The Jewish Influence on Religion
HOW HAS Jewish influence shaped religion in our civilization? Does it matter if such influence is deliberate or merely instinctive? If you want an informed answer to these questions, here are some resources to consider:
Sir Edward Gibbon on Christianity: The 18th-century author of the classic work The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and one of the greatest authorities on Christianity in his age, came to the conclusion that Christianity did more to undermine Western civilization than help it. The more he studied Christianity, the more he came to disbelieve and dislike it. “In Gibbon’s view, Christianity made for the decline and fall of Rome by sapping the faith of the people in the official (pagan) religion, thereby undermining the state which that religion supported and blessed. To be sure, Gibbon is not blind to the fact that other cults and sects within the Empire were also competing with one another in their attempt to attract believers. As he admits, ‘Rome, the capital of a great monarchy, was incessantly filled with subjects and strangers from every part of the world, who all introduced and enjoyed the favourite superstitions of their native country’ (Ibid., Ch. 2). However, Christianity was to be distinguished from the other flourishing sects in its claim to exclusivity, or in other words, in its claim that it alone held the key to ‘Truth’ and to Heaven, and that all its competitors were vicious and damned. Moreover, as the early Christians believed in the imminent end of this world, they all put their thoughts in the ‘next’ world. This other-worldly attitude proved most disastrous to the Empire during the barbarian invasions, since the Christians, instead of bearing arms to serve the state and the public good, diverted men from useful employments and encouraged them to concentrate on heavenly and private salvation. Needless to say, Gibbon’s anti-Christian position aroused the fury of his Christian contemporaries.”
“Commissary to the Gentiles: The First to See the Possibility of War By Propaganda” by Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish writer who was the Rothschilds’ (the Jewish bankers) approved biographer. It appeared in The Century Magazine, February 1928, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp. 476-483. Ravage explains the theory that Christianity was deliberately fabricated as a psychological warfare weapon by ancient Zionists in a deliberate effort to turn the Roman world on its head, in part motivated by a desire to avenge the Roman occupation of Palestine and the destruction of the Temple during the Jewish War. In other words, Christianity is the psychological equivalent of a “computer virus,” except it is designed to screw up Western societies rather than computer hardware.
“A Real Case Against the Jews” by Marcus Eli Ravage. A good supplement to “Commissary to the Gentiles” above.
“Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler and Me” by Deitrich Eckart. Translated by Dr. William Pierce. The amazing thing about this article expounding the views of a well-known Jewish critic is how its conspiratorial view of life has similarities to the article listed above by the Jewish author Marcus Eli Ravage, yet Hitler claimed to espouse a thoroughly non-Jewish view of the world.
Complete Online Talmud at Includes analyses by Carol Valentine and Elizabeth Dilling, to include such issues as handling harems, child-sex, child-sacrifice, and other curiosities of an exotic, anachronistic, and highly sociopathic people.
The Invention of the Jewish People by Dr. Shlomo Sand. According to Wikipedia, this Israeli scholar claims: “…most contemporary Jews don’t originate from the ancient Land of Israel. They never existed as a ‘nation-race’ with a common origin. Most of them are descendants of European, Russian and African groups that at various stages in history adopted the Jewish religion, just like others adopted Christianity. He also argues that for a number of Zionist ideologues, ‘the mythical perception of the Jews as an ancient people led to truly racist thinking’. Sand’s argument is that the people who were the original Jews living in Israel, contrary to what is accepted history, were not exiled following the Bar Kokhba revolt. He has suggested that much of the present day world Jewish population are individuals, and groups, who converted to Judaism at later periods. Just like most contemporary Christians and Muslims are the progeny of converted people, not of the first Christians and Muslims: Judaism was originally, like its two cousins, Islam and Christianity, a converting religion. Additionally, he suggests that the story of the exile was a myth promoted by early Christians to recruit Jews to the new faith. They portrayed that event as a divine punishment imposed on the Jews for having rejected the Christian gospel. Sand writes that ‘Christians wanted later generations of Jews to believe that their ancestors had been exiled as a punishment from God.‘ Sand argues that most of the Jews were not exiled by the Romans, and were permitted to remain in the country. He puts the number of those exiled at tens of thousands at most. This was, in fact, how the book was born. He started looking in studies about the exile from the land, which is a constitutive event in Jewish history, almost like the Holocaust. Sand claims that he could discover no literature about the Jewish expulsion from Israel. His explanation is that no one exiled the people of the country. The Romans sometimes committed ethnocide but they didn’t exile peoples. Sand claims that mass exile wasn’t logistically possible until the 20th century…”
Elizabeth Dilling, author of online work The Jewish Religion, Its Influence Today (formerly titled The Plot Against Christianity). Elizabeth Dilling, a pillar of the American Right in the 1930’s and 40’s, and was a defendant in the Great Sedition Show Trial of 1944 (see Mike Piper TBR article). She was also author of works such as The Roosevelt Red Record and its Background.
Jesus Seminar: According to a Wikipedia article, this seminar consisted of “a controversial research team of about one hundred academic New Testament scholars founded in 1985 by the late Robert Funk under the auspices of the Westar Institute.” It determined “that of the various statements in the Gospels attributed to Jesus, only about 18% of them were likely uttered by Jesus himself.”
