Paul Nehlen at Paul Ryan’s Mansion: ‘Tear Down Your Wall’ if You Won’t Build One for the Country
I think the Overton Window has been kicked over the goalposts.
WISCONSIN businessman Paul Nehlen held a press conference on Saturday in front of Paul Ryan’s border wall surrounding his Janesville mansion. Nehlen demanded that Ryan either build a wall to protect the American people or tear down his own wall that protects Ryan and his family.
“Today, I am calling on Paul Ryan to live under the same conditions, which he’s imposed upon our American communities,” Nehlen said. He went on:
Paul Ryan, if you will not build a border wall for America, then I am asking you to tear down your wall. If you will not build a wall to honor the mothers and fathers of the dead, if you will not build a wall to protect our children, then, sir, you should tear down your wall and show everyone that you will live under the same conditions as they do.
People like Paul Ryan and Mark Zuckerberg love open borders so long as they stop at the property lines to their mansions. They ensconce their families with walls and fences, but then lecture us about how we have to be more charitable. And lectures us about how America ‘is more than our borders.’
As Nehlen was speaking, Ryan’s house was being protected by four large SUVs, a full-size van, several service agents, and a tall fence reinforced by high bushes.
Nehlen explained that “Paul Ryan is the most open borders, pro-Wall Street, anti-worker member of Congress in either party.”
“Can you name one time when Paul Ryan fought as hard for you and your family as he’s fought for corporate America?” Nehlen asked.
Echoing the rhetoric of the victorious Brexit campaign, Nehlen told Wisconsin voters that August 9th will be “Wisconsin’s Independence Day.”
“Paul Ryan has sold out his district to his corporate masters. On August 9th, the voters of Wisconsin have a historic opportunity: vote Ryan out and declare your freedom,” Nehlen said to loud applause.
While citizens in the UK voted to remove themselves from the European Union, Paul Ryan has pushed trade policies that will bind the U.S. to an international governing commission similar to that of the EU.
“With your vote on August 9th, you can save your country from rule by corporate elites,” Nehlen said, adding:
With your vote on August 9th, you can dethrone the entire ruling class of America… With your vote on August 9th, you have a chance to save your entire country from open borders… With your vote on August 9th, you can save your entire country from globalism. You can save your entire country from ceding sovereignty to the TPP’s global governing commission.
“Never have any people of any district had such an extraordinary opportunity to reset the balance of power in America,” Nehlen explained. “People have fought wars for less than you can achieve with your vote.”
Nehlen also addressed the Americans who have had to bury their children as a result of Paul Ryan’s support for open borders. Nehlen called on Ryan to release the names of the corporate lobbyists he’s working with on immigration:
Today, I’m calling on Paul Ryan to release the names of the corporate lobbyists he’s working with on immigration — the lobbyists who mean more to Ryan than the American fathers and mothers, who have buried their American children as a result of our nation’s open borders.
Nehlen also addressed the recent bloodshed in Dallas, Texas. Nehlen called on Ryan to bring up an emergency vote making the attempted execution of a police officer a federal hate crime:
As our police officers across the nation are under attack, and our citizens suffer the consequences of crime spiraling out of control — I’m calling on Paul Ryan to bring up for an emergency vote making the attempted execution of a police officer a federal hate crime punishable by death in all 50 states. Thus, ensuring that any time a police officer is killed, the murderer will face the maximum penalty under the law, and the full resources of the federal government will be brought to bear to bring that person and his accomplices to justice. I call on Ryan to hold this vote within the next seven days.
In recent months, Paul Ryan has come under fire for pushing a crime agenda that critics say would release violent criminals from prison — which could further endanger the lives of law enforcement officers.
Nehlen’s campaign provided reporters with a copy of his prepared remarks, which can be read in full below:
Thank you so much for joining me today.
I’m Paul Nehlen and I’m running for Congress in the first Congressional District of Wisconsin to take back our district from the global special interests who control Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan is the most open borders, pro-Wall Street, anti-worker member of Congress in either party.
Everything that Americans despise about their government, Paul Ryan represents.
Ryan is the embodiment of special interest control, lies, deception, corruption, contempt for the people, and the desire to curry favor and approval from far away media elites while disregarding the feelings and aspirations of one’s own constituents.
Paul Ryan represents arrogance, condescension, and the cultivation of a phony Washington image in place of true sincerity, conviction and connection with common men and women.
I am not only running against Paul Ryan, but I’m running against an entire system of corporate control over our government that has disenfranchised every single voter in Wisconsin, and millions more across the nation.
Paul Ryan has sold out his district to his corporate masters. On August 9th, the voters of Wisconsin have an historic opportunity: vote Ryan out and declare your freedom.
To the voters of Wisconsin, I say: August 9th is Wisconsin’s Independence Day.
But before going further, I want to address the carnage and bloodshed that has taken place in Dallas, Texas.
Law and order is breaking down in America. Too many innocent people are living in fear and terror, while the elites, who have created this state of chaos, live comfortably behind their walls, fences, and gates.
That’s why today — as our police officers across the nation are under attack, and our citizens suffer the consequences of crime spiraling out of control — I’m calling on Paul Ryan to bring up for an emergency vote making the attempted execution of a police officer a federal hate crime punishable by death in all 50 states.
