Indianapolis: Pregnant Mother Murdered in Home Invasion
When we learn the suspect is Black, the story will quickly fade away…
She woke up, pregnant with her second child, prepared for the challenges the day would present.
Her one-year-old son slept in another room.
She never had the opportunity to lay her head down again and sleep in her own home.
Her husband will now go to sleep every night, in a home he will no longer share with his wife.
She is dead, the victim of yet another home invasion in Indianapolis. (ILLUSTRATION: The Blackburn’s in happier times. Amanda, left, was brutally murdered in what police will inevitably label a “home invasion gone wrong” and the suspects race will become a fact only a vile racist would ever dare mention.)
[Pastor’s pregnant wife shot, killed in home,, 11-11-15]:
An Indianapolis woman was fatally shot in the head during a home invasion, according to Crime Stoppers of central Indiana.
According to a release, Amanda Blackburn was killed in her home during a home invasion in the 2800 block of Sunnyfield Court on the northwest side of Indianapolis.
She was transported to IU Health Methodist Hospital in critical condition. IMPD said that they believe that she was shot in her home, during a robbery while trying to defend herself.
Tuesday morning, dozens of IMPD officers gathered at the intersection of Sunnyfield Court and Sunmeadow Way. It’s where the IMPD Northwest District held their roll call.
Commander Dawn Snyder said, “Such a terrible thing happened yesterday and we want to make sure that everybody out here knows that we support them, that we are here, we’ve been here, and we’re going to keep coming here.” Snyder added, “What happened yesterday is pure evil. It is a terrible thing to happen to this family and to our community.” She continued, “It’s just pure evil. I know that we’re going to find the people responsible for this and they will be held accountable.”
Neighbor Bruce Harris was among the police officers as they held their roll call and the department’s chaplain prayed. Harris said he met Blackburn two weeks ago while going for a walk.
Harris said, “My neighbor told me. I didn’t know who it was and then he showed me a picture of her. I said, ‘Oh man! I just talked to her about two weeks ago in the neighborhood walking.’ I said, ‘Oh man! Really?!’ I was just shocked.
And he said, ‘Yeah, she got shot in the back of the head.’” Harris also said, “I’m very, very heartbroken.”
While many in the community are still on edge about what happened to Blackburn, neighbors said they will fight back.
Neighbor Ryan McConnell said, “There’s a lot of things. There’s community awareness. There are different events we can go to. We can host different events. We’ve knocked on doors to communicate with all of the neighbors.”
McConnell said Blackburn and her husband had recently announced they were about three months pregnant.
He said, “They had recently released to their congregation that they were expecting.”
Detectives continue to investigate the incident along with the Marion County Forensic Services Agency.
They were back at the home on Wednesday night to wrap up their investigation.
At this time no information has been released on the suspect(s).
Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (317) 262-TIPS.
Blackburn’s husband released the following statement:
“It’s impossible to communicate all the emotions my heart has been forced to process. My wife was such a beautiful, gracious, loving woman of God. I have not only lost my ministry partner and support but also my very best friend. There is no way to prepare yourself for circumstances like these. As deeply as I am hurting I am hopeful and confident that good things will come of this. I rest in the truth of Romans 8:28 that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purpose.
“Thank you for understanding my desire to take these next few days to continue to grieve for Amanda Grace. My focus right now is to let The Lord minister to my heart as I continue to shepherd little Weston’s. I’ll be taking this time to focus on being a great follower of Jesus, dad, family member, and pastor to our growing church.
Amanda made it her life’s calling to love and serve everyone she knew. Even more, she has made it her life’s mission to see as many people as possible come to know Jesus as their personal Savior. I know that in her death and legacy even more people will come to a saving faith in Christ. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt her desire for me would be to continue what we’ve started here in Indy. I hold firm to the belief that God is still good, that He takes our tragedy and turns it into triumph, and that the best truly is yet to come.”
Nathan Trapuzzano went out for a walk one morning in Indianapolis, and never came home to his pregnant wife. He was murdered by a black male, who would smile at his first court hearing a grimace even the Cheshire Cat would shudder upon seeing.
We will, inevitably, find out Amanda Blackburn was murdered in her home by a black male.
Like Nathan Trapuzzano, Blackburn was a white person whose life is apparently dispensable in modern America, while their killers life are apparently indispensable and their race must never be discussed.
But we will soon learn the suspect in Blackburn’s murder is a black male (perhaps two black males). [Coroner: Pregnant woman dies after violent northwest Indianapolis home invasion,, 11-11-15]:
Neighbors met at a nearby house Tuesday night for a private vigil. Around the corner, crime lab detectives were still on the scene past sunset for a crime that happened before sunrise.
“For something like that, such a brazen attack,” said Ryan McConnell, the neighborhood crime watch captain. “It makes you scared. You don’t want to live in fear.”
Before the vigil, McConnell said some residents of the neighborhood saw a couple of odd things happen Tuesday morning. They have shared that information with police.
It’s a new reminder to lock the doors and close windows, even when you’re home.
“We are a close community. We all know each other. For somebody to come in and from the outside and do something like this, it just makes you feel vulnerable, because how do you really plan for something?” McConnell said. “For somebody to do something like that, somebody just out with bad intentions.
“We all see things on the news and think that’s terrible. It makes you hurt for people, but it really hits home when it’s somebody you know and know personally,” he said.
Though few dare understand what’s coming, the evil of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) scam — cooked up by the Obama Administration and HUD — hopes to import black criminality to every community enjoying a surplus of whiteness, so that the misery of blacks we see on the nightly newscasts comes to our own backyards.
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Source: Stuff Black People Don’t Like Blog