Racially-Aware Russian Deputy PM Rogozin Banned from Entering Ukraine
Rogozin’s response: “The time will come when they will meet me with flowers.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: Rogozin is famous for saying “There is an enormous distance between Europe and the Third World. There is a new civilization emerging in the Third World that thinks that the White, northern hemisphere has always oppressed it and must therefore fall at its feet now. This is very serious. If the northern civilization wants to protect itself, it must be united: America, the European Union, and Russia. If they are not together, they will be defeated one by one.”
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THE SECURITY SERVICE of Ukraine has declared Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin (pictured) persona non grata in Ukraine, said the press Secretary of the SBU, Elena Gitlyanskaya, to RIA Novosti on Wednesday.
“Rogozin has been denied entry into Ukraine”, — said Gitlyanskaya.
Gitlyanskaya said that the entry of Rogozin is prohibited by law “On the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons”. The document says that the entry to Ukraine may not be resolved in the interests of national security.
However, in response to the request, the online edition of “Apostrophe” reports that the SBU announced a ban on the entrance to Ukraine of MEP Janusz Korwin-Mikke.
СБУ запретила въезд на Украину вице-премьеру РФ Рогозину https://t.co/TfUEwyL3DZ Подождём. Придёт время, нас там с цветами будут встречать)
— Dmitry Rogozin (@Rogozin) December 30, 2015
Translation: SBU has banned entry to Ukraine of Vice-Premier of the Russian Federation Rogozin. Will Wait. The time will come when they will meet me with flowers.
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Source: Fort Russ
What is wrong with the Ukraine people, seriously.
Even in the U.S. with all the main stream media hating on Putin and Russia, the general U.S. population still likes Putin and think he is ok.
That is why Trump got away with saying lets work with the Russians for the common good, 80% of republican voters like the Russian people and how they run things over there.(cultural conservative)
Is the average Ukraine citizen that brain washed by their Jewish owned media? Don’t they have the internet like we do?
Can’t they see the invasion that the E.U. is having happen to it.
What am I missing here?
Jay, Ukraine’s SBU doesn’t represent the Ukrainian people. Dimitry Rogozin is simply speaking obvious pravda, and more and more Whites, especially in the nation where he’s Deputy Prime Minister, are coming to agree with him.