Thus, ensuring that any time a police officer is killed, the murderer will face the maximum penalty under the law, and the full resources of the federal government will be brought to bear to bring that person and his accomplices to justice.
I call on Ryan to hold this vote within the next seven days.
The stakes of Wisconsin’s August 9th election cannot be overstated. One month from today, the voters of Wisconsin have the chance to take back their government and reclaim the people’s house.
Never have any people of any district had such an extraordinary opportunity to reset the balance of power in America.
But Paul Ryan and his deep-pocket donors want you to believe this isn’t so. They want you to believe that your vote doesn’t matter. They want you to believe that Paul Ryan is Speaker of the House, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Yet, as Mr. Brat’s victory in Virginia two years ago demonstrates, no big moneyed corporate donor, no transnational elite, no Washington politician can tell the American people what they must tolerate and who will rule over them.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t have the kind of representation you want. Don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t entitled to a Speaker who stands up for your voice and your family. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re stuck with a leader who doesn’t think your family deserves to be protected from terrorism, or open borders, or transnational gangs, or violent criminals.
With your vote on August 9th, you can save your country from rule by corporate elites.
With your vote on August 9th, you can dethrone the entire ruling class of America.
New reports say that in 2017 Congress plans to revive the disastrous Gang of Eight immigration agenda. With your vote on August 9th, you have a chance to save your entire country from open borders.
New reports say that after November, Congress will move to ratify the job-destroying Trans-Pacific Partnership. With your vote on August 9th, you can save your entire country from globalism. You can save your entire country from ceding sovereignty to the TPP’s global governing commission.
On August 9th, you have the power to kick out of Washington every corporate executive who thinks American workers are rubes and simpletons, who are unworthy of their time and interest.
On August 9th, you can kick out every transnational elite for whom national borders are seen as merely obstacles to the flow of cheap goods and labor.
People have fought wars for less than you can achieve with your vote.
People have crossed oceans for less than you can achieve with your vote.
And let me be clear about something else. This election is not about partisan politics — it’s not a race about the differences between Republican or Democratic policies.
This is an election about entirely different philosophies.
On the one side, you have Ryan’s philosophy, which governs only to the benefit of a small few: the corporate executives whom he meets in banquet rooms, the lobbyists at the Chamber of Commerce, his donors in Silicon Valley with whom he shares a good chuckle at your expense.
And on the other side, you have our philosophy, which believes in governing for the benefit of all the people — a philosophy that believes in representing every working mom, dad, student, grandparent, and every single person who calls themselves an American.
A vote for this philosophy is a vote on behalf of every person who will never sit in a boardroom with Goldman Sachs executives. It’s a vote for every person who will never go out for steak dinners at four star restaurants with Chamber of Commerce lobbyists. It’s a vote for every person who will never visit Denmark or Brussels with foreign bureaucrats and plot and plan how to rule.
To the Wisconsin voter who asks for nothing more than a secure job, a safe community, and a representative who will fight for them — I ask for your vote, because that is what I can deliver and that is what I promise. My one and only loyalty is to you and no one else.
Can you name one time when Paul Ryan fought as hard for you and your family as he’s fought for corporate America?
I’d like to read you something from a man named Dan Golvach.
Dan’s 25-year-old son, Spencer, was murdered by an illegal immigrant. Spencer was stopped at a red light when his killer decided to use Spencer’s head as target practice. Dan reminds us that, “this wasn’t Syria or Iraq. It was the neighborhood I grew up in.”
On Father’s Day, Dan asked Paul Ryan to accompany him to the place where Dan will spend every Father’s Day for the rest of his life — his son’s grave. Dan wrote: “This way Speaker Ryan can see first hand what pandering to the cheap illegal labor lobby means to Americans who can’t afford to put a security fence up around their house.”
But Paul Ryan ignored Dan’s plea.
Last summer, Kate Steinle’s father came to Washington. He told Congress how “help me, Dad” were the last words he’d ever hear from his daughter, as she lay dying in his arms. And he begged Congress to take action.
Five months after her death, Paul Ryan voted to reward sanctuary cities with federal grants.
Today, I’m calling on Paul Ryan to release the names of the corporate lobbyists he’s working with on immigration — the lobbyists who mean more to Ryan than the American fathers and mothers, who have buried their American children as a result of our nation’s open borders.
Today, I am calling on Paul Ryan to live under the same conditions, which he’s imposed upon our American communities…
Paul Ryan, if you will not build a border wall for America, then I am asking you to tear down your wall. If you will not build a wall to honor the mothers and fathers of the dead, if you will not build a wall to protect our children, then, sir, you should tear down your wall and show everyone that you will live under the same conditions as they do.
People like Paul Ryan and Mark Zuckerberg love open borders so long as they stop at the property lines to their mansions. They ensconce their families with walls and fences, but then lecture us about how we have to be more charitable. And lectures us about how America “is more than our borders.”
Don’t let one more American child die because Paul Ryan won’t secure the border. Your vote on August 9th can save a life.
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Source: Breitbart