David SimsEssays

White Survival and the Rise of the Black Warlords


An Apocalypse can advance the cause of Life and of the White race.

by David Sims

KATRINA’S PASS by New Orleans in 2005, and the flood that followed, proved that most blacks don’t look ahead, that they value short term opportunities to loot and engage in power-mongering above long-term survival considerations, and that they are in general the most useless, inept people in a crisis that you could imagine. In fact, trying to help them can be a most dangerous undertaking. (ILLUSTRATION: In New Orleans, order was finally restored at the point of a gun.)

Why did New Orleans blacks shoot at rescue workers? If you know how they think, it’s easy to understand. After law enforcement broke down, ambitious blacks who fancied themselves “leaders” tried to create fiefdoms within the city. Because of competition between them, each of these petty warlords and his gang of subordinates could claim only a city block or two (by shooting anyone who disputed that claim). Skirmish lines formed along every street that marked the boundary between contested territories, each avenue becoming a no-man’s land.

Into this war zone came small groups of good-hearted white rescue workers, brimming with loving-kindness, with vehicles full of relief aid. They expected their efforts to be met with orderly queues of grateful blacks who said “thank you” after receiving their fair measure of assistance.

Of course, blacks don’t really cooperate in that fashion.

What really happened is the rescue workers’ vehicles were attacked by the first warlord gang to notice them, the supplies seized, and the volunteers abused in various ways. Each warlord wanted all the good things which the rescue workers were bringing in, and furthermore he wanted to deny those blessings to his rival warlords. Letting the relief workers pass through his territory to the next would have been a tactical blunder, from his point of view.

To put it another way, the relief effort was attempting to operate on a social scale larger than the one in use by the armed groups in Flooded New Orleans, and since the blacks had the guns, their scale and their values prevailed.

That’s why trying to help blacks in such a crisis is a very stupid thing to do, unless you first send in military forces to kill the leaders of the armed factions that form spontaneously among them after law enforcement has broken down. To reestablish enough order to aid the remaining blacks, you must first demonstrate to them that your soldiers can kill their soldiers, and the demonstration will necessarily be a lively one.

Those blacks didn’t suddenly choose to be predators. They were born predators. For years, law enforcement suppressed their natural behavior. Then came the hurricane, and law enforcement was swept away. The gene-coded behavior natural to blacks instantly reappeared.

However much circumstances can affect people, the result of environmental influences will always differ depending on the races involved. What leads one to violent factionalism motivates another to cooperation. What leads one to starvation trains another to hard work.

The results of the Katrina experiment are encouraging. When the levees broke and water from Lake Pontchartrain flooded New Orleans, the city’s Negroes were caught almost entirely unprepared, despite having had a week’s warning of a possible threat, and two days’ warning of certain danger. Rather than leave the city, or at least provision themselves against a long outage of commerce, many of the blacks ignored Mayor Ray Nagin’s tardy evacuation order, preferring to endure the storm in the expectation of easy loot afterward.

When the hurricane passed, things seemed well for a short time. But the city’s black mayor assumed that all would remain well and did not order an expert inspection of the levees — which ought to have been a routine precaution after a strong storm. Then the levees broke and New Orleans was flooded. Authorities warned that the city might remain flooded for months and repeated the evacuation order.

There are several conclusions to be reached.

First, whites who are caught among, and outnumbered by, blacks in a disaster situation had best flee if they can, otherwise they must hide until they can flee. Fortify your homes with food and weaponry ahead of time, and remain at home until a chance to get away from the disaster area appears. Under no circumstances should you go into any government-assigned “safe zone” or refugee camp. These will be full of the most violent, meanest, and most depraved Negroes of the city. You will be robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed, repeatedly insulted and humiliated, and ultimately murdered — unless someone in authority chooses to put moral decency above the insane federal “racial equality” rules and helps you escape. National Guard Staff Sergeant Garland Ogden did just that.

Sgt. Garland Ogden is an American hero and patriot but for whom 30 British and 65 Australian visitors to our land would have been murdered inside a darkened Superdome by vicious, predatory blacks. He saved their lives, and spared us at least the shame their deaths would have brought us.

This was my father’s belief, and this is also mine: Let the corn be all of one sheaf, and the grapes be all of one vine…

—Rudyard Kipling

Did you see it, world? There are still some Americans in America.

And Bud Hopes — consider yourself an honorary American. You deserve the status more than any of those black savages do.

