
Forging the Iron Will

iron_willby John Calhoun

THE MAN of his Race is engaged in never-ending conflict on many different fronts. From the fires of conflict and self-overcoming, the will is purified and forged into iron. All impurities, weaknesses, and other dross are incinerated in the process of forging this iron will. With this will, the Differentiated Man can face and overcome whatever obstacles and imaginary spooks that are placed before him. The mass-man is fenced in by these obstacles and mental blocks whereas the true aristocrat overcomes them, continuously purifying his will. As a result, the man of his race has an irrepressible love of fate or amor fati — rather than the fear of uncertainties experienced by the mass-man.

This iron will begins auspiciously from the very birth of the differentiated individual. Initially, the will exists much like iron does in the natural world. It is an ore — mixed in with rocks and other minerals, only barely discernible at this stage. As the child matures, the obstacles and fables of life and society begin to make themselves known. As he fights against these hindrances, the heat of the friction caused by these struggles begins to purify the ore by burning off the dross. The child is becoming ever more able to project the force of his own determination against himself and the world.

As he grows into adulthood, the Man of his Race continues to hone and refine his will so that much of the dross is removed. There will be setbacks, however, and some of them will seem insurmountable. The obstacles of adulthood are much larger than those of childhood. If our hero continues moving forward, the inferno created by his struggles will purify his resolve until it becomes adamantine. Once a certain level is reached, he can destroy anything which may challenge him. He will truly possess an iron will.

The Man of his Race is simultaneously a warrior and a scholar. He combines the contemplative/metaphysical plane with the plane of action. It is through fighting that the natural aristocrat seeks, and gains, illumination. This disciplines the mind and the body for living independently, free from the judgment of the masses. Many people can contemplate; many people can fight; fewer still can contemplate and fight — but only within the true Man of his Race do the two unite under the domination of an iron will. This is a most potent combination.

The Differentiated Man is genetically predetermined to be born with the potential for a will of iron — but it must be nurtured, and it can be further tempered and hardened. Any pursuit that requires personal discipline in order to gain a result will strengthen this will. Many such individuals will pursue the visual arts, music, writing, or even mountaineering in order to further develop their natural powers of will and determination. Like any other muscle, the will must be strengthened through exercise. There are no substitutes. Strengthening the will is hard work — but anything worthwhile in life is difficult. There will be setbacks, failures, plateaus, and valleys — but that which sets the Man of his Race apart from the bovine masses is his ability to stay the course.

The masses love comfort and ease. It takes no effort to lay on the couch while watching television. Even the act of sauntering over to the refrigerator in order to grab another beer (one in an endless succession) is hard “work” for this type of person.

The Man of his Race, who is imbued with the love of struggle, will strive to constantly improve himself. He will always be in the process of self-overcoming; always ascending higher than the throne of heaven, and at times descending into the very depths of perdition. Such men live in a way that the herd will never comprehend. He will give himself completely to his purpose. In this way his will ensures that he proceeds, always, inexorably forward toward his goal. Only a person with a strong sense of self and of race can give himself so totally.

This will of iron is a rare quality. It is becoming much more uncommon as mass-men and racial aliens continue to proliferate. Its rarity, however, is not at all a mark of unimportance. The Differentiated Man, in his love of fate, will pursue his destiny into the lowest reaches of the infernal realm in order to ascend into the very bosom of the transcendent. From the heat of his passion, the Man of his Race will transform the raw ore of his will into iron. With this iron will, this man will leave a great and lasting impact upon the world that will last into the future memory of history. He will help to save his race. He will not be forgotten.

* * *

Source: Author

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1 March, 2016 7:46 pm

This reminds me of Will Williams who faces numerous challenges from determined foes to sink the NA and Our Cause using some rather underhanded techniques. His will in not just parrying their thrusts but counterattacking and remaining a resolute will to finally triumph is impressive to me.

John Calhoun
John Calhoun
Reply to  JM/Iowa
1 March, 2016 9:29 pm

I too admit that I admire our Chairman. A good nickname for him would indeed be “Iron Will.” He is a man of great intestinal fortitude but we cannot forget Kevin and all of the other members of the National Alliance who chose to stand and not fold under the attacks.

The Darkness always comes just before the Dawn. A New Dawn for the National Alliance led by Iron Will Williams.

Will Williams
Will Williams
4 March, 2016 4:06 pm

Thanks, gentlemen! It has been a great pleasure for me to gain the association of you two and other National Alliance members who have the right stuff, the necessary “Iron Will” that’s the subject of this piece. Kevin Strom and I knew there would be many difficult days ahead of us when we decided to launch the new National Alliance in 2013, having no idea we would eventually be positioned to inherit the original organization, the one founded by Dr. William Pierce, the man who gave to us his vision and taught us what the National Alliance is all about. Dr. Pierce told me once, “Will, I don’t know exactly what it is you do, but you are the best at it that I’ve ever seen.” That was funny to… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
5 March, 2016 9:19 am

With regard to the intellectual discipline of the “differentiated man” (a term possibly inspired by Julius Evola), John Calhoun might like to read or even review Santiago Ramón y Cajal’s Advice for a Young Investigator (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999). It’s an admirable little book. I like Ramón y Cajal’s scientific philosophy, his voluntarism, his patriotism, and his positive references to race. The following passage (p. 146) exemplifies all of these things: “We have already stated that a master worthy of the name must always convey to his pupils the idea that science is in a perpetual state of flux, that it progresses and grows continuously, and that we can all contribute a grain of sand to the imposing monument of progress if we truly resolve to do so. “A… Read more »

John Calhoun
John Calhoun
Reply to  Anthony Collins
5 March, 2016 3:51 pm

The term, “Differentiated Man” is indeed taken from Evola. I am a cautious yet avid reader of the Baron. “Revolt Against The Modern World” and “Ride The Tiger” are masterworks deserving to be read by any White Nationalist.

I will certainly take your advice and look up the book mentioned. It may be some time until I get to it though, I am in the middle of reading approximately six books at the moment.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  John Calhoun
7 March, 2016 12:13 am

“I am in the middle of reading approximately six books at the moment.” I’m like that myself, reading several books at the same time. It can be very distracting to be surrounded by books.

By chance, I encountered an aphorism from Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil that might have served as an epigram for the article above: “In man, creature and creator are united: in man there is matter, fragment, excess, clay, mud, madness, chaos; but in man there is also creator, sculptor, the hardness of the hammer, the divine spectator and the seventh day.”

John Calhoun
John Calhoun
Reply to  Anthony Collins
7 March, 2016 9:19 am

I like that quote. Sums up everything nicely.