David SimsEssays

The Basics of American Corruption


And why the founders believed Americans have a right to armed action to create political change

by David Sims

THE US Constitution is “executed” by the executive branch of the government: the police at all levels should enforce the Constitution first and foremost, and the most frequent method of that enforcement is inaction. One usually “enforces” the Constitution by not enforcing some law in conflict with it. But you know how things go. Soldiers are told in soldier school that they must never obey an illegal order. But 99% of the time, they will. And likewise for the police. Why? To stay out of trouble and to continue to receive their paychecks.

Similarly, the usual role of the judicial branch with respect to upholding the Constitution is in striking down laws that are at variance with it. But judges will bow to the prevailing force of political correctness when they know they really shouldn’t. Why? To stay in office, to avoid the mobs, and to continue to receive their paychecks.

And sometimes a judge will rule contrarily to the plain meaning of the Constitution, not because he is afraid of what subversive activists will say about him or do to him, but because he is, himself, a subversive activist.

The best expositors of the Constitution’s meaning are the men who wrote it. They didn’t quit writing when the finished the Constitution. There is a copious amount of commentary regarding it, and letters from them that have survived until now. Here’s one of them which is especially relevant:

“We established however some, although not all, its [self-government] important principles. The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, in all cases to which they think themselves competent… or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed…” (Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824.)

In other words, the people have the right to be (what the government today calls) terrorists, in the opinion of the nation’s founders. The idea that there is any test about the validity of citizen action with respect to whether the government favors it or not, or whether from it the government perceives a threat to itself, is a false one. The founders would have objected to the use of such a test, and therefore no such test is authorized by the Constitution.

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance. Let them take arms.” (Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 20 December, 1787.)

The people have the right to organize themselves into armed groups, whether or not hostile to the government. That’s what the Second Amendment really means.

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Source: David Sims

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
18 December, 2015 2:52 pm

Ah yes, those eternal paychecks! Why do I think of the previous
NA Chairman when I hear that word?

19 December, 2015 4:47 am

Pay checks come in many and varied forms. For those traitors amongst who subvert the letter and the spirit of the constitution the day will come, and soon I suspect, when the pay check will be replaced with a substantial pay back. For those traitors they will learn to ‘moon-dance’ on air – the hard way!!