
Oregon: “Assimilated” Mestizo Murders White Girl by Running Over Her Before Going on Crime Spree

missing-person-flier-med-kaylee-sawyerAFTER Kaylee Sawyer argued with her boyfriend, she went missing. Normally, the boyfriend would be under suspicion. But a Mestizo named Edwin Lara confessed to his wife, a police officer, that he killed Kaylee. Then he went on a crime spree before being captured by police.

From the Daily Mail:

A woman was murdered as she walked home alone from a bachelorette party in Bend, Oregon, after she got into an argument with her boyfriend.

Police believe Kaylee Sawyer encountered Edwin Lara, a 31-year-old with an associate degree in criminal justice who was working as a security guard at Central Oregon Community College.

A body that resembles 23-year-old Sawyer has been found but has not yet been positively identified.

Lara’s wife, Isabel Ponce-Lara, who recently became a police officer in Bend, told police on Monday that Lara had told her that he hit Sawyer with his patrol vehicle, killing her, then panicked and hid her body, according to documents filed in court.

After tearfully telling his story to her, Lara drove off, said his wife, who was worried that he was suicidal.


Police went to their home and found Sawyer’s blood-soaked purse, bloody women’s and men’s clothing and other belongings in a shed, according to 62 pages of affidavits filed with the Deschutes County Circuit Court in Bend.

 The officers said evidence showed Lara had committed crimes of vehicular homicide, assault and hit-and-run.

On Tuesday Lara was arrested and is being held in Tahama County Jail in California.

Sawyer’s boyfriend of two years, Cameron Riemhofer, told police she had gone out for a friend’s bachelorette party on Sunday night, according to a report on KOIN.


Riemhofer said he got a call just after midnight from Sawyer to pick her up.

He said she was drunk and they stood in the parking lot of their apartment complex arguing before Riemhofer went inside. He told investigators Sawyer was gone when he returned.

It is believed Lara then ran into Sawyer. Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel says they do not believe Lara accidentally ran her over.

Lara ‘did unlawfully and intentionally cause the death of Kaylee Anne Sawyer,’ the murder charge filed against him reads.

Lara was just getting started at the point where his wife outed him.

CBS News

Police say Lara fled to northern California, where a chaotic crime spree was reported Tuesday north of Redding.

The mayhem in the former gold-mining town of Yreka started near dawn when a man was shot in the stomach at the Super 8 Motel. The man, who has not been identified, was hospitalized in critical condition, police said. Police tell KOIN they believe Lara was behind the shooting.

Five minutes after police got the call about the shooting, another man phoned in from a gas station, saying his car had been taken with his wife and two sons still inside.

“The man had come out of the gas station to see his dog running around and his car gone,” Yreka Police Chief Brian Bowles told The Associated Press.

Bowles said Lara forced one of the man’s sons to drive at gunpoint. The mother and sons were later dropped off at a rest stop.

A California Highway Patrol Officer later saw a car speeding on the interstate about 100 miles away and tried to pull it over, the highway patrol said in a statement. Lara sped away at more than 100 mph. Police from the nearby town of Corning joined in before Lara pulled over and was arrested. A 19-year-old Salem, Oregon woman, Aundreah Elizabeth Maes, was also in the car and was arrested, Yreka police said.

Lara and Maes were booked into jail on charges including attempted murder, kidnapping, carjacking and burglary, Yreka’s police department said in a statement. But charges against Maes were dropped after police determined she was a victim, reports CBS affiliate KOIN. The woman’s family told the station that Lara had kidnapped her.

Edwin Lara deserves to be whipped before being executed, if he is found guilty in a court of law. That punishment should be carried out quickly. At least Oregon has a death penalty — but Oregon’s leftist governor refuses to allow it to be used.

And there’s not a word about whether Lara is in the USA illegally. If so, chalk up another set of victims to Obama’s “dreamers.”

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Source: Saboteur 365

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