The Spurious Shekel
Communism is a secularized religion which only pretends to be materialistic and rational.
by Revilo P. Oliver
ONE OF THE FOUR principal strategic weapons used in the Judaeo-Communist occupation and subjugation of the United States was the Marxian Reformation, which was made effective by two propaganda tricks.
The first was the pretense that Marx’s hokum was atheistic. Karl Marx (to give Mordecai the German names he assumed and by which he is generally known) made the point of repudiating belief in gods such as Osiris and Yahweh, and of denouncing the clergy, who, when he wrote in the middle of the Nineteenth Century, were a principal obstacle to the eversion of civilization he sought to incite. It was noteworthy, however, that although he promised the suckers “a world without Jews,” he said nothing about the divinity revered by intelligent Jews, summarized in the dictum, “God is the Jewish People.”
Especially during the first three decades of the present century, Marx’s affectation of atheism gained for the Judaeo-Communist conspiracy the toleration and even support of many scholars and scientists, who, impatient of the populace’s addiction to Christian myths and resenting the constant efforts of the shamans to enforce their superstition with legislation, were pleased by the emergence of a force that was frankly hostile to that superstition, although they were too intelligent to be fooled by the Marxian doctrine, of which they underestimated the potential, assuming that civilization was too firmly established to be destroyed by gabbling sciolists and barbarians. They were like the great Italian historian, Guicciardini, who, in his Ricordi, admitted that he would welcome anything that would abate “the monstrous and depraved tyranny of priests.”
The sham atheism also fatally misled most of the persons who were justly alarmed after the Judaeo-Bolshevik conquest of Russia in 1917-1918. Instead of basing their opposition on the solid ground of biological facts, they wandered off into a morass, pursuing an ignus fatuus, the notion that the Christian clergy were necessarily inimical to Bolshevism, instead of being, for the most part, in the 1920s ready to ride any profitable ‘wave of the future.’ That is how the American conservatives of 1920-1930, most of whom were interested in preservation of the social order rather than fantasies about the supernatural, defeated themselves.
Marx’s professions of atheism and strict materialism could have imposed on no scholar or scientist who took the trouble to read his drivel — as few did. Marx’s principal work, Das Kapital, is obviously a concoction based on premises that contradict reality as much as do the fictions of all religions. Correa Moylan Walsh, in the great work that Americans perversely ignore because he was an American, not a German, like Spengler, or an Englishman, like Toynbee, tried to spare so far as possible the feelings of his Christian readers, but in his thorough analysis of the folly of international socialism (1) he specifically noted that the socialism of Marx and his kind was a “salvation religion” similar to early Christianity and like it designed to undermine and destroy civilization. (2)
(1. It should be noted that Walsh specifically exempted from his critique what is called National Socialism, which is really only a kind of nationalism. See his Socialism (= The Climax of Civilization, Vol. II; New York, Sturgis & Walton, 1917), p. 30, n. 45: “Socialism as meant by the socialists is here under consideration. State-socialism is something else. So far as this has been adopted in Germany, it has in the present war [i.e., in 1914-1916] shown superiority over the English [practice of] laissez-faire.”)
(2. Ibidem, pp. 166-169.)
Marx’s Communism may be regarded as either the most successful religion invented since Christianity and Islam or as primitive Christianity stripped of the wild tales about the supernatural, which insured its popularity among the ignorant and credulous, but made it unbelievable to men who did not permit glandular emotions to paralyse their powers of ratiocination.
The latter aspect of the cult naturally attracted the attention of ambitious holy men, who, having learned in their seminaries that their Bible was not the word of a god but only a grab-bag of inconsistent and often incoherent tales, many of them forgeries, composed by a rabble of ancient witch-doctors, were easily converted to a religion they could peddle to their congregations while glowing with the malicious satisfaction that they were “leaders” of a revolution against their intellectual and moral superiors. A great many of them joined the Communist Party or some of its subsidiaries, (3) and they all embraced the Marxian Reformation of Christianity that is now accepted by virtually all Christian churches, Catholic and Protestant alike. (4)
(3. Lists of Communist clergymen in many Christian denominations were published by Circuit Riders in Cincinnati and may still be consulted with profit by anyone interested in tracing the Jewish capture of American churches.)
(4. There are some exceptions, which I listed in Liberty Bell, August 1991, p. 8, n. 1.)
Thus was organized Christianity transformed within a century from a bulwark of the social order to an instrumentality of Judaeo-Communist hatred of our race and civilization. To call the Marxian hokum atheistic today would only evoke sardonic laughter from educated and alert men.
