
The Disposable Society

pile-of-appliancesby James Harting

I WAS DOWN at the county dump the other day, where I was astounded to see a huge pile of discarded shiny refrigerators and other late-model appliances. One might imagine the very phrase “pile of refrigerators” to be an oxymoron — that is, a phrase that contradicts itself. But I assure you it is not: The trash heap that I saw was an ugly and very unpleasant reality.

Recovering from my astonishment, I took out my cell phone and attempted to snap a photo of the marvel, but an employee stepped in and told me photographing the dump was against county regulations. So I consulted an Internet search engine when I returned home, and was further surprised to discover a huge page of images that come up if you look for “pile of refrigerators.” One of these stock photographs is reproduced here.

The image of a pile of discarded appliances is emblematic of the disposable society in which we live. These are not ancient, rusted antiques, 20 or 30 years old, that have outlived their usefulness after decades of service, or that have outdated technology that has been superseded. Rather, they are relatively new devices that have worn out after only a few years’ use.

Things are not made to endure in our money-driven, capitalist consumer society. Rather than manufacture high quality goods that are meant to last, the policy these days is to manufacture cheap, inexpensive, low-quality goods that wear out quickly — and need to be replaced by newer models.

We ride around in disposable cars and trucks, and wear disposable clothes and shoes. Disposable houses and apartment buildings are constructed, filled with disposable furniture and disposable appliances. If something is broken, just throw it out! Do not bother to fix it or to find a replacement part for a worn-out component. When was the last time you saw a television repair shop?

And it is not just our material goods that have become disposable junk: We have junk food, junk music, junk paintings, junk sculpture, junk politicians, junk television, junk films, junk religion, junk education, and junk values. Truly, we live in a disposable, junk culture!

One result has been a great increase in people who live low-quality lives. They engage in disposable relationships, which on occasion result in disposable children. For what else is “abortion on demand,” but the disposal of “inconvenient” fetuses? Thus human life – White life – is reduced in value to the equivalent of an empty milk carton.

We can trace the immediate source of this lamentable trend back to the post-World War II era in the United States. Automobile manufacturers were faced with a choice: They could make high quality vehicles that would last for 30 years, and charge a huge amount for them; or they could make inexpensive vehicles of inferior quality that would last five or six years, and then need replacement. Their business model projected maximum profits for vehicles that could be produced cheaply and wear out fast. How many 30-year-old cars do you see driving around today? It is unlikely that the capitalist overlords gave any thought to what long-term effects this policy would have on the environment. Nor did the relative safety of high-quality vs. low-quality automobiles factor into their dollars-and-cents calculations.

Previously, the idea of quality workmanship was the standard to which every manufacturer aspired, to one degree or another. But in the post-World War II era, this ideal was rendered obsolete. Goods were designed to wear out after a given period of time. The capitalists even came up with a snazzy term for this policy: “planned obsolescence.” Cheaply made ticky-tack quickly replaced quality workmanship in all facets of manufacturing. And in time, not just material goods, but every segment of society became infected. The ideal of classic quality was replaced by the desire to have things that were new, shiny, and novel.

This way of thinking quickly permeated all of American society, and from America it spread to Europe, like a contagious virus.

The origins of the value system that resulted in our disposable society go back to before the Second World War. Indeed, it is embedded in and integral to the basic values of an ideology sometimes called “Americanism,” that values quantity over quality in all things. The social-political manifestation of this notion is a fallacy that claims “all men are created equal.” Certainly, that was the most pernicious lie that was ever told! For if the attitude is adopted that all men are equal, then the very notion of “quality” itself becomes obsolete. Even the basic concept of racial quality, upon which our civilization is built, no longer has meaning under this mad scheme.

There was a society once that was the polar opposite of our disposable, junk society. A whole nation was built on the idea of placing quality before quantity in all things. The goal was not “more and newer,” but “better and higher.” This attitude was reflected not only in the manufacturing of material goods, but also in the realms of art and architecture, as well as in the social fabric of everyday life. Its ultimate expression was found in conceiving and rearing the next racial generation. The goal was for each new cohort of children to stand on a higher level than the preceding cohort: they were to be healthier, stronger, more intelligent, and more vibrant in every way.