Talmud Unmasked at carries the famous work of Father I. B. Pranaitis, 1892.
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I believe National Vanguard Books once sold On Christianity, an extract from Edward Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire published by Prometheus Books. The earliest work I can think of that effectively argues that Christianity was created by the Jews to poison the minds of goyim, or had the effect of Judaizing them, is the Baron d’Holbach’s book, L’esprit du judaïsme (1770). Holbach called for a true enlightenment that would free Europeans from Judeo-Christian superstition and obscurantism. As he remarked in his conclusion: “Europe! Happy land where for so long a time the arts, sciences, and philosophy have flourished; you whose wisdom and power seem destined to command the world! Do you never tire of the false dreams invented by impostors in order to… Read more »
Good article and information! I’m usually not one of those people who copy/paste quotes, passages and song-lyrics, but the song “Sheep” by Pink Floyd sums up quite handily (except for not mentioning Jews explicitly) the ‘why’ of Christianity: “…Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air You better watch out There may be dogs about I’ve looked over Jordan, and I have seen Things are not what they seem What do you get for pretending the danger’s not real Meek and obedient you follow the leader Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel What a surprise! A look of terminal shock in your eyes Now things are really what they seem No, this is no bad dream The… Read more »
“Ravage explains the theory that Christianity was deliberately fabricated as a psychological warfare weapon by ancient Zionists in a deliberate effort to turn the Roman world on its head, in part motivated by a desire to avenge the Roman occupation of Palestine and the destruction of the Temple during the Jewish War.” Bull! Ravage is just another Jew thief stealing credit not due. Saul Paul was a Temple Jew. The Temple was the Jews’ first central bank (Think Federal Reserve Bank) and like its modern counterparts, its administrators were well paid for services rendered. In fact, it was the best job in Judea. Saul/Paul’s role was analogous to mafia muscle that made sure everyone towed every jot and tittle of sacrificial law. Along comes Jesus to become the final sacrifice… Read more »
To recap: Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus, outside the Temple Jew Saul/Paul usurping the name and reputation of the man. In fact, Jesus was extremely anti-Judaism, as proven by his antagonistic efforts against the elite Jewish priesthood that ultimately resulted in the destruction of their sacrificial religion, including bringing down the Jews’ Temple, an act that included sacrificing himself as the Temple’s final blood sacrifice. Thus, I am not surprised in the least to find Jews using a hated enemy like Jesus as a lever to undermine other, even more hated, enemies. This is exactly what they have done with Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists; they turned a hated enemy into their ally by usurping their names and reputations. Removing the myths and lies… Read more »
Arch Stanton: To recap: Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus, outside the Temple Jew Saul/Paul usurping the name and reputation of the man…
Let’s not recap, Arch. If mythical Jesus, the Christ, has nothing to do with Christianity why was it named after him?
Here at National Vanguard, the online magazine of the National Alliance, we have repeatedly made clear that your Christianity has Jewish roots, worships the Jews’ tribal god, and has no place in renewal of our race, the White race.
NA’s founder William Pierce declared that Christianity is an ideology opposed to that of our Alliance. He was right. So, Saul, your Temple Jew aside, please do not come on NV trying to justify anything about your alien creed. Take it somewhere else.
Why are National Socialists called “Nazis”? Because that is what Jews called them. Same with the Christ myth. Jesus was never a Christian, as Christianity did not exist until long after his death. “Christ” is what later Jews called Jesus. It is not “my Christianity” I am not a Christian, nor am I religious by any sense of the definition. I am very much anti-Christian, which is why I write as I do about the subject. Why is that not clear? This is like saying David Irving is a “Nazi” because he writes about the historical facts surrounding Hitler and the National Socialists. Jesus and the Essene were the very antithesis of Temple Judaism. The Temple Jew Saul/Paul’s Christian creation was his attempt to reinvent the Jews’ corrupt Temple… Read more »
“If we want to rid our race of Judaeo-Christianity there is no better way than to remove Jesus from the religion. This can be accomplished by revealing the historical facts surrounding the Gospel story of Jesus. Jesus should be known first and foremost as the rebel Temple priest that brought down the elite Jews’ first central bank and its corrupt, bloody, sacrificial religion.” — Arch Stanton. Feel free to accomplish your goal if you do not believe other efforts, including the National Alliance’s, will work, Mr. Stanton. We wish you well in your endeavors, and will continue along the path we are on as well. You also wrote the following: “I offer a way to resolve the Christian horror that has plagued mankind for over two thousand years. Yet no… Read more »
Arch Stanton: Why are National Socialists called “Nazis”? Because that is what Jews called them. Same with the Christ myth. Jesus was never a Christian, as Christianity did not exist until long after his death. — National Socialism is grounded in reality. It is biological, racial, and conforms scientifically with Nature’s Laws. Your Christ myth, as you call it, is none of the above. For you to say “his death” suggests that he actually lived, but out of the other side of your mouth you admit he’s mythical. Which is it? — It is not “my Christianity” I am not a Christian, nor am I religious by any sense of the definition. I am very much anti-Christian, which is why I write as I do about the subject. Why is… Read more »