The second kind of Marxian propaganda was less patently specious. Das Kapital was a violent polemic against ‘Capitalism,’ which was cunningly equated with the ownership of property, and described Communism as a proletarian revolution against the private ownership of property of any kind (except such trifles as overalls and tooth-brushes).
Marx’s fiction about a rising of the proletariat against the prosperous and more nearly civilized classes seemed to be confirmed by the character of the conspicuous agitators, whether they called themselves Communists, I.W.W., (5) or Knights of Labor. Americans accordingly thought of the Communists as a kind of criminal underground of ill-kempt aliens and degenerates who met furtively in dark cellars somewhere in the slums to plot violence and revolution. Even the significant fact that Marx had been financed by Engels was misunderstood by an analogy with Robert Owen, the wealthy Welsh crackpot, who squandered a fortune on childish schemes of social reform before he settled down, in his old age, to conversing with spooks obligingly provided by spiritualistic mediums.
(5. The initials officially stood for ‘Industrial Workers of the World,’ but were more realistically interpreted as “I Won’t Work.”)
The notion that the danger came from the dregs of society persisted even after the Judaeo-Bolshevik capture of Russia in 1917-1918, and imposed on even so alert an observer as Colonel Edwin Marshal Hadley when he wrote Sinister Shadows in 1928. It was only in his T.N.T. (Chicago, Tower Press, 1931) that he perceived that the efficacy of the really formidable subversion of the nation by “Liberals” depended on wealthy financiers. And even he did not reach the inevitable conclusion that Communism and Capitalism are merely two sides of the same gold-plated lead shekel.
Correa Moylan Walsh, too, in his analysis of socialism, failed to see that the two were merely the obverse and reverse of the same spurious coin, but he came close to that conclusion. He identified Marx’s socialism as totally “false, flagitious, rotten, and ruinous,” (6) and noted that it had already foisted upon Americans the appalling slavery of an income tax, “the most absurd and injurious tax ever invented, with the sole exception of the tax on legacies.” (7) He also saw that Capitalism, which correctly understood is the dominance of fluid capital, is the very antithesis of the secure ownership of real property on which the stability of a nation and the perpetuation of civilization depend. Fluid capital, which is truly international, owing allegiance to no nation or country, principally multiplies itself through corporations, which nations and countries dominated by capitalists have rashly endowed with preposterous excessive privileges. (8)
(6. Op. cit., p. 129.)
(7. Ibidem, p. 140.)
(8. Ibidem, pp. 143-149. I shall not take time to discuss Walsh’s odd concession to the theories of Henry George, which are really irrelevant to the real question, the necessary control of corporations, which are merely creations of a state.)
Even as late as January 1917 Walsh, for all his sagacity, did not perceive the necessary connection between the Siamese twins, Communism and Capitalism — perhaps because the Jews then operated their Capitalism principally by placing on display White stooges, Aryan predators who had prospered by adopting, often unwittingly, Jewish practices and by collaborating with the great Jewish financiers, such as the Rothschilds, who always sought to remain in the background.
That makes noteworthy a cartoon published in 1911 in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and reprinted in Christian News, 2 March 1992, from which it is reproduced herewith.
The cartoon shows Karl Marx being welcomed enthusiastically by the five men whom Americans in 1911 regarded as their leading Capitalists: George W. Perkins, J. P. Morgan, John D. Ryan, John D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie. The obvious implication is that these proprietors of great masses of fluid capital expect to profit from Marx’s plans for proletarian revolution.
One would have to go back to the files of Post-Dispatch for 1911 to determine how fully the editor who commissioned the cartoon understood the unity of the Capitalist-Communist offensive against Western civilization. I wish someone would do that.
Also noteworthy in the cartoon is the sixth man in the party that is so delighted by the advent of Marx, Theodore Roosevelt, who was at that time politically active, having chosen a policy that led to the organization of his “Bull Moose Party,” officially called Progressive, in June 1912.
So far as I know, it has never been satisfactorily determined whether or not the Roosevelts, whose name is the Dutch equivalent of Rosenfeld, were Jewish in origin. (9) Clas Martenszen van Rosenvelt migrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in 1649, at a time when the Dutch colonists would not have welcomed a known Jew. The family became wealthy and aristocratic, and if there was a Jewish factor in the family, it was greatly diluted from generation to generation. We may safely count them as Americans.
