We Will Not Vote Our Way Out
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 4, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
RECENTLY Chairman Williams asked me to create National Alliance promotional material based on the theme that we White Americans “will not vote our way out of this mess; we will not buy our way out; and we will not pray our way out.”
In response, my first creation addressed the “vote our way out” delusion. It was our flier featuring Donald Trump’s face framed with the headline “Incredibly Stupid.” The idea of putting Trump there, along with those words, was not really to talk about Trump at all — but to inform White Americans about the fatal futility of wasting their lives looking for an electoral solution to a biological problem, especially when the electoral system is rigged by people who are determined to kill us.
I’m going to expand on that idea today — the idea that we will not, cannot, and never will be able to vote our way out of the mess that we’re in; the idea that we must de-program ourselves and stop believing in the nonsense of mass democracy; the idea that we must stop wasting precious time playing in the democratic sandbox and instead must spend our lives building a new, Whites-only society, starting right now.
First, think about this: It has been estimated that to be a successful manager of a McDonald’s restaurant you need an IQ of 115 or more. Yet we all know that such a person, while he may be an excellent person in many ways, is not exceptionally bright. And, ignoring other races for the moment, we know based on scientific studies that only 15 per cent. of the White population has an IQ above that number — meaning that 85 per cent. are not the sharpest knives in the drawer. The very intelligent will therefore always be outvoted — vastly outvoted — by the mediocre and the dull.
Speaking of the dull, fully half of the White population falls into that category, having an IQ of less than 100. The dull in combination with the confused will always be a majority and therefore, in a mass democracy, will always be able to easily outvote the wise, the brilliant, and the well-informed.
And virtually all of the dull and mediocre — and a fair number of the very bright — are easily manipulable and will fall for almost any skilfully-presented lie. That adds up to well over 50 per cent. of the electorate, folks. Thus the media moguls, who do virtually all of the manipulating, have effective control of politics in any modern mass democracy. Game over. (Game’s not over, of course, once we start coming up with solutions that don’t involve voting.)
Wilhelm Röpke once said: “Living together in society and genuine culture is inconceivable without the authority of the competent, therefore our object must be to hinder the authority of the incompetent.” Mass democracy does the opposite — it gives the incompetent the deciding vote in all decisions, and the Jews who own the mass media like it that way, since they control what the morons think. Add to that the ever-increasing number of racial aliens — mostly of low intelligence and character, and who also hate us — who have been imported for the express purpose of destroying and then replacing us, and you can see that all our daydreams of “the people waking up and voting the bastards out” are absolutely, totally, completely, and utterly vain and unattainable.
The media manipulators have also developed many a way to control the thinking of even the intelligent.
Have you ever heard of implanted memory? It is a psychological reality and it was illustrated quite pointedly by an article in the quarterly The Skeptical Inquirer. In one study, a young boy was told by a researcher the completely false statement that the boy had gone to the hospital because his finger got caught in a mousetrap. He was then asked “Did this ever happen to you?” This process was repeated once per week for eleven weeks.
The first week, the boy’s response was “No. I’ve never been to the hospital.”
The second week, his response was “Yes. I cried.”
The third week, his response was “Yes. My mom went to the hospital with me.”
The fourth week, the boy said “Yes. I remember. It felt like a cut.”
The fifth week, he said “Yes” as he pointed at his index finger.
By the eleventh week, his implanted memory had grown so much and gained such a wealth of detail that it sounded quite believable. When he was asked about this nonexistent incident for the eleventh time, he said: “Uh-huh. My daddy, mommy, and my brother [took me to the hospital] in our van…. The hospital gave me … a little bandage, and it was right here.”
When asked “How did it happen?” the child continued: “I was looking and then I didn’t see what I was doing and [my finger] got caught in there somehow…. The mousetrap was in our house because there’s a mouse in our house…. The mousetrap is down in the basement next to our firewood…. I was playing a game called ‘Operation’ and then I went downstairs and said to Dad, ‘I want to eat lunch,’ and then it got stuck in the mousetrap…. [My brother] pushed me into the mousetrap…. It happened yesterday. The mouse was in my house yesterday. I caught my finger in it yesterday. I went to the hospital yesterday.”
The boy responded and behaved precisely as if the incident had occurred, precisely as if the memory was really his. I think there are at least two factors at work in this and other cases of implanted thoughts, ideas, and memories.
One, of course, is suggestibility. We are all suggestible to a certain extent, some individuals more than others. If I were to suggest how good some hot buttered popcorn would taste right now, a certain percentage of my audience would suddenly develop a craving for it, even if they hadn’t been thinking of food and even if they hadn’t eaten popcorn for months.
We have all heard the story, perhaps apocryphal but it illustrates the point, about the movie theatre which flashed the words “have a Coke” on the screen for a fraction of a second and found that cola sales went up immediately afterward.
