
White House Uses Demeaning “National Menorah Lighting” to Push Immigration Agenda

Hanukkah is actually a Jewish celebration of the killing of non-Jews, including Whites, in war.

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF Denis McDonough used the lighting of the National Hanukkah Menorah to push President Obama’s efforts to allow refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East into the U.S.

“So this is a joyous occasion, and yet as we heard earlier we are mindful that even as we gather here tonight, that while the light of freedom burns brightly for us and for our generation, it flickers for others,” McDonough said as he stood before a 30-foot menorah on the Ellipse in front of the White House.

“Refugees fleeing religious intolerance and oppression. People targeted for their faith, people whose faith is perverted by others,” McDonough continued. “We are Americans, and as Americans we do not turn our backs on those who seek sanctuary. Nor do we stay quiet in the face of bigotry or intolerance. We stand up for those persecuted around the world.”

“We remember this season that we too were once strangers, that our inheritance gives an obligation to remain true to our values, that as Jewish tradition teaches, by saving one life, we save the world,” McDonough said.

Sunday evening marks the beginning of Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, and the American Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad) held its annual event to light the National Hanukkah Menorah. The event included the lighting of the 30-foot menorah, as well as songs, men dressed as Maccabees standing as ceremonial guards and “Dreidleman” dancing to the Dreidle Song.

It is tradition for a member of the administration to make an appearance at the ceremony. Last year, Vice President Joe Biden attended the event.

Rabbi Levi Shemtov, executive vice president of American Friends of Lubavitch, began the ceremony by calling attention to the American flag at half staff on the White House, in recognition of the victims of last week’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif.

“As an American, I feel that my joy here on Hanukkah is a little crimped knowing that our flag on the White House and across the country is at half staff because we lost so many innocent people in San Bernardino last week,” Shemtov said. “They, their families, their loved ones that are mourning are with us in our prayers and in our celebration today. So are the families of all those innocent souls in Paris. … We must remember them as we celebrate our freedom. Because even though we and France are two free countries, freedom is not free, and when it is disrupted, we must pause and remember those who give their lives in that cause.”

Shemtov held a held a silent “moment of introspection for those who cannot be here, because they are no longer.”

President Obama released a statement Sunday to recognize the Jewish holiday, though he did not mention the refugee crisis.

“At its heart, Hanukkah is about the struggle for justice in the face of overwhelming obstacles,” said Obama. “It’s a chance to reflect on the triumph of liberty over tyranny, the rejection of persecution, and on the miracles that can happen even in our darkest hours. It renews our commitment as Americans — as people who live by faith and conscience — to lead the way and act as unyielding advocates for the fundamental dignity of every human being.”

Hanukkah is a celebration that lasts eight days, celebrating the victory of a small band of Jewish warriors, the Maccabees, against a much larger Greek-Syrian army in 165 B.C. The ceremonial lighting of the candles menorah, a 9-branch candelabrum, recognizes when the Jewish people rededicated the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after invading army left. According to the Hanukkah story, the Jewish people only had enough oil left to light temple’s menorah for one day, but by some miracle, it lasted eight days, the time it took to make more oil. This is called the “Miracle of Hanukkah.”

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Source: Washington Examiner

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Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
12 December, 2015 3:21 am

In The Jewish Strategy, Revilo P. Oliver mentioned the White House menorah while discussing the incredible arrogance of the Jews: “It may have been indiscreet of them to erect a monumental ‘menorah,’ thirty feet high, in front of the American White House as a symbol of their ownership at the very time that they deny to the cringing Americans (who once had a country of their own) the right to display a Christmas tree on public property.” Jewish chutzpah is certainly a form of hubris. Will their hubris be followed by nemesis? It would be nice to say, as Augustin Hamon optimistically predicted in 1889, that “The time where the Jews will fear the just wrath of the Aryans is near.” Unfortunately, we are far from this happy day, and… Read more »

27 October, 2019 5:20 pm

Have the sons of Lubavitches ever thanked Hitler and Himmler for rescuing their founder Rabbi Schneerson and his family from Warsaw during WW2? After a request by the US embassy in Berlin Hitler and Himmler sent a jewish German officer to transport them to Finland, Sweden then the US.