(9. Everyone knows that the loathsome monster called Franklin Roosevelt was partly Jewish through the Delanos; what is not positively ascertained is whether he may not also have inherited a Jewish taint through the Roosevelts. The percentage of Jewish blood would not matter greatly, if the Jewish biologists, Dr. Albert Nossig, was right when he claimed that “even a drop” of the divine ichor would warp the minds of Aryans through many successive generations.)
Theodore Roosevelt’s grandfather was the founder and proprietor of the Chemical National Bank, one of the largest in New York City. His mother was a lady from Georgia, of Scotch-Irish and French Huguenot ancestry. He seems to have developed an aggressive character as a child, and early elected politics as his profession. He did win distinction as Secretary of the Navy and was partly responsible for the facile victory of the United States in its war of aggression against Spain, which Americans justified by the hypocritical righteousness that is so conspicuous and disastrous a part of their maculate history.
Theodore Roosevelt admitted that his early successes in politics gave him a “swollen head.” In the Spanish-American War he led his own cavalry detachment, the “Rough Riders,” which attained some victories, greatly exaggerated in the press, after which Theodore undoubtedly suffered from hypertrophy of the ego.
The assassination of President McKinley gave him two terms as President, during which he seems not to have profited personally from the normal corruption of American government, and he performed a great service by beginning construction of the Panama Canal, although in so doing he exhibited not only the political hypocrisy that is normal in the United States, but also a yearning for authoritarian power that might have contented Kaiser Wilhelm II, but far exceeded the aspirations of Adolf Hitler. (10)
(10. The taking of Panama was succinctly described in Liberty Bell, July 1990, p. 1-16.)
After a season of personal power as a President who could boast of his policy of “speaking softly and carrying a big stick,” Theodore Roosevelt, no Cincinnatus, could not reconcile himself to private life. He had to appease his driving lust for power by making himself perpetually the most prominent man of his time, first, by a spectacular hunting expedition in Africa, and then by a noisy program of political and economic reform, in the course of which he, with wonted verbal facility, invented the phrase “malefactors of great wealth,” which was plagiarized by his distant cousin, the infamous War Criminal and (at least in the White part of his being) traitor.
When Theodore Roosevelt failed to procure the Republican nomination for a third term as President, the enormous oedema of his ego made him readily available to the Jews, who, by a little artful flattery, readily incited him to form the Progressive Party and thus ensure the election to the Presidency of the stooge they had diligently trained for that function, Woodrow (“Wacky”) Wilson, who had begun as a crack-brained professor of a kind of secular theology called “Political Science,” had become an intolerably arrogant and righteous university president, and had been steered into politics by an alumnus of Princeton who wished to save the university the notoriety of having to cashier its titular head. (11)
(11. On the events of 1912 see the account by Colonel Curtis B. Dall in his F.D.R., 2d edition (Washington, D.C., Action Associates, 1970), pp. 135-142. (I do not know whether the same pagination is found in recent reprints of this book.) Colonel Dall, as son-in-law of Franklin Roosevelt and a “friend” of the latter’s Jewish supervisors, had a unique opportunity to learn the inner (and secret) history of those events. He was, however, too charitable in his appraisal of the character of his whilom father-in-law.)
We can only guess whether Theodore Roosevelt’s inordinate egotism was so bloated that he convinced himself that he could win a third term (12) as President in 1912, or his rancor against President Taft, who had been so wicked as not to accept Roosevelt’s dictation of policy, was so great that he deliberately contrived the Republican defeat. At all events, Theodore Roosevelt served as an instrumentality of our eternal enemies and must bear his share of the responsibility for the eventual occupation and expropriation of the country that was still ours in 1912.
(12. Technically a second term by election to that office, since Roosevelt’s first term began when McKinley was assassinated six months after his inauguration and Roosevelt, as Vice President, succeeded to the office, which he held for three and one-half years until he was elected to a second term.)
Although the editor of the Post-Dispatch and his cartoonist cannot have known it in 1911, the cartoon was a brilliant and ominous prophecy of the doom the light-headed Americans brought upon themselves, beginning in 1913 and culminating today.
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Source: Liberty Bell magazine, April 1992
Atheism is the only lasting condition of Marxism, the polite form of Kommunism. The only opponent may be the churches . But now virtually all churches have accepted Zion or Israel as their Deity , they have consummated Marxism as a religion., which is the deification of the state, the temple of Jews politically . Their scriptures are corrupted to conform to the times and the absolutisms of the eponym Israel. All isms have been contrived in the same frivolous improvisation to make the people accept something in divine laws’ place. Like the poet , who wrote,” a rose by any other name will smell as sweet.” But what ever name they use for self apotheosis of Israel it will stink to the high heavens. Unfortunately , the churches will… Read more »