If I were to take a poll on an average Autumn afternoon, asking a group of people if they thought it relatively warm or chilly today, the responses might be divided, let us say, 50/50. If I then suggested to them that, whatever they had said in the poll, the truth was that it was relatively warm for this time of year, I predict that a significant number of members of the group would change their responses if I took the same poll again.
Another example, and I am sure that you can think of hundreds of them: Many individuals immediately begin to itch all over if they are told that an ant or mosquito has just crawled down their shirt.
In addition to suggestibility, there is the additional factor of wanting to do what is expected of you. In the case of the boy with the implanted false memory of going to the hospital after getting his finger caught in a mousetrap, he undoubtedly perceived that the researcher who was interviewing him once every week invariably asserted that the incident had happened. The researcher was an adult and an authority figure. The researcher always asked the boy to tell him what had happened, and it didn’t take much prodding, for by the second interview the boy was telling him what he apparently wanted to hear.
The same sort of thing occurs on a larger scale when there is a change in government, particularly a revolutionary change where fear and a desire to do what is expected are combined. When El Presidente takes power, many are they who proclaim their love for El Presidente, how happy they are that the revolution has succeeded, and how they supported him from the very beginning. But when El Presidente is deposed in a war or coup, many of the same individuals will have nothing good at all to say about him, and will volunteer the fact that they were secret members of the “resistance” all along.
For many if not most individuals these factors — suggestibility, a desire to do what is expected or what is considered “good,” and a fear of being in opposition to one’s fellows — can be so powerful that the ideas behind the induced behavior are actually accepted as true or real. They are accepted as true or real even if they are at complete variance with the observed facts of Nature. They are accepted as true or real even if they are in complete opposition to beliefs formerly held by the same individual.
Such sheeplike behavior, such “follow-the-leader” behavior, is a reality in our race and others. Nature endowed a majority of us with such traits for a good reason. Society would quickly collapse if we were all leaders with no followers. Society would also collapse if most of us did not accept the moral norms formulated by our best men. For thousands of years, these traits kept us alive as families, tribes, and nations so long as the myth-makers, trend-setters, and leaders were people of our own race, who, at least most of the time, shared our innermost values and shared our destiny.
Today, however, television and our other mass media have passed largely under the control of an alien people, the Jews, the leadership of which consider themselves a distinct and separate people with values and goals very different from those of ordinary Americans, and who use their influence over our people’s thinking to promote self-hatred and suicidal ideas among us.
If the young boy I spoke of a few minutes ago can be made to believe — or at least to act as if he believes — that a completely fictional event is true, merely by being given a 10-second-long suggestion once per week for eleven weeks; then what can he be made to believe by the masters of the media, who rub his face in leftist and equalitarian and anti-White propaganda seven days a week for six or more hours per day for his entire life? I’ll tell you what they can and do make him believe. They make him believe that his ancestors were evil bigots, whose legacy must be overcome if he is to become a “world citizen.” They make him believe that it is especially virtuous to tolerate and practice homosexual sodomy. They make him believe that all enlightened people sanction the slaying of healthy White children in the womb. They make him believe that his moral goodness is measured by the degree to which he approves of the conversion of his country into a Third World pesthole. They make him believe that it is morally wrong to oppose homosexuality and racial mixing, aberrations which were illegal in most states of this union only a few decades ago.
Almost no television program or motion picture is allowed to be produced today unless it contains at least some anti-White propaganda. From the multiracial playgrounds of Sesame Street to the interracial romances in soap operas and dramas, to the anti-White bias in the evening news, to the promotion of the current “migrant” and “refugee” invasion, the barrage is endless and steadily increasing in viciousness and intensity.
Television, as long as it is in the hands of malevolent aliens who hate us and everything we stand for, is far worse than any illegal drug. Do you allow your children to be turned against you by these evil masters of the media? If you do not allow them to snort cocaine or inject heroin, then why do you allow them to inject this poison into their brains?
Our children commune with the masters of the media more than they play with their friends, far more than they attend their churches and Sunday schools, more than they spend time with their parents, and even more than they attend school. The same is true of the last three post-WWII generations. Your generation, too, has been subjected to a lifetime of misinformation and mental conditioning.
What implications does this have for the form of government which our masters have fastened upon us, called “democracy”? This form of government can be expressed succinctly with the phrase “one man, one vote.” One of the ideas which the media masters have promoted is a quasi-religious faith in democracy. We have been taught that democracy was the form of government established by our founding fathers. We have been taught that a government is good or bad precisely to the degree that it is or is not democratic. We have been taught that democracy is so holy that we are justified in sending our young men to kill and be killed to “restore democracy” where it is supposedly absent. All of these things which we have been taught are lies.
