
Hollywood Jews Have Blacklisted Mel Gibson

Was2306748IT’S BEEN 10 years since Mel Gibson (pictured) was arrested on DUI charges on the Pacific Coast Highway in California.

And while police officers took him out of his car, the Oscar winner said the infamous words:

“F—ing Jews … the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.”

After the Jews brought tremendous pressure to bear, Gibson did the revealing interview apologizing for the comments and met with Jewish leaders.

In 2007, a judge even praised him for his progress in his alcohol rehab.

But the actor who was a sex symbol in the ’80s and went on to direct in the ’90s — and make one of the most profitable movies of all time, The Passion of the Christ — has never rebounded since that summer evening.

Gibson has starred in only six films since 2006 — including one that’s coming out this summer, Blood Father. And not one had a big studio backing it.

Shane Black
Shane Black

Shane Black — director of the new movie The Nice Guys and who wrote one of Gibson’s most legendary films, Lethal Weapon — thinks that he knows why the actor has had a lack of work.

“I think he’s essentially been blacklisted in the industry,” Black told Business Insider in a new interview. “I think people don’t want to work with him.”

Gibson has had some big players in the industry try to revive his career, including friend Jodie Foster, who cast him in her 2011 directing effort, The Beaver.

But Gibson hasn’t had near the revival of another of his buddies, Robert Downey Jr., whose substance-abuse problems in the late ’90s led him to go to prison.

In fact, Downey told Black a while back that he’d like Gibson to direct an Iron Man movie if another one happens. Black directed Iron Man 3.

But Black says that there’s been no word since, and, as far as he knows, the idea of Gibson helming Iron Man is “nothing serious.”

Black is no stranger to substance abuse, either. He’s been open about his hard-partying ways in the ’90s and his battle to get sober in 2008.

And as someone with his own struggles, Black believes that Gibson needs to be forgiven.

Black said:

I’ve always been a tremendous fan of Mel Gibson, not just as an actor, but I think he’s a good guy. I just don’t believe in holding anyone accountable for something that they say while they’re drunk because if I’m drunk I’m going to be deliberately belligerent, first off. I’m going to say something that I know will piss you off and will delight in the fact that I’m destroying the house and burning it down. That’s what drunk people do. So the idea that that’s truly who a person is when he’s had a few, I don’t believe that at all. I just think that’s wrong. I know a lot of great people and they are not necessarily great when they’re drunk. So I don’t trust that.

Gibson is in postproduction on his first directing effort in a decade, the World War II drama Hacksaw Ridge starring Andrew Garfield.

The Gibson we knew may never get his full comeback, thanks to the “nasty things” he said that night with the cops, as Black puts it. But he’s getting somewhere.

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Source: Yahoo! News

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Jack Mite
Jack Mite
26 May, 2016 12:39 am

Forgiven for what?

26 May, 2016 7:26 am

For telling the truth…..

26 May, 2016 7:58 pm

Mr. Gibson is cool and likeable, even from the distance of fandom. I doubt a few drunken remarks about the eternal enemy really did it — if anything his awareness makes him more intellectually credible as an artist. Making a big torturous Kosher slaughter of his career for a few remarks is also a way to get at Mr. Gibson’s father, Hutton Gibson. Mr. Gibson Sr. has a few strong ideas of a traditional nature, about how things go in the other world; and an unshakeable faith identifying exactly what parties are meddling with this one. Petty Hollywood Jews should count themselves lucky to be dealing with Mel. It would be exciting to see men with clarity of faith like Hutton Gibson make a popular comeback, but even a few… Read more »

5 May, 2020 10:07 pm

Apocalypto is a masterpiece. It is much better than what Hollywood produces.

18 June, 2020 1:27 am

In vino veritas. What did Mel say that was untrue?