.
Greetings fodwell.
As I recall it, most religions came from India and Abraham means ‘not Brahmin’.
Identity Christianity = Stockholm Syndrome
White people who suffer from this religious affliction have come to identify with their spiritual tormentors.
The English are Children of the Aesir; not the “Chosen” people of Israel.