AudioNewsWilliam Pierce

New William Pierce CD Available; First of a Series

CD1-Disc-art-ALL2by NV staff

TWENTY of the very best speeches by Dr. William Luther Pierce have now been released in the first of a series of CDs — William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Volume 1.

The complete track list is below.

This is a modern mp3-CD, playable in all modern computers and most new CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray players.

As such it has about ten times the playing time of an ordinary CD.

The speeches, of which there are 20, vary in length from 22 to 45 minutes each.

Buy one copy of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 1 CD for $16

Buy five copies of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 1 CD for $50

This is a beautifully-packaged, professional, impressive production that you will be proud to share with friends and family members who need a bit of inspiration — or awakening.

In earlier years, when we sold these speeches and programs on individual cassette tapes, they would have cost you a total of $260.

Today we are offering them for less than a sixteenth of that cost — and in a much more durable and attractive format.

You may purchase via postal mail (to Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683; make checks payable to the National Alliance) or order online by clicking your choice below:

The CD contains the following moving and powerful works by Dr. Pierce:

1. How it Fits Together
2. Our Cause
3. Playing Cards on a Sinking Ship
4. The Scorpion and the Frog
5. Democracy
6. The Morality of the Immigration Problem
7. The Genocide at Vinnitsa
8. Our Revolutionary Right
9. Images
10. Superman, Volkswagen, and Lazar Kaganovich
11. Thoughts on the Fourth of July
12. The Rubes and the Carnies
13. Why We Deserve Their Contempt
14. A Question of Sanity
15. The New World Order
16. The Zebra Murders
17. The Faustian Spirit and Political Correctness
18. Avalanche
19. The Culture of Lies
20. Thoughts on Accepting Responsibility

By purchasing this CD you will also have the satisfaction of supporting the National Alliance, American Dissident Voices, and the National Alliance Radio Network.

Buy one copy of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 1 CD for $16

Buy five copies of William Pierce: The Power of Truth, Vol. 1 CD for $50

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Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
4 December, 2015 4:10 am

I’m definitely interested in getting this and its sequels, but I’d like to know more about the audio quality. The recordings of Dr. William L. Pierce I’m acquainted with are the MP3s of the old National Alliance website. At the time these MP3s were published online, internet bandwidth was much narrower, making it necessary to significantly reduce the audio quality of recordings to reduce file sizes so that MP3s wouldn’t take an interminably long time to download. (The MP3 file size of early ADV programs averaged around 3 MB, while recent ADV programs have a mean average of around 18 MB.) I hope that the master copies of Dr. Pierce’s broadcasts were of high quality, that the master copies remain extant, and that the recordings in this collection have been… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Anthony Collins
4 December, 2015 10:00 am

The track in question is an ADV program from 2000 distinct from the 1978 speech. It has been published under two names, “The Faustian Spirit” and “The Faustian Spirit and Political Correctness.” To avoid confusion with the earlier piece I have changed the track listing to use the latter, distinct name. The recordings of WLP vary greatly in quality. The speeches I recorded, made on 15ips reel masters, generally are pretty good even if only cassette copies still exist. Earlier Alliance speeches, made on a venerable cassette recorder with built-in microphone and AGC system, are mediocre but listenable. Unfortunately, the ADVs he recorded on his own at the beginning of the digital age are almost all low bandwidth, and I cannot change that. No wide bandwidth versions were made, or… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
7 December, 2015 8:05 am

The uneven quality of recordings is regrettable, but if nothing can be done about it, nothing can be done about it. The most one can do is to learn from the past and apply what one has learned to one’s work today and tomorrow. I think that some lessons would include: (1) make high quality master copies; (2) maintain good file management practices (e.g., naming, saving, copying, and securing files); (3) bear in mind that capabilities and standards in relation to media are constantly rising, which means that in the future it may be appropriate to rework and repackage the media content one produces today.