
Polish Experts Analyzing Data Concerning Alleged “Nazi Train”

user_3143980_bf9de7_hugeEDITOR’S NOTE: If this train ever did exist, you may be sure of three things: 1) No serious effort will be made to discover the legitimate owners of the gold, especially if they’re Germans; and 2) it will be held that the Jews have the “moral right” to the gold and shouldn’t be required to prove it; 3) if the train is not found, then the Poles or Germans or someone will be required to “make good” the “losses” of the Jews. Perhaps I should add a fourth: Even if there never was a train, the Jews who were expecting a multi-million-dollar windfall may demand payments to compensate for the psychological trauma of not receiving money that never existed. Only a Nazi would oppose that.

A POLISH MINING academy says its experts are analyzing data gathered from a site allegedly hiding a “Nazi train”, which local lore says is laden with gold.

Spokesman Bartosz Dembinski (pictured) of the Krakow University of Science and Technology could not confirm to The Associated Press whether the data obtained last week suggested the existence of a train in an underground tunnel in Walbrzych, in southwestern Poland.

The experts used magnetic, gravitation and earth-penetrating equipment to check a railway bank that, according to explorers, is hiding a secret tunnel and a World War II “Nazi train.” Dembinski said Thursday the findings should be released in mid-December.

Authorities are trying to verify claims by two explorers who say they have located a tunnel with a “Nazi train.”

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Source: Washington Post

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