
Introducing Vanessa Neubauer

MP_20150428_3070Xby National Alliance staff

VANESSA Neubauer, the National Alliance’s Correspondence Secretary, is the first point of contact for those making initial inquiries via the Alliance’s main organizational Web site, (ILLUSTRATION: Vanessa Neubauer at work in the Alliance’s media office)

Vanessa holds degrees in environmental biology and chemistry. She says that her knowledge of evolution and the environment helped her understand the biological dimensions of America’s racial problems. She adds that “Dr. Pierce’s works guided me onto a new path of discovery and knowledge, and from that point on I knew I needed to take part in the restoration of the White race to its true potential in the evolutionary path of the future.”

Vanessa has also been assisting Lana Williams, reaching out via telephone to those former members and supporters for whom we don’t have, or no longer have, valid postal or email addresses.

Vanessa has spent time on The Land as a volunteer, helping to repair the Alliance community’s infrastructure.

Along with other volunteers, Vanessa has been instrumental as an editor in expanding the reach and frequency of publication of our main media outlet,, which will soon publish its 3,000th article since its reorganization.

She has also recorded several audio books, including works by Mary Phagan Kean and Tom Watson, which have been published on National Vanguard and at other important venues, including the Leo Frank Case Research Library and the American Mercury. (The audio books published here can be accessed by pressing the “audio books” button in the left hand column of this site.) Some of her audio books have been broadcast over American Dissident Voices and the National Alliance Radio Network.

Of her work on the Watson books: “It’s important that Watson’s work get out there into the public eye,” Vanessa says, “because he’s a major — yet suppressed — author on the Leo Frank case. Leo Frank was a Jewish factory owner who was convicted of the sex murder of a teenage White girl, Mary Phagan, who worked in his sweatshop. His arrest, conviction, and eventual lynching was the impetus for the founding of the Jewish ADL. The Jews have been making a major media push to convince the public that Frank was innocent. We need to counter all that, and tell the truth to give some sort of justice to Mary Phagan and her family. And the facts are on our side.”

* * *

Source: based on an article in the National Alliance BULLETIN, May 2015

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
3 June, 2016 10:26 pm

These ladies are so kewel! There
IS a future!

3 June, 2016 10:27 pm

Hello Vanessa.

Vanessa Neubauer
Vanessa Neubauer
Reply to  Lucky
4 June, 2016 4:52 pm

Hello Lucky.

Martin Graves
Martin Graves
4 June, 2016 1:57 am

Another valuable member of the team!

Bruce Arney
Bruce Arney
5 June, 2016 10:41 am

Smart, attractive White women, like Vanessa, are always a welcome sight and remind us of what we are fighting for.

Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
6 June, 2016 1:31 am

I’m glad to see a racially aware, attractive woman making the most of her talents to help save the white race. How rare it is to meet a beautiful woman who is also racially aware and not afraid to fight for her race.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
7 June, 2016 1:01 am

Indeed! Compare THIS to the
hog over at SPLC! Will not mention any names :-)

8 March, 2017 2:29 am

Mrs Neubauer, I found the National Alliance rather late. I was involved in the Alt-Right youth movement of the internet and it was through this that I had found the National Alliance.

I have a simple question to ask you: Listening to your voice reminds me of the Alt-Right personality, the anonymous Murdoch-Chan, in the stop-motion animation series Murdoch Murdoch. Are you this person? Your voice sounds exactly the same to me as the voice actress of this character.

https ://

10 October, 2018 10:05 pm

A rare specimen indeed!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
11 October, 2018 3:22 am

Eye candy for the weary!

11 October, 2018 1:15 pm

Scholarly praise from a connoisseur of Aryan aesthetics.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
12 October, 2018 2:54 am

No complaints from me. KAS apparently has some
lucky stars up there….

19 October, 2020 5:46 am

I really enjoy listening to Vanessa’s contributions on the stream — she has a beautiful voice.