
Sweden: 12-Year-Old Raped and Repeatedly Beaten by Invaders; Police Advise Her “Keep a Diary”

Ida-Attacked-279x300A young girl has been repeatedly threatened and attacked, on one occasion needing hospital treatment, after being victimized by the friends and family of her rapist, according to reports.

SOMALIAN MIGRANT “Muhammed” received just 180 hours (22 days) of community service last year after he was prosecuted for attacking and brutally raping a 12 year old girl. Aged 18 at the time of his conviction, now the rapist’s friends and family are exacting revenge upon his victim, prolonging her trauma. (ILLUSTRATION: 13 year old Ida shared a picture of her injuries after being kicked in the head in March)

Now 13, ‘Ida’ has told local Swedish paper, Sundsvalls Tidning, about her most recent ordeal. Two brothers of the rapist go to her school, from which she has had to be withdrawn. Now five or six times she has been attacked by the men and their friends in public, at the local shops and around the neighbourhood.

The most serious attack took place on March 24th, when she was discovered at a bus stop by the brothers. One of them pushed her down, while the other punched her in the mouth. Upon seeing the mother of the boys approaching, Ida told the paper: “I thought she would stop them. But she kicked me”.

The young girl was admitted to hospital with a head injury and two loose teeth. The police have been notified, but in defiance of the report the girl has been told she will be beaten six more times.

Now she says “I dare not go outside”, because friends of her rapist will telephone the brothers if they see her in town.

Speaking to the local paper, the chief of local police has urged the girl to get in touch “as soon as something happens”. He also suggests “it’s good to keep a diary” of incidents should the events ever go to trial.

Ida had only turned 12 in the same month she was lured back to ‘Muhammed’s’ flat under false pretences for the first attack. When he had her alone, the man tore off her clothes and held his hand over her mouth while he raped her. A FriaTider report from the time states as he raped the young girl, he repeatedly told her “black d*** is expensive”.

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Source: Norwegian Defence League

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Swedish man
Swedish man
26 December, 2017 1:23 pm

She is a jewish girl and i wonder if her parents are the ones who love diversity and wish to see more of it?
I wonder, because jews in Sweden love being surrounded by this diversity you see.

E Berg
E Berg
Reply to  Swedish man
8 December, 2018 2:24 pm

How dare you say such things, what on earth are you implying, disgusting. You should hang your head in shame. Swedish man you call yourself, what sort of mind do you have? What do you mean by your comment, it is difficult to understand you. Why are you mentioning she is a jewish girl? Are you being anti semitic? She is a poor young girl raped by an evil pig and he should go to jail. Where is your empathy?

15 April, 2023 12:00 am

Kicked in the head! Reminds me of a meme where the black foot of a negro steps on the head of the of the serpent echoing the Biblical Enlil Yahweh’s words in the Garden of Eden: To White Enki…. when he said, I will create enmity between your seed and the seed of the woman, you will strike at their heel and they will BRUISE YOUR HEAD”. The Rabbis are teaching their non-white hoardes and their Judaeo Christian sheeple that the “serpent seed” is white people. Using their Dusty old desert scrolls and Bible scripts (written by Jews to serve Jews) to justify their oldest hatred, of the WHITE MAN. No wonder whites and our ancestral gods of old are literally being demonized (wrongly of course).