
Virginia: Black Killer Jesse Matthew Pleads Guilty in Rape-Murders of White Students

Harrington_Graham_MatthewEDITOR’S NOTE: Just as predicted by the National Alliance in 2014, Jesse Matthew is guilty — and the media and the schools and our political leaders still refuse to warn young White women of the dangers of associating with Blacks. (ILLUSTRATION: top left, Morgan Harrington; bottom left, Hannah Graham; right, their killer Jesse Matthew)

JESSE L. Matthew Jr. hopped from bar to bar making ever more aggressive advances on women and getting rebuffed, before he spotted Hannah Graham weaving drunkenly down a Charlottesville pedestrian mall in the early hours of Sept. 13, 2014.

A witness watched as Matthew, a burly Black former football player, caught up to Graham and slung his arm around her neck. The witness protested to Matthew: “You don’t even know her.”

Matthew replied simply: “Hush.”

The moment was the beginning of Matthew’s abduction and murder of the 18-year-old University of Virginia sophomore, whose disappearance would touch off a massive search and make headlines across the country.

The fresh details in the high-profile case emerged Wednesday as Matthew, 33, pleaded guilty to killing Graham, of Fairfax County, and Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington in a similar abduction in 2009.

The guilty pleas in an Albemarle County court were part of an agreement with prosecutors that spared Matthew the possibility of facing the death penalty if convicted at trial in Graham’s murder.

Judge Cheryl V. Higgins sentenced Matthew to four life terms, adding to the three life terms he is already serving for a brutal sexual assault in Fairfax County in 2005. He was convicted in that case last year. As part of the deal, Matthew may not appeal or seek geriatric release, ensuring he will die in custody.

National Alliance media director Kevin Alfred Strom said in a broadcast made a few weeks after Graham was killed in 2014:

In our current multiracialist society, Matthew and others like him — and even young White people — are taught that Blacks have a perfect right to put their arms around, fondle, pursue, “date,” and have sexual relations with White girls. No witness in “enlightened” Charlottesville said he or she saw anything wrong in Jesse Matthew going after Hannah Graham, literally holding her up and walking her in the streets and into bars and plying her with drinks she was too young to consume. Nobody saw this as a red flag, at least not one important enough to risk the charge of “racism” and do something about it. No one offered to help her. When one man saw Graham’s confused wanderings after midnight, he started to follow her in case she needed help. But when he saw the huge Black male approach Graham and take her in hand, the witness was “relieved” to see that she was “with someone” and turned away. That is disgusting and tragic, but not half so disgusting and tragic as the fact that Hannah Graham, and uncounted other White victims like her, are taught from their earliest school days that Blacks are our equals, that interracial sex and marriage are normal and even praiseworthy, and that “racism” is the ultimate sin. When such a girl is approached by a Black, all the ideas about race that the media and her schools and almost certainly her church have taught her conflict with — and often defeat — her natural inclination to be repulsed and get away.

The emotional hearing brought a close to a long, slow journey for the Grahams and the family of Harrington, which waited more than six years for the killer to be brought to justice.

Susan Graham, Hannah Graham’s mother, read a statement to the court.

“Her friends said that she would change the world, and she did, but at a terrible price,” Graham said, noting that her daughter helped police arrest “a serial rapist and murderer hiding in plain sight. She is a heroine.”

Wearing a black and white striped jumpsuit, Matthew only spoke to answer the judge’s questions. Douglas Ramseur, his attorney, read a statement on his behalf.

Harrington, 20, disappeared after leaving a Metallica concert in Charlottesville in October 2009. Her body was found months later in an Albemarle County pasture, but it would take years and Graham’s disappearance to catch a break in the case.

Graham set out with friends on the evening of Sept. 12, 2014, to go to a restaurant and attended two parties. Witnesses told authorities Graham had been drinking all night and had become increasingly intoxicated.

Around midnight, Graham said she was not feeling well and left the second party for home. Soon, she was lost.

Meanwhile, Matthew had made his way to several bars, where women would later tell investigators he made them feel uncomfortable by touching them and making unwanted advances. At one bar, prosecutors said Matthew took off a woman’s sock and grabbed her foot.

“A woman that takes care of her feet takes care of everything else,” he is said to have told her.

After 1 a.m., after leaving the bars, a surveillance camera captured the moment Matthew and Graham met — the same scene described by a witness. Susan Graham talked in court about the horror of watching Matthew notice her daughter and then make his way toward the young woman.

“We saw what evil looks like,” Graham said. “He hunted her.”

Matthew and Graham went to a bar called Tempo, where he ordered her a drink. As the pair were leaving, prosecutors said a witness who observed Matthew and Graham told someone ominously: “He’s gonna [expletive] her up.”

Matthew and Graham were then seen walking to his car. When they arrived, another witness heard Graham shout: “I’m not getting in that car with you! What is it, stolen?” The witness told investigators Graham seemed frightened. The witness said he kept walking and listened, but heard nothing else.

It was the last time anyone saw Graham alive.

Friends quickly reported Graham missing, and searches for her began in the days that followed. Police soon found the surveillance footage of Matthew and Graham together, and he fled the area after being questioned. He was arrested in Texas after a nationwide manhunt.

About a month after her slaying, Graham’s body was found in a ravine behind an abandoned home in a remote part of Albemarle County. Susan Graham remarked on the indignity of her daughter’s treatment in court.

“He dumped our daughter’s body like a bag of trash,” Graham said, noting that the remains sat for weeks in the wooded area, “to be picked over by buzzards and vultures.”

After Matthew’s arrest, he was linked through a DNA test to a cold case that bore striking similarities to the Graham disappearance — the slaying of Harrington. Harrington had stepped out of the concert alone and was unable to get back inside the arena. Matthew was driving a taxi in the area at the time, and a witness saw Harrington just feet from his cab that night.

A bloody T-shirt that Harrington wore was discovered in Charlottesville the next month, and her remains were found on a farm in southern Albemarle County three months later.

A DNA analysis of blood on the shirt matched with a profile of a suspect in a 2005 sexual assault in Fairfax County. In addition, investigators found a dog hair on the shirt, prosecutors said. A lab that specializes in animal DNA would later determine it shared genetic similarities with hair taken from Matthew’s dog, Popcorn.

Last year, Matthew was convicted in the Fairfax County case. Evidence showed that DNA recovered from the victim’s fingernail was highly likely to belong to Matthew.

After he took the witness stand steps away from his daughter’s killer, Dan Harrington described the void left in his family by her death and asked aloud the questions that he had thought about for 6  1/2 years.

“How could he? Why would he?” Harrington said.

Matthew said nothing.

* * *

Source: Washington Post and National Vanguard correspondents

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Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
13 July, 2017 6:28 pm

“How could he? Why would he?” Harrington said.

Negro was acting his color. Simple as that.

16 February, 2022 4:18 am

Promoted by the SynagogueOfSatan