Sweden: Non-White “Refugee” Rapes Toddler
But what the officials do afterward is even sicker.
WHEN THE mother of a 3-year-old little girl found out that her daughter had been brutally raped by a Muslim refugee, she phoned police immediately. However, what unfolded during the investigation and arrest of the rapist revealed whose side those in charge had taken. (ILLUSTRATION: King Carl XVI Gustaf meets with the Swedish Migration Board earlier this year, the same board that is now resorting to covering up rapes to protect Muslim perpetrators.)
A Muslim refugee somehow managed to snatch a toddler, rape her in an asylum center in Sweden, and nearly got away with his deviant actions, until the girl’s mother discovered the crime.
The mother phoned Tingsryds County police on Tuesday, 8 hours after her daughter was attacked, only to find that Muslim migrants are a protected minority, so protected that their leftist allies believe they’re above the law.
Police investigated the incident, according to Swedish newspaper Kvällsposten, but found that the workers in charge of the refugee center refused to give up any information that might incriminate the rapist.
The officials on the Swedish Migration Board attempted to cover up the rape of the toddler in order to protect a 40-year-old Muslim illegal, Speisa reports. Police confirmed that the leftists moved the rapist to another building in an attempt to thwart his arrest.
“We have captured a middle-aged man,” police spokesman John Nilsson told Kvällspostenile. “We have heard from witnesses, and the forensic medical expert performed a DNA test.”
The board refused to tell police the rapist’s whereabouts, but they were ultimately forced to hand him over to authorities.
According to Õhtuleht, the child was acquainted with her attacker and the refugee center.
It is unclear if the mother is also a refugee, or perhaps an aid worker, and if the board tried to discourage the woman from notifying police.
Rape is becoming more common in Sweden, especially of small children. This is directly related to the country’s lax borders and willingness to accept waves of Muslim migrants.
Since Sweden decided to open borders in the name of multiculturalism, violent crime has risen by 300 percent and rapes by almost 1,500 percent. Only Lesotho, Africa exceeds Sweden in percentage of rapes in the world.
With Sweden making a move towards the progressive left, the court system has begun to sway in favor of migrants. In one case, a 15-year-old girl, who was gang-raped by a group of Muslim migrants, was chastised for her own rape by a judge in a higher court of appeals. He then acquitted her rapists.
Sweden is an example for the West in the era of multiculturalism, diversity, and tolerance. Welcoming in supremacist cultures is erasing Western culture, and our tolerance for the intolerant is forcing submission to the minorities.
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Source: Mad World News
She called the police? I would have stabbed the lizard eater too death first then called the police. Whites need to understand Muslims are not like us. They never were and never will be. More like beasts in heat than human.
If someone lets a fox into a hen house, don’t blame the fox!
I see no hope for whites, I think it’s all done
Not just for whites, the entire world is done for.
We’re not done for, yet. There are people out there who see what’s going on and are actively doing something about it. First, look at yourself in the mirror and ask how much you can contribute to the solution. Be willing to take responsibility for our collective situation and help seize the future. So many neglect to do this. Second, learn prepping skills like how to forage and live off the land and how to preserve food and the like. Third, you need to network with people of like mind. Attend your family gatherings and after a nice meal when everyone’s relaxed, feel out those whose views might be sympathetic to yours. Don’t be too worried if they disagree with you; if they’re worth saving they’ll come around sooner or… Read more »
Well said, Spike. The National Office looks forward to seeing your application to join us arrive in the mail soon. We are running out of time to gather serious and sincere Whites and create communities of the conscious that are self-supporting. As Kevin Strom has wisely said, one individual cannot do it all alone, but together we can.