Democracy is a form of government which our founding fathers explicitly rejected, and strove to avoid in our founding documents. The word “democracy” does not appear in the Constitution or in the Declaration of Independence. At the constitutional convention which brought our founding document into existence, democracy was debated and soundly defeated as a form of government. It was said at the time: “Democracies are as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.” Our founding fathers did indeed give us a representative form of government, a republic, but it was not remotely similar to “one man, one vote.” For one thing, citizenship was limited to those of European descent. Even for citizens, there existed many qualifications for the franchise which guaranteed that the ignorant, the illiterate, and the rabble of the cities could not vote. Now no doubt there were faults in the government established by our founding fathers, but in the broad view it was a government in which the able and the decent had control of affairs, a government in which aliens were not permitted to rule our people.
The much-vaunted Athenian democracy of ancient Greece also limited political participation to a racial and social elite who alone were believed able to govern themselves.
Look at the streets of your city. Look at the gibbering beggars, at the drug users and the drug sellers. Look at the ignorant Mestizo peons and primitive-minded Middle Easterners now flooding into our country. Look at the declining intelligence and educational level of the White population, too. See them as they walk down the street, with an obscenity or a brand of beer or the name of some TV star on their T-shirts and baseball caps. One man, one vote. The vote of the knowledgeable and upright is now guaranteed to be canceled out by the votes of the ever-growing mob of aliens and morons. Even if all our politicians were paragons of morality and wisdom, they would have to appeal to the rabble’s tastes and opinions in order to be elected, something that most honorable men could not stomach. And when in office, they would have to implement policies acceptable to the mob or they would quickly be supplanted by a smiling liar who made the appropriate promises. And every politician in our democracy is aware that the mood of the mob is managed quite effectively by the controlled mass media. If he wants to stay in office, he must never violate the taboos established by the Jews who own those media.
In short, democracy as practiced in the United States of America today is a total fraud.
Those who believe that democracy is “working well” because of Trump’s recent triumphs and rhetoric are deluding themselves. Remember the Reagan years: Do you remember how the Republicans and conservative Democrats effectively controlled the Executive and Legislative branches of government? Do you remember the phrase “The Reagan Revolution”? Do you remember the landslide re-election? — the enthusiasm of White Americans for “the gipper”? Let me ask you this, then. In eight years of almost total governmental power by Republicans and so-called conservatives, did they reverse in any significant way even one major anti-White policy or program? Were the gun-grabbing laws then on the books repealed? Were the American people given relief from the intrusive federal government and its leftist policies? Were the affirmative-action laws and minority favoritism laws repealed? Was the “foreign aid” to the Zionist entity and its client states stopped or even reduced by one penny? Was the flood of illegal and legal Third World immigrants across our borders halted or even slowed down? Were those who were here illegally convicted, punished, and expelled — or were they given amnesty for their crimes? And let me also ask you this — Were any of these things even attempted?
No. The agenda of the aliens who control our media, deceive our people, and thus control both political parties continued through the Reagan years and will continue even if Trump becomes president. The advance of the anti-American agenda is much like the action of a ratchet wrench. In our phony democracy, the wrench only ratchets in one direction: the direction leading to the loss of our freedom and ultimately to the death of our people and our culture.
Democracy as practiced in ancient Athens could only work so long as the voters were of a uniformly high quality intellectually, morally, and racially. Even then, mass democracy could never have worked.
Mass democracy is not a viable form of government when you have a low average level of intelligence and moral character in the population.
Mass democracy is not a viable form of government when a malevolent alien tribe controls the mass media.
Mass democracy is not a viable form of government when our votes are being continuously diluted by an exponential increase in millions of racial and cultural aliens brought here for that very purpose — racial and cultural aliens who have no conception of our moral and ethical standards or form of government and to whom our sacred values and traditions mean nothing.
Do not be deceived. Do not be diverted from our patriotic task of building a new elite of aware and intelligent White Americans. Devote all the precious moments of your life to that task.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at Whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. You can join and support us by visiting natall.com — or write to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to never give up.
ADV – We Will Not Vote Our Way Out – June 4, 2016
Donald Trump or any other present-day political figure is not a solution in and of himself, but part of a larger strategy.
If you believe not having people on the inside is helpful, well then I don’t know what to say.
Jay: True. And it is true of a President not having people (loyal to him) on the inside. According to Sebastian Gorka, who was just sent out of the White House as of this post, Trump is surrounded by those who would have rather served under Hildog Clinton. And his State, Justice and Defense et alia departments are staffed to a large degree by Obama holdovers. And of course, we have all heard how the “Deep State” hold overs from Obama are sabotaging Trump’s confidential communications with world leaders plus other secrets. And doing this with an early Jan 2017 executive order that allows intelligence gathering agencies/entities to share their information among each other. So that intelligence is no longer compelled to be compartmentalized. I haven’t heard anything to suggest… Read more »