The society that prioritized human, social, and material quality was National Socialist Germany. Truly, it was the high point of all Western civilization. Consequently, its defeat meant the defeat of civilization itself.

Today, the West is headed for the abyss. For the ultimate fate of our disposable society is for that society itself to be disposed of. And this will happen, sooner rather than later.

We call upon all White men and White women of quality, who are sickened to disgust by 21st century junk society, to separate themselves from the trash heap and join us in building a new order for Aryan mankind – we call upon them to join us in building National Socialism.

Comment on original posting by Aryan Beauty:

Disgusting, isn’t it?

ONE OF the ways Americans do not see how impoverished they actually are is that they buy cheap goods made by sweatshop labor. It is a disguise to hide the true cost of abandoning quality products.

I am always disheartened to see women’s throw-away fashion that is sold in strip malls everywhere. It is meant to be worn once and thrown away. Of course, the least wealthy of us wait until the item falls apart or changes color or shape beyond recognition, which all too often is during the first wash. Women’s fashions are notorious for this. They are also notorious for overcharging for the throwaway clothes.

Women’s bargain shoes are the same way. They are rarely made of durable materials, have zero support, and they do not breathe, causing corns. They are not made well, cause foot disorders, and are astonishingly uncomfortable. They are meant only for an outfit that is also designed to be worn once.

Men’s wear is a bit better as men tend to be less forgiving of such blatantly planned high-ticket obsolescence. Men’s wear also is cheaper and washes and wears better, however, it is still cheaply made by foreign non-White slave labor in stolen living-wage jobs from America.

Quality has been discarded in favor of quantity and it is an empty “value” that competes for mediocrity and the highest bidder for the cheapest product with no thought to quality, utility, or craftsmanship.

How often is it that what you buy breaks the first time you use it or seconds after its warranty expires? That material has to go somewhere and it ends up in our landfills and our biological systems.

Anymore these days, I dislike even entering a department store because of the overpowering petroleum-product vapors coming off of the synthetic clothing racks. These are xeno-estrogens that are wreaking havoc on our biology. Tons of throw-away clothes end up in landfills, poisoning the air, soil, and water.

A return to the concept of quality will save us in so many ways. It is an Aryan value for obvious reasons. This may cost more in the short term for quality materials and a living wage, but less in the long term. A return and dedication to quality encourages pride and self-sufficiency as well as craftsmanship, durability, and ecological responsibility to ourselves and our planet.

It will be a win-win with no downside. Heirloom quality of life is something worth passing down the generations.

* * *

Source: Do Right and Fear No One

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6 April, 2016 10:01 pm

The disposable society actually works to my advantage – and it should work to the advantage of all technologically astute racially conscious white people too. The day is coming when it will be needed! My University training was in chemistry, but I have always been a ‘sporty’ science nerd. I have had a keen interest in all things science, and especially technology since I was about 6. I have not bought a new computer since 1987. I just go and salvage parts from old computers. They are old but still fully functional. The computer I am writing this comment on was made from discarded parts – motherboard, CPU, video card, memory – the works – all came from supposedly old useless computers. My OS is Win7, and my computer can… Read more »

2 August, 2019 11:53 am

More people need to try to buy as little in the form of disposable junk items as possible. With the state of our modern world, it is becoming extremely difficult to be completely pure in this respect. We should prefer more to create from our own hands lasting items of quality around our homes in the form of bookshelves and furniture built into the existing architecture rather than the vacuous particle board and plastic trash one would often find in the local big box stores. That is not limited to the material but also to the natural. We need to become much less wasteful by preserving the land around our properties. No one needs a 67-10000 square foot home. Instead of hideous chlorine-filled swimming pools, we should be creating natural… Read more »