
Creative Activism

messengersTWO NATIONAL ALLIANCE members and their friends in North Georgia decided to spread the Alliance’s message using 200 helium-filled, white balloons with printed on each one — and our “They Hate Us” flier attached. The massive balloon convoy was last sighted drifting toward Alabama.

Another member, JM in Iowa, has been selling our books — The Turner Diaries, Hunter, Serpent’s Walk, and Gun Control in Germany at gun shows for many years. He reports that since he prepared the handsome book display that’s pictured below, his sales have increased considerably. Each book that is sold gets a National Alliance business card as a bookmark. We will send JM a stock of our Building a New White World: What is the National Alliance? booklets to include on his table with the other books.

Other members who would like to help the Alliance while generating some extra income for themselves using the same method should write to the National Office for bulk prices on books and other materials.

Our member’s National Alliance gun show display

JM also reports to us:

Chairman Williams, I want to express my sincere appreciation and thanks for inviting me to the National Alliance West Virginia grounds earlier this month. Meeting the staff and other supporters and members for fellowship and an excellent meal was an uplifting experience, something I would love to do again as soon as circumstances permit.

Having seen with my own eyes how the Alliance is being re-staffed, that repairs to neglected facilities are being done, the garden planted and even harvested in part, and materials printed for distribution — all point to a positive future for Our Cause through the National Alliance. If anyone is in doubt that the National Alliance is going in the same direction as it was in the time of Dr. Pierce, let me testify that I’m an eyewitness and it is just as I’ve described.

[On the matter of NARRG] I’m saddened that former NA members behave like this — and in such a public way that the enemies of our people can’t help but see! I’ve taken no oath, nor made any promises about upholding and maintaining the honor, respect, and love for our people; but I feel that we should have these things in our hearts and minds without having to go through those motions. These NARRG people seem to be lacking this, and it’s just painful to see.

I’m compiling a list of things I’d like to donate to the Alliance, as expressed to me by the staff as being needed. Enclosed is a donation for any purpose you see fit. Let some of my strength donated become our strength to further the actualization of our Creator’s Purpose. My best regards, — JM, Iowa

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Source: National Alliance BULLETIN

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14 June, 2016 4:02 pm

I support the National Alliance for one quintessential fact – it is about forever. We do not know if intelligent life exists on other worlds. I know that intelligent life exists on earth and the only species on earth to show true intelligence, creativity and industry is the white race. The members of our race show hard-wired behaviour that is without doubt the result of our unique DNA. The late and great Dr. Revilo Oliver discussed this behaviour in his talk entitled ‘What we owe our parasites’ and he listed seven. They are; imagination, sense of personal honor, capacity for objective and philosophical thought, capacity for compassion, generosity, capacity for self-sacrifice and sentiment of religion. I have seen these characteristics displayed in all white people from the humble street sweeper… Read more »