The second conclusion is that whites at some distance from the disaster area may be safe from migrations of Negroes away from it. It was the FEMA effort alone that saved the blacks, whereas for the most part the whites saved themselves at their own expense. If there had been no federal program to evacuate the remaining blacks from New Orleans, the Negroes would have squatted in that flooded city until they starved, by which time they’d have eaten every scrap of food they could find — and the search would be a thorough one — as well as engaged in much cannibalism. Even 20 miles distance might be enough of a barrier to permit rural whites to handle whatever threat does manage to reach them by land or by waterway, and the safety factor appears to increase more than linearly with distance.

However, future disasters might find blacks more inclined to migrate in armed bands, perhaps with transportable provisions that could see them across a few days of walking. Therefore, fifty miles (80 kilometers) should be considered a minimally safe distance from an urban disaster such as Katrina.

Thirdly, whites living in majority black disaster areas should not expect any organized assistance from the federal government. Even though white people paid nearly all of the taxes used to subsidize relief efforts, those efforts will be directed to the benefit of non-whites almost exclusively. Whites are on their own, in such circumstances. You will get no police protection, and, indeed, black policemen might be foremost among the predators you should avoid. You will have to contrive your own escape. You will have to provide for yourself — and the only feasible way to do that is to do it before a disaster strikes. Food, water, fuel, backpacks, guns, ammunition — never be without a supply for your family that will suffice for several weeks, on the assumption that your only interaction with the outside world will be fighting off hostiles.

Fourth, expect that everything blacks say about their circumstances and about the causes for them are lies. You will get a more accurate picture of events if you assume that blacks always speak the very opposite of what they believe the truth is.

Fifth, if you are white, you’ll be called a racist no matter what you do, and no matter what you don’t do. Get used to it. Learn to like it. Once you realize that racism is a good thing — because it is the truth about race — you’ll find that you are no longer bothered by the “racist” label. It becomes a badge and a laurel, when it has become a fact.

Katrina proved (again) that whites and blacks do not behave in the same ways in a crisis. In Louisiana, St. Bernard Parish took the direct hit from the hurricane; New Orleans did not. The destruction and the flooding in St. Bernard were more complete than in New Orleans. St. Bernard is mostly white (88.9%). New Orleans is mostly black (72.8%). Federal rescue and relief efforts passed through St. Bernard, without stopping, on their way to New Orleans. See how ridiculous are the Negroes’ claims that they were slighted by the government due to their race? It’s the whites who are entitled to say that, not the blacks. But, through it all, the whites in St. Bernard Parish were as orderly as they could be, as helpful as they could be, and the county sheriff has remarked in amazement at how little complaining he heard from the white residents. And that’s a racial difference you can depend on to appear, again and again, when a crisis occurs.

Why is this assessment “encouraging”? As fossil fuels become ever scarcer, there will come a day when food production or transport for the cities will become impossible. On that day, all the cities will be like New Orleans was during the flood. Negroes will rampage everywhere within the city, but perhaps not so far beyond its environs. We should not take this for granted, however. If you are within 50 miles of a major urban area, you should move farther into the countryside. If you haven’t stocked up on survival essentials, you must do that soon, and maintain those stocks, until the day the Apocalypse begins in earnest. With sufficient foresight, we will regain our territory after most of the blacks have done themselves in with their savagery, incompetence, and general foolishness.

The Zionist Occupation Government in the United States can’t evacuate Negroes if either of two conditions exists: (1) there’s no fuel to do the evacuation with, or (2) there’s no other place to which they can export them to any purpose.

* * *

Source: Author

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Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith
22 November, 2015 1:29 pm

Great Article! Good tips for surviving a catastrophic event in an urban area.

23 November, 2015 6:20 pm

The Negroes reacted in New Orleans exactly as they do in Africa when faced with catastrophe.

Hurricanes that flattened towns on the Texas coast in the 1960s and ’70s were rebuilt bigger and better. There was no conversation by the Whites other than immediately going to work as soon as the hurricane was gone.

3 March, 2016 3:22 pm

“If there had been no federal program to evacuate the remaining blacks from New Orleans, the Negroes would have squatted in that flooded city until they starved, by which time they’d have eaten every scrap of food they could find — and the search would be a thorough one — as well as engaged in much CANNIBALISM.”

Cannibalism is supposedly very common in Africa. How gruesome is that. The people who have the genetic code for it, given the right circumstances, are living right here in our country. Millions of them.

Also, has anyone heard of what they call “necklacing” in Africa? The primitive brutality continues.

Thomas Plaster
Thomas Plaster
17 July, 2017 12:33 am

The first several paragraphs of this article sound like the US military experience with negroes in Somali. The warlords ran the city Mogadishu, seized food supplies and other valuables, killed each other when no Whiteys were around.

So, the negroes in New Orleans basically reverted to their natural state.

It’s all in the genes.