New Information: Soros, US Government Back Terror Groups
THE ARTICLES BELOW by Wayne Madsen and Farsnews are about the capture of American and French intelligence agency officers operating within the Al-Nusra Front — and George Soros’ (pictured) long-standing ties to terrorism.
It might take 30 years from now for the CIA to release any Top Secret documents relating to American and Israeli funding and directing of all these “radicalized Muslim terrorism groups” operating in the Mideast and all over the world. But I’m telling you today.
We, the Americans, your tax dollars — via Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey — are funding and directing all these terrorists. If you have kids or grandkids in the military, they are being set up to get maimed and killed by “enemies” your tax dollars created in the first place. Can you not see it? It’s a huge con game all designed to create fear and ultimately to serve Jewish interests throughout the world. Sad to say, but it’s time to keep your kids out of the military.
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From Wayne Madsen Reports:
May 23-24, 2016 — Does Soros back terrorism? CIA documents suggest so.
IN AN era of growing “false flag” terrorist incidents, a formerly Top Secret Central Intelligence Agency document, the National Intelligence Daily of February 4, 1987, strongly suggests a George Soros connection to a terrorist bombing in what was then Czechoslovakia.
1986 to 1987 saw the early effects of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s glasnost policies begin to take effect in eastern Europe. George Soros, whose insider currency speculation made him one of only a few Wall Street vampires to make out financially in the “crash of October 1987,” began to take advantage of the situation in eastern Europe. Two weeks after “Black Monday,” Soros shorted the U.S. dollar and his Quantum Fund ended 1987 with a 13 percent gain in value. Soros was flush with money to launder to groups in eastern Europe, funds the CIA calls “kosher cash.” Soros intended to weaken the then-ruling Communist governments. One of Soros’s first targets was Czechoslovakia.
Soros, who already had a link with the CIA through his participation in and funding of a number of CIA groups, including the Council on Foreign Relations, funneled cash, and lots of it, to “pro-democracy” pressure groups like Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Solidarity, both now known as nothing more than CIA fronts. In fact, the Charter 77 Foundation received a third of its funding from Soros, with a substantial amount of its remaining funding provided by CIA-linked entities like the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Soros began his infiltration of eastern Europe in 1984 when his New York-based Soros Foundation signed an agreement with Hungary that established the Soros Foundation Budapest. Eventually, Soros Foundation Budapest merged with a Cold War CIA front in Paris, the French affiliate of the Congress for Cultural Freedom.
Soros’s championship of “themed revolutions” through “non-violent” street action has often led Soros-backed groups to commit acts of violence. This has been seen on the streets of Kiev, Tbilisi, Caracas, Cairo, Sana’a, and Damascus.
With Soros’s agents and money flooding Czechoslovakia and helping to prop up Charter 77 and leaders like Vaclav Havel and Karel Schwarzenberg, a leader of the Czech opposition based in Vienna, did Soros raise the stakes by helping to fund acts of terrorism in Czechoslovakia?
The CIA report states “the recent bombing of the Czechoslovak Communist Party’s headquarters at Ceske Budejovice and subsequent attempted attacks on the party’s buildings in other cities have alarmed authorities and led to heightened security at facilities across the country. [The source of the CIA’s information is redacted].”Charter 77, financed by Soros, hosts Vaclav Havel, second from left, in New York City.
The CIA then reveals the Prague government pointed the finger at foreign agitators working through “youth gangs.” The major funders of youth groups agitating against the Communist government at the time were supported by Soros and the NED. The question remains: Did George Soros authorize acts of terrorism against the Czechoslovak government? If so, why is Mr. Soros not in prison for aiding and abetting acts of terrorism in Europe?
The CIA analysis of the terrorist attacks concluded that the violence may have represented the work of an “outside group.” Again, the finger pointed at Soros. An entire paragraph in the report on the Czechoslovak bombing campaign remains redacted by the CIA.
The CIA believed that the bombings were conducted in order to mobilize the “usually apathetic” Czechoslovak population. The CIA has its own sordid history of waking up apathetic populations through the use of false flag terrorist attacks.
Mr. Soros is a major contributor to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Soros’s possible activities in 1986 and 1987 may eventually show that Mrs. Clinton’s campaign was financed by a bank roller of terrorism.
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Terrorist Group Run By Western Intelligence Officers — Your Tax Dollars At Work.
Lebanese Source: US, French Intelligence Officers Captured by Hezbollah in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- Hezbollah has captured an American and a French spies in its operations in Aleppo, a prominent Lebanese media source revealed on Saturday, adding that the US, Israeli and Saudi intelligence agents helped Al-Nusra Front to find the place of Hezbollah’s martyred military chief, Mustafah Badreddin, and kill him in retaliation.
“Hezbollah special forces took captive a senior field commander of the terrorists affiliated to Riyadh and two US and French intelligence officers working in the newly-founded joint operations room of Jeish al-Fatah (a coalition of several terrorist groups) in Aleppo in one of the regions controlled by al-Nusra Front in Aleppo,” Majeda al-Haj, a prominent Lebanese journalist, wrote on al-Sabat news website today.
Al-Haj said that the joint operations room was set up so that the French and US intelligence agents can directly command Jeish al-Fatah terrorist attacks in Aleppo and nearby regions.
She said the US imagined that the captured spies would be taken to Lebanon and alerted Tel Aviv to bomb the convoy that was supposedly taking the captive American and French officers, “but the convoy that came under the Israeli airstrike was not carrying the captured spies.”
She said the US, Israeli, and Saudi spy agents in Syria later helped a special team of Al-Nusra terrorists — who received their trainings from Israel’s Mossad secret service in 2012 — to find the place of Hezbollah Commander Badreddin in retaliation for the capture of these officers.
Al-Haj said the Al-Nusra team is tasked with finding senior Hezbollah commanders in Syria to assassinate them.
She also pointed out that the death of several Iranian advisors in Khan Touman was not the result of clashes with Al-Nusra terrorists, adding that the senior officers were killed in an air raid by the US planes that took off from Turkey’s Incerlik airbase and bombed their operation room in Southern Aleppo.
The Lebanese resistance movement’s senior military commander, Mustafah Badreddin, was killed near Damascus military airport in a terrorist attack last week.
After his death, a senior politician disclosed that the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement is planning to launch massive military operations against the Takfiri terrorists in Syria in retaliation for his martyrdom.
“Unique military operations by Hezbollah against Syria’s Takfiri terrorists will be conducted very soon,” Wahib Wahibi told FNA on Tuesday.
He reiterated that Hezbollah’s response to the Takfiri terrorists’ crimes will come within the framework of its counterterrorism operations.
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Source: Farsnews, Wayne Madsen, and Alan Kidd
If there was just a single Yid scumbag spreading mayhem
and destruction in the Gentile world , THIS is the one worthy
of being drawn and quartered!