
14 Reasons for White Pride in America

White-Americaby Frank Jamger

IT IS TIME for White Americans to fight back, to save our great people and nation. The mantra of the destroyers is: “The United States was founded on genocide and built on the backs of slaves.” That is nonsense, as I will demonstrate.

1. The United States, a nation renowned for individual rights and freedom, was created by Whites for their posterity.

The United States, a nation world-renowned for its individual rights, freedom, prosperity, and generosity, was built by the ingenuity and work of White pioneers who carried over values and traditions of Europe. The Founding Fathers recognized the U.S. as a White nation and citizenship was originally limited to Whites [1]. It remained about 90% White until the madness of the Cultural Marxist revolution of the 1960s [2]. Our great nation is infinitely more precious than the mere land it sits upon.

2. White America’s excellent technology and prosperity has been a boon to the whole world, including the non-Whites living here.

The great technological and industrial productivity of the United States has benefited not only the non-Whites fortunate enough to live here, but the entire world that dreams of living here. American inventions include the sewing machine, typewriter, telephone, records, cameras, television, computers, cars, airplanes, space shuttle, light bulbs, dishwasher, air conditioning, anesthesia, vaccines, hearing aid, defibrillator, heart-lung machine, and the artificial heart [3]. We’ve shared our technology far and wide, leading to greater prosperity throughout the world. Non-Whites fortunate enough to live here enjoy far higher standards of living than their kin in their own homelands, and they’re in no hurry to go back.

3. White Americans, including our dear ancestors — brave pioneers and settlers, have always been good, caring people.

Contrary to Cultural Marxist propaganda, there certainly was nothing evil about our ancestors, the virtuous White American settlers who built this great nation. We were the same good people then as we are today: honest, compassionate and generous. White Americans donate more to charity than any other people on Earth [4]. We’ve always been generous to the poor of all races, giving out free cash, medical care, education, and services. The maligned Jim Crow governments provided separate but equal facilities and services to Blacks, paid for by White tax-payers. Even White slave owners were remembered fondly by their former Black slaves for the care they provided [5]. Of course, Blacks and Amerinds receive high rates of welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, etc [6]. We’ve also cared for the land, protecting huge tracts of wilderness in parks and reserves [7], and making great strides in minimizing pollution [8].

4. There was plenty of open space in America when White Americans came. We built a civilization from scratch upon wilderness.

Amerinds only sparsely occupied the vast area of the United States at the time Whites settled it, the majority of it being empty wilderness. This was partially due to tragic disease epidemics that swept the country, estimated to have killed 90-95% of the population [9]. Amerinds were mainly nomadic hunter-gatherers to begin with, having low population density. There were perhaps one to two million Amerinds in the entire U.S. before Europeans settled it [10]; there were estimated to be only 20,000 in all New England in 1640 [11]. Whites were mostly just peaceful settlers looking to start a new life for themselves, building homes from scratch on open land. They befriended Amerinds when possible, though sometimes their first contact came in the form of a murderous surprise attack. Whites had no interest in taking over the primitive Amerind settlements, though some forced relocations ultimately became necessary because Amerinds rejected civilization.

5. Whites didn’t want much from the Amerinds, who were Stone Age primitives who had created little of value.

Whites took very little from Amerinds in America beyond bare land. The Amerinds encountered were Stone Age primitives who didn’t have metal implements, nor the wheel, nor a written language. What farming they had was primitive, making minimal if any use of fertilizer [12]. No major towns nor industry nor stores of goods were taken from them. They had none.

6. Amerinds have been well compensated for the loss of land they occupied, which had minimal value at the time.

Amerinds have received huge compensation from the United States for their lost land, as well as ongoing benefits and privileges such as lucrative casinos [13]. It’s not Whites’ fault that much of this money has been squandered. They’ve also received the benefits of U.S. citizenship including loads of welfare, as well as our technology and civil institutions. Amerinds have also retained or received in compensation much land to this day [14], their sovereign possessions, in addition to normal properties around the country.

7. Most Amerinds were not the original, true natives. They replaced — often violently — peoples who preceded them, some of them likely White.

Previous peoples in North America, some relatively advanced, were replaced by the primitive Amerinds encountered by European settlers. Few if any of the so-called “natives” encountered by settlers were the original and true natives of their lands. Some Amerinds are part-White, and some of the displaced or exterminated American peoples of the past were evidently White; see 14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America. Some aggressive Amerinds, such as the Pequots, Apaches, and Comanches [15], had long histories of conquering other peoples [16]. At this point in history, there was no international law and people around the world took for granted the right of possession by the strongest. The harsh reality was that weaker Amerinds were going to be ruled by one conqueror or another, and being ruled by Amerinds is no picnic.

8. Many Amerinds were hostile and cruel, and had a long history of attacking and oppressing other tribes.

Contrary to popular myth, Amerinds tended to be untrustworthy, hostile, oppressive, and cruel. They attacked, oppressed, and sometimes massacred other tribes. Some tribes, such as the Pequots and Apaches, had a martial culture based on raiding and exploiting other Amerinds; these oppressed tribes gladly allied with Whites to fight for their freedom. Many Amerinds had traditions of making fiendish rituals or sports of extracting the maximum possible agony from captives before killing them, and their women were sometimes the most enthusiastic participants. Some of their favorite kinds of torture were skinning alive, cutting off all facial and body parts one by one and putting hot coals in the wounds, roasting people alive on a spigot, and spinning seated little girls around on sticks impaled in their anuses. They also liked to cut off body parts such as scalps to cannibalize or save as mementos. [16] Our kindly ancestors could hardly be blamed for disliking such folk.

9. Whites never attempted to genocide Amerinds; rather, they were sympathetic toward them. Warfare was usually started by Amerinds.

Amerinds were not genocided. There was no plan nor intention to genocide them. On the contrary, the majority of White Americans were friendly or sympathetic toward Amerinds — those Whites who didn’t bear the brunt of their hostilities. Great efforts were made to assimilate them [17]. The myth of the noble Amerind living in harmony with nature is a very old narrative that author Mark Twain ridiculed in his satirical essay The Noble Red Man (1870) [18]. It is of course true that many Amerinds died of diseases spread unintentionally [9]; but the claim that Whites deliberately infected them with blankets is scarcely credible [19]. In fact, President Jefferson launched a 30-year vaccination program for them in 1801. There was sporadic warfare over the centuries between Whites and Amerinds, usually started by a surprise Amerind attack [20]. There are presently about three million Amerinds in the U.S., more than as many as there were when White American settlers first encountered them [10], and they still possess massive tracts of territory [14].

10. The actual number of Amerinds killed by Whites was relatively small.

Against the nonsensical claim of genocide, there are actual estimates of Amerinds killed in warfare and massacres. The U.S. Census Office in 1890 estimated that 45,000 Amerinds were killed in all warfare with the United States since its founding [21]. William Osborn in The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American-Indian War… counted 7,193 deaths of Amerinds via “atrocity” by Whites between 1511-1890, versus 9,156 Whites killed in atrocities by Amerinds [22]. In comparison, about 500.000 Americans were killed during the U.S. conquest of the Confederacy, 1861-5.

11. Amerinds didn’t teach Whites farming and fertilizer use; rather, Whites taught them.

Contrary to myth, Whites did not learn how to farm from Amerinds. Amerinds lacked basic agricultural technology that Whites had been using for centuries, such as metal implements for efficient tilling, use of fertilizer, and the wheeled cart. Squanto learned about using fish for fertilizer from Europeans amongst whom he had lived. Whites in Europe and Newfoundland had long been using fish for fertilizing crops, including corn. Amerinds, who were primarily hunter-gatherers, relied on shifting cultivation sites. [23]

12. Blacks did not build the United States, Whites did. Blacks were only a tiny portion of North and West states, and only menial workers in the South.

Blacks and other non-Whites did not build the United States, in any sense. U.S. civilization from the beginning has been an outgrowth of Europe, not of Africa or anywhere else. The infrastructure, laws, culture, morals, and values of traditional America are characteristically European-White. The U.S. was founded by Whites and created by White ingenuity. Blacks were only a tiny percentage (under 3%) of the Northern and Western states to 1930 [24], which developed as advanced a society as the Southern ones. Even in the South, Black slaves did mostly menial farm labor that the least skilled of Whites could have done, and low-wage free men did in fact do after the war. The overall economic benefit of Black slavery to the U.S. was minimal at most [25].

13. Blacks have been compensated for their mostly menial work. They would only have been worse-off slaves if not brought to America.

Blacks, who have been mostly menial laborers, were compensated for their work with at least basic necessities and care, even as slaves. Low-skilled workers, whether slave or free, whether in Africa or America, generally don’t accumulate wealth, anyway. Black Americans would have been slaves in Africa whether Whites had purchased them or not [26], and were worse off in Africa before being sold by other Blacks to be transported to America. Many White workers at that time were also essentially slaves and sometimes treated worse [27]. Former Black slaves generally recalled their former masters fondly when interviewed about their experiences [5]. Since slavery ended, they have received enormous transfers of wealth from Whites in the form of welfare, special education, law enforcement, pervasive anti-White discrimination in education and hiring, healthcare and other insurance costs driven up by Blacks, etc. [6,28]

14. The Ethno-Masochist Left is pro-immigration except when it comes to Whites, who were good “immigrants” who gave much and took little.

The hypocrisy of the Left on immigration is astounding. They’re all in favor of open borders and immigration for welfare-leeching non-Whites, but say White “immigrants” (pioneers, actually) who built homes from scratch on the American wilderness were “wicked.” The truth is, White Americans — unlike non-Whites — were super “immigrants” who bore a great gift: civilization. They were independent, hard-working pioneers who took nothing from anyone except in some cases bare land which they developed and made prosperous, and later compensated the former occupants. They did not wish to intrude into Amerind towns, to take over their neighborhoods, or leech their sustenance. Modern non-White immigrants, on the other hand, intrude into White societies for that very purpose. Instead of civilization, they bring envy, demands for handouts and enforced equality, rampant crime, oppression of women, and even Sharia law.


1a- “What the Founders Really Thought About Race.”

1b- The Federalist Papers : No. 2; “a people descended from the same ancestors”.

1c- Naturalization Acts of 1790 and 1795.

1d- The Immigration Act of 1924 (The Johnson-Reed Act).

2– Historical Census Statistics On Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For Large Cities And Other Urban Places In The United States; Table A-1. Race and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 1790 to 1990.

3– “Technology Timeline: 1752 – 1990.”

4a- “Americans are the most generous people in the world.”

4b- “Americans are world’s most charitable, top 1% provide 1/3rd of all donations.”

4c- Charitable Giving Statistics.

5– Forgotten Black Voices.

6a- “Welfare: Who’s on It, Who’s Not?”

6b- “Statistics on race and welfare for the USA.”

6c- “National Review Wrong (Again) On Race And Welfare.”

6d- “Welfare Use by Immigrant and Native Households.”

6e- “The Cost of Welfare Use By Immigrant and Native Households; Race and Ethnicity.”

6f- “All Those White People on Food Stamps.”

7– National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) | Protected Areas Data Portal.

8– “Progress Cleaning the Air and Improving People’s Health.”

9– “Why Native Americans Didn’t Wipe Out Europeans With Diseases.”

10a- American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History Since 1492; pages 25-6.

10b- “The Non-Genocide of Northern Native Americans.”

11– “The Settling Of Bolton.”

12a- Squanto and the Pilgrims: On Planting Corn “in the manner of the Indians” by Lynn Ceci, in The Invented Indian (lack of technology; page 80).

12b- “Noble Savagery” (AR: The Invented Indian book review).

13a- Indian Claims Commission.

13b- Indian Land Claims Settlements.

13c- “Government pays $1billion compensation to Indian tribes over century-old claims to money and land.”

13d- “What’s so good about being a Native American?”

13e- “10 Things You Need to Know about Indian Reservation Gambling.”

13f- “Has tribal gaming been a boon for American Indians?”

13g- “Inside the richest native American tribe in the U.S. where casino profits pay $1m a year to EVERY member.”

14– Indian Reservations in the Continental United States.

15a- “Apache – The Fiercest Warriors in the Southwest.”

15b- The Texas Comanches by R E Moore.

15c- Indian wars of New England. Topography of Indian tribes (Pequots).

16a- “North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence.”

16b- Debunking Another Lie: Lawrence H. Keeley’s War Before Civilization: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage.

16c- “The truth Johnny Depp wants to hide about the real-life Tontos: How Comanche Indians butchered babies, roasted enemies alive and would ride 1,000 miles to wipe out one family.”

16d- Isaac Jogues: Missionary and Martyr – Martin J. Scott; “Torture”

16e- Torture and Mutilation The following story is from the book, Comanches, The Destruction of a People.

16f- “A Fate Worse Than Death.”

