David SimsEssays

Poverty, Race and Crime


by David Sims

THERE IS a correlation between poverty and crime. There is a rationale by which some crimes can be understood as having poverty as their cause. However, those on the political Left often go overboard, extenuating the poverty-causes-crime argument beyond the reason of evidence.

The idea is that poor people, seeking food and the bare necessities of life, are forced to commit crimes in order to survive. But Western societies do at least feed and shelter the poor. Mostly. If public assistance were ended — or overwhelmed, as it might eventually be as the result of immigration — then there might be a burst of crime from the struggling, dying people. But it would soon be over. The steady-state condition of never-ending boiling of the crime pot does not indicate poverty as the cause of crime.

If poverty were the cause of crime, the per capita crime rate among poor people would exhibit a strong correlation with socio-economic status, but no correlation at all with race among people who are equally rich or equally poor. But I’ve checked, and there’s an even stronger correlation between crime and race than there is between crime and social class. The best predictor of the crime rates in an area is almost always its racial demographics. The darker the average skin color is, the higher the crime rate is.

Note, however, that the skin color isn’t the cause of the crime, but rather that the criminality and the darker skin are correlated because both are effects of the same genetic package. I’d imagine that the evolution of human beings might have gone differently, but the way that it actually went on Earth caused this curious correlation to exist.

Each race has a characteristic statistical spread of behaviors. Poor Whites don’t behave as poor Blacks do. The conjecture that poverty is the major cause of crime is disproved by the evidence. It is a myth whose tellers hope to blame “social injustice” for racial differences.

On the contrary: Blacks and Whites simply aren’t the same kind of creature.

The poverty-causes-crime myth serves as the leftists’ road to political empowerment, which is their true goal. The Marxists want to be able to dominate, and thus to exploit, everybody else. They want to supplant the natural elite, the elite of merit, with themselves, and to enforce their rule by murdering dissidents and by starving defiant populations into submission. All of their talk about “social justice” is merely a hypocritical deception.

* * *

Source: David Sims

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7 February, 2016 1:46 pm

I will never accept that poverty is the major cause of crime. There is too much evidence against it – statistical as well as anecdotal. I was a poor kid, but I excelled academically and won many scholarships. When I was growing up my parents were old age pensioners – poor people – I was born very late in life when my mother was in her forties. In those days when you retired you immediately became an old-age pensioner – superannuation was for government employees and company CEO’s only. I lived in a working class town for twenty years. During this time there was only one murder and one bank robbery. There were no rapes or violent assaults, just the usual stuff – petty theft, shoplifting, minor vandalism – but… Read more »

13 December, 2018 6:13 am

You know damn well poverty is crime related. Nixon announced “a war on drugs.” This is was mechanized to cteate as much havoc as possible by a drug deliberately implanted by the gov. This is proof that crime and poverty coexist and used strategically. Tell the truth.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
8 February, 2016 2:31 am

It surprises me that the following argument is not more commonly used against the canard that “poverty causes crime”: many crimes are in no way economic. It’s hard to discern economic motives for crimes like vandalism, rape, and many if not most incidents of assault and murder. Furthermore, most economic crimes are motivated by greed rather than genuine necessity or hardship: very few people are compelled to steal in order to provide themselves with necessities. Aristotle observed in his Politics long ago: “There are crimes of which the motive is want; and for these Phaleas expects to find a cure in the equalization of property, which will take away from a man the temptation to be a highwayman, because he is hungry or cold. But want is not the sole… Read more »

Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
10 February, 2016 7:57 pm

The Left wants us to believe that poverty, racism and discrimination are the causes of crime, and guns of course. They use that as an excuse to take from the haves and give it to the have not’s, making the latter dependent on and loyal to the Leftist government. They use crime as an excuse to take our guns when they really mean to deprive us of our independence and the means to resist them. They simply want total control. No wonder they admire communist dictators like Lenin, Stalin and Mao, they wish they could have that power.

Joseph Bruno
Joseph Bruno
Reply to  Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
9 May, 2016 8:26 pm

Bureau of Justice Statistics Publication Household Poverty and Nonfatal Violent Victimization, 2008–2012 Marcus Berzofsky, Dr.P.H., RTI International, Lance Couzens, RTI International, Erika Harrell, Ph.D., BJS Statistician, Lynn Langton, Ph.D., BJS Statistician, Hope Smiley-McDonald, Ph.D., RTI International November 18, 2014 NCJ 248384 Presents findings from 2008 to 2012 on the relationship between households that were above or below the federal poverty level and nonfatal violent victimization, including rape or sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault. This report examines the violent victimization experiences of persons living in households at various levels of poverty, focusing on type of violence, victim’s race or Hispanic origin, and location of residence. It also examines the percentage of violent victimizations reported to the police by poverty level. Data are from the National Crime Victimization Survey… Read more »

Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
Ulysses Freire da Paz Junior
13 September, 2019 9:23 pm

I don’t pay good salaries because I have a lot of money, but I have a lot of money because I pay good salaries. “The main roots of the ‘tree’ known as ‘Capitalism’ were PIRACY, SLAVERY, and COLONIAL PILE. To be sure, he even elaborated a clone of himself: COMMUNISM. “prosperity creates civilization and vice versa” “The slums,” he added, “are responsible for nine-tenths, alcohol for one-tenth, of all human depravity. No healthy man is a Marxian. Healthy men recognise the value of personality. We contend against the forces of disaster and degeneration. Bavaria is comparatively healthy because it is not completely industrialised. However, all Germany, including Bavaria, is condemned to intensive industrialism by the smallness of our territory. If we wish to save Germany we must see to it… Read more »