Obstacles to Aryan Space Colonization
AT SOME POINT in my past, I lost the romantic feeling toward living in uncomfortable places just because they were exotic. Once upon a time, I’d have been thrilled to accept a trip to Mars, even if I’d have to stay there for a long time. Now… no way.
Mars needs to have a considerable amount of development done to it. As a place of residence, it’s a fixer-upper that will cost a lot more than it will soon return. Of course, if the costs are paid and the work is done, Mars will eventually return more than enough benefit to justify the expense. But those returns will not come during the lifetimes of the original investors, and so most of the capitalists aren’t interested.
There aren’t enough Elon Musks to make good for this defect in the capitalist economy. Musk won’t live long enough to launch a significant effort at terraforming Mars. It’s possible that he’ll never even visit the planet, try however he might. Possibly he might have his remains interred there, but I don’t really expect him to land on Mars as a living man. And do you see anyone else among the younger generation who is enough like him to replace him when he dies? Nope.
Mankind has lost its focus, primarily because the White race, for whom exploration is the result of hereditary predilection, has had its culture and its blood thinned with those of lesser men. We were the cutting edge of the Life of Earth, and now we are duller than we need to be. And a few sharp individuals, appearing at odd moments in history, won’t be enough to make good for the loss of racial integrity.
What about interstellar colonization?
The problem isn’t that we can’t send people into interstellar space. We can. But how long will they stay alive?
You can’t have them depend on supplies loaded aboard at launch because they’d use them up and then starve, dehydrate, or freeze to death.
So interstellar voyagers would need to carry a miniature world with them. But that could be done, too, provided that the selfish short-term interests of the capitalists, or the political agendas of the Marxists, or the sentiments of the religious, didn’t present any insurmountable obstacles.
The biggest problem of interstellar voyaging would be the politics arising from the voyagers. Any starship we can send will be a slow boat, likely to move through the galaxy at less than 0.001c, or one one-thousandth of 300 km/sec. It will take a thousand years to travel one light-year, and that means the shortest trip that can be made to an exoplanet will require as much time as mankind has endured since the founding of the ancient civilization of Sumer.
Gilgamesh, King of high-walled Uruk, is the most ancient political figure of whom we know. The original voyagers, and Earth itself, will be more myth than history to the people who reach a new world by the time they get there. If they ever do.
Because that’s the problem. Across a span of millennia, humans will form factions, and the factions will engage in rivalries, and the rivalries will turn violent, and the violence will destroy the starship’s habitat. And then everybody will die. That this will happen over the course of that much time is utterly certain. Humans are not made to cross interstellar space as patiently abiding societies. So forget that. It won’t happen because it can’t happen: We aren’t made such that the adventure’s success is even a remote possibility.
However, the Life of Earth can proceed out to the stars in seed form: as DNA, or, more likely, the data necessary to reconstruct our DNA. The software and the hardware needed for the job could be invented, built, loaded on to starships, and sent. Since cosmic rays will degrade software over time, the data would have to be redundantly stored, and every century or so the computers would need to wake up, fix each other, and repair the errors in the data by some sort of comparison and filter methodology.
A lot of effort would have to be put into identifying the best people, from whom to get the DNA for creating “Recorded Mankind.” And this isn’t a job that could actually be done — publicly, at any rate — at present because political considerations, based on an erroneous perception of racial equality, would interfere with the wise selection of which DNA to include.
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Source: David Sims
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