Second William Pierce CD Now Available
TWENTY MORE of the very best speeches by Dr. William Luther Pierce have now been released in the second of our series of CDs — William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Volume 2. The complete track list is below. This is a modern mp3-CD, playable in all modern computers and most new CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray players — and as such it has about ten times the playing time of an ordinary CD.
This is a beautifully-packaged, professional, impressive production that you will be proud to share with friends and family members who need a bit of inspiration — or awakening. In earlier years, when we sold these speeches and programs on individual cassette tapes, they would have cost you a total of $260. Today we are offering them for less than a sixteenth of that cost — and in a much more durable and attractive format.
You may purchase via postal mail (to Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683; make checks payable to the National Alliance) or order online by clicking your choice below:
Buy one copy of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 2 CD for $16
Buy five copies of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 2 CD for $50
The CD contains the following moving and powerful works by Dr. Pierce:
1. Patriot’s Choice
2. The Holocaust Shakedown
3. Hope for the Future
4. How to Bring Down the House
5. Illusion and Leverage
6. MTV and Hate
7. Those Who Care
8. Thoughts on Free Trade
9. Thoughts on Discrimination
10. What is Moral
11. Why Society is Nuts
12. Lies and the History Channel
13. Thoughts on the Holocaust
14. The Club
15. Aids and the Cult of Equality
16. The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff
17. Skating on Thin Ice
18. Racial Fitness and Survival
19. The Theft of Our Freedom
20. Odysseus’ Way
By purchasing this CD you will also have the satisfaction of supporting the National Alliance, American Dissident Voices, and the National Alliance Radio Network.
Buy one copy of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 2 CD for $16
Buy five copies of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 2 CD for $50
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Source: National Alliance