16g- Tom Goodrich on Amerindian atrocities.

16h- “The American Indian ‘torture tree.'”

16i- Narragansett Stalking Horse; “The English Role in the Pequot War.”

17a- “Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?”

17b- R”eject the Lie of White ‘Genocide’ Against Native Americans.”

17c- “Native Americans Were Not Victims of Genocide.”

18a- “The Noble Red Man” (1870), by Mark Twain.

18b- “Noble Savagery.”

18c- “No, Native Americans weren’t the original environmentalists.”

18d- Review of Mother Earth: An American Story.

19a- “Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?”; Section II.

19b- Did the U.S. Army Distribute Smallpox Blankets to Indians? Fabrication and Falsification in Ward Churchill’s Genocide Rhetoric.–did-the-us-army-distribute-smallpox-blankets-to-indians?rgn=main;view=fulltext

19c- “The Smallpox-infected Blankets.”

20a- “Old World vs. New: The First Battles Between Native North Americans and Europeans.”

20b- “The Indian Wars in the Colonies.”

20c- “King Philip’s War: Indian Chieftain’s War Against the New England Colonies.”

20d- “Indian Warfare – War Methods and Tactics.”

21– Census Office: Report on Indians taxed and Indians not taxed in the United States (1890) p.637-8.

22– Osborn, William M. (2001). The Wild Frontier: Atrocities During The American-Indian War from Jamestown Colony to Wounded Knee. Cited here:

23– “Squanto and the Pilgrims: On Planting Corn ‘in the manner of the Indians'” by Lynn Ceci, in The Invented Indian.

24– Historical Census Statistics On Population Totals By Race, 1790 to 1990, and By Hispanic Origin, 1970 to 1990, For Large Cities And Other Urban Places In The United States; Table A-1. Race and Hispanic Origin for the United States: 1790 to 1990.

25– “Whites Did Not Benefit from Slavery (Not Even at the Time).”

26– “Slaves in America Would’ve Been Slaves in Africa Anyway.”

27a- “The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain.”

27b- “White Slaves in America Outnumbered Black Slaves – Bet you didn’t know that did you?”

28a- “The Racial Tithe.”

28b- “Affirmative Action and the Costs of Diversity.”

28c- “The Myth of American Meritocracy.”

28d- “Testing standards lowered by affirmative action.”

See also: “14 Reasons Amerinds not true natives of America”:

* * *
Source: Frank Jamger
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20 July, 2016 11:33 pm

Can we now have 14 tools awakened Whites can use to wrest control of our people from our alien destroyers?

I might suggest a few here:

1. Self-education. We must know who we are and why we’re here.
2. Mating and breeding large White families. White children are our people’s ONLY future.
3. Racial awakening and education of our children.
4. The Will to act.
5. A feeling of responsibility to be an active participant in our community–including outreach to those not or partially awakened.

Add to this at your leisure.

15 August, 2017 2:11 pm

well said; however, afro americans counted much less than 3% and if to count the descendants of liberated slaves they’d roughly make 1% of the population… 90% of the colored american community immigrated to the country in the past 50 years. 99% of BLM gang memebers are new immigrants and illegals. liberal fascists are using the minorities to destroy the country because they are too weak to stand for their beliefs… the us nation is a white nation because white americans make more than 90% of the population and being white is not a crime… its time to stand and fight back because things are getting ugly. keep the voice up.

Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
11 January, 2018 2:17 pm

without knowing the past is impossible to understand the present and glimpse the future. required reading.

Reply to  Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
11 January, 2018 11:43 pm

Ulysses, another work worth reading is the Who We Are series of articles posted on this website. It’s also available from in book format at a very reasonable price and is highly recommended as an addition to your family’s library.

LH Collins
LH Collins
25 July, 2021 8:48 am

There need to be more autonomous White enclaves in America (and the planet). Autonomous in legal terms, in administration and in terms of currency. From the ashes of America should rise the power of new White identitarian nations who won’t integrate blacks and browns, won’t fritter away foreign aid to worthless Third World nations. When an adjacent non-White region flatlines demographically, White territories should act, as quickly as possible, to send their troops or militias to annex them and kick off the non-White riffraff who remain.

LH Collins
LH Collins
7 August, 2021 11:51 am

America would look miles better with no “Native” reservations, and no White tax-dollars being pilfered to pay for those “genocide” victims and feed.their fat asses!