Before the Hebrews: The Hyksos in Egypt
by David Sims
ABRAHAM ENTERED Egypt around 1800 BC and subsequently may have conveyed information of military value to the (Semitic) Hyksos, who invaded and conquered Egypt from 1750-1675 BC. The Hyksos victory over Egypt occurred for two reasons. First, Egypt was engaged in a civil war. Nomadic warlords had risen in rebellion, and the Egyptian army had not been able to put them down. Second, the invading Hyksos had acquired military technology which was advanced for that time from Sumer and Akkad, including the composite bow, the penetrating axe, and the horse-drawn chariot. What probably happened was the Hyksos leaders were informed (perhaps by Abraham) about the nature of Egypt’s weaponry and customary battlefield tactics, and were furthermore informed about the civil war and the country’s consequent vulnerability to attack.
After their victory, the Hyksos established a parasitical rule of political and economic oppression — a kind of ancient Soviet Union — from which the Egyptian peasants suffered for 200 years, or until they found a way to rebel. There was another bloody civil war, culminating in a siege of the Hyksos stronghold of Avaris in 1550 BC. The warring parties negotiated a settlement in which the Hyksos would be permitted to leave peaceably. This agreement was a mistake on Egypt’s part. They should have continued the seige until the Semites starved. Had they done so, history would have taken a different, and probably a much better course through the next 3500 years.
Aryans have a racial character flaw that causes them to show mercy to defeated enemies, even if those enemies had never shown any. Because of that flaw, Aryans have been required, on uncountable occasions, to fight wars against the descendants of peoples whom we defeated at least once in the past. Such wars would have been completely unnecessary if we had only finished the job the first time. For example, we’d not be having a problem with Mestizos today if, while the western part of what is still nominally the United States was being conquered, our armies had also scoured the Caribbean islands and the mainland southward through Panama. If we should someday be in the same advantageous situation, then let us not repeat the error of showing mercy to those whose descendants would attack our descendants again someday.
But not all of the Hyksos left Egypt. Some remained secretly and mingled with the Egyptians. These stay-behinds became the Hebrews. One of them, Joseph, wormed his way into the confidence of the Pharaoh and was given the authority of a Viceroy. Using this authority, Joseph levied grain taxes that left the state warehouses full and left the Egyptian people with no local grain reserves. The agricultural practice of the time was to use the grain saved in good years to feed the people in poor ones. That practice, however, was predicated on the assumption that the grain would be doled out to the nation in order to provide for its continued well-being.
However, with a “Jew” holding the keys to the government’s warehouses, this assumption completely broke down. Joseph used the poor years to create a famine, which inflated grain prices, which obliged the Egyptians to sell all their property in order to buy food to eat, and, when they had no more property left to sell, to sell themselves into slavery. It was the first time in history (so far as is known) that the Jews spoiled a Gentile country through economic exploitation. They have used this same pattern again and again under one ideological disguise or another, even unto this day.
Let’s think about how this trick is done. From where came the power of Joseph to impose taxes? It came from his authority to use the Pharaoh’s soldiers. And, since soldiers must eat, the power of the military really originated in the labor of the Egyptian farmer. At first, the Jews probably put out some sort of propaganda about how a centralized, national system of food reserves was “more efficient,” so that the Egyptians would go along with it and not rebel early in the enslavement process, when a rebellion might have succeeded. But once the Jews had the grain, and thus the means to feed the soldiers under Joseph’s viceroyal command, the Egyptian people were well and truly captured. They were slaves at that point, whether they knew it or not.
And probably, at first, they didn’t know it, other than a few farsighted Egyptians who were, no doubt, dismissed by the rest as “extremists” or “alarmists” or “cranks.” But then came the poor harvest, and when the people turned to their national government for a disbursement of the saved grain, they found soldiers standing before the warehouses, and they found Hebrew bureaucrats grinning at them from behind desks.
“Would you have grain?” a bureaucrat might say. “Never fear, we’re your government, and we are here to help. The National Food Bank is open for business, and on these tablets you will find our goods listed according to quantity and price.”
At that point, long after it was too late to save themselves, most of the Egyptians probably understood that they had been betrayed and robbed by their government. They had grown the grain. The government (through Joseph) had taxed most of it, leaving them with false assurances and barely enough to eat. They had probably believed that the taxed grain, minus what the Pharaoh took for the royal tables, would be returned to them without charge during the years of scarcity, as had been done before. Ah, but now that the Jew had taken over, things were different. Now the Egyptians had to pay to get what they had themselves grown, and the prices were very high!
A priest of ancient Egypt, writing about conditions in his times, remarked on conditions in his country. I will give his statements in the translation I was shown.
“Semites have moved into Egypt. They have seized the harvests, diverted the streams, and drained the fish ponds. The custom of ritual, sanitary burial has been abandoned, and dead bodies are now thrown into the river. Social chaos abounds in the land, and the natural aristocratic order has been turned upside down. Murder happens in broad daylight, and people look the other way. The ties of kinship have been weakened so that men no longer love their brothers. Everyone demands to be accepted as they are, saying ‘Love me!’ but everything good in life has disappeared. Property is taken away from its rightful owners and given to others. If someone ventures an unpopular opinion, others reach for sticks and say ‘Kill him!’ The people become poorer while taxes and bureaucrats increase. The better people lose so that the inferior might gain.”
In that summary, written 3700 years ago, the Egyptian priest referred to the rise of multiculturalism, egalitarianism, moral degeneracy, cosmopolitanism, humanism, the tragedy of the commons, communism, political correctness, liberalism, and something akin to Affirmative Action. This is exactly the way America has been going. Similar events, leading to similar conditions, stemming from similar causes. Ancient Egypt had a problem with a parasitical foreign invader that dominated the native people for two centuries. America has the same problem at present, with the parasite being the Jews.
In 1971, a Jew named Michael Fribourg created a grain scarcity in the United States that quadrupled the prices of corn and wheat. He schemed with Richard Nixon to subsidize, at American taxpayers’ expense, a transfer of a quarter of the US grain harvest to Russia at bargain prices to the Soviet government. In the process of robbing America, Fribourg made for himself a profit of several hundred million dollars.
“In November of 1971, Michael Fribourg completed a deal with the Soviet Union, though Nikolai Belousou, the Chief of Exportkhelb, the Russian grain-purchasing agency, for 900,000 tons of American surplus barley and oats, 2 million tons of corn, and 282 million bushels of wheat. The total figure was something in excess of 18 million metric tons of grain sold to the Soviet Union. This tremendous sale was financed by a combination of U.S. guaranteed credits and U.S. subsidized prices. So once again the Soviet Union was saved, and American farmers and taxpayers had been ripped off again.” (Quoting Willie Martin.)
Getting control of a people through controlling their food supply is a strategy that would occur to any predatory tribe determined to subjugate nations that they invaded with the purpose of turning their populations into a herd of cash cows. Historically, the Jews have used this strategy repeatedly, and seldom do the Gentiles catch on to the trick in time to save themselves. And now, in America, it is happening again.
I would like to voice a note of cautious optimism. Although it is probably too late to spare ourselves a period of oppression like that in the Soviet Union from 1918 to 1991, and possibly even slavery and genocide, history shows that it is possible, eventually, to throw off the parasitical domination of another race and gradually recover a high degree of autonomous civilization. The Egyptians did it, for example, but we must notice that their liberation did not come as the result of diplomatic negotiations or by way of legal actions. The Egyptians regained their autonomy in the only way that works: by a sufficiently large and sustained application of violence. The Hyksos period marked the interregnum between the Old and New Kingdoms, and the glory of the latter came to eclipse that of the former, at least in extent of conquered territory.
What brought about the final doom of Egyptian civilization wasn’t the foreign invasion and oppression of the late 18th, 17th, and early 16th centuries BC. Rather, the end of ancient Egypt was set in motion a thousand years later, in 760 BC, when Egypt acquired its first black pharaoh, Kashta, and presumably began engaging in racial miscegenation. Kashta and his successors pursued aggressive foreign policies, untempered by any trace of Aryan prudence and wisdom, which resulted in Egypt’s being conquered by Assyria after only 104 years of black rule. The Assyrians installed a puppet government in Egypt, and thereafter Egypt never again became a great world power.
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Source: David Sims
The more history changes, the more it stays the same.
That was the biggest pile of horse shat ever. You so called Aryans, Nords, whatever the sons of Japheth are calling them selves. Genesis 10:6 read it and weep. Your pride like Pharaoh’s will be your down fall. I tell you that because there are good sons of Japheth whom I love.
Take your love life somewhere else. It is not wanted or needed
translation I was shown. “Semites have moved into Egypt. They have seized the harvests, diverted the streams, and drained the fish ponds. The custom of ritual, sanitary burial has been abandoned, and dead bodies are now thrown into the river. Social chaos abounds in the land, and the natural aristocratic order has been turned upside down. Murder happens in broad daylight, and people look the other way. The ties of kinship have been weakened so that men no longer love their brothers. Everyone demands to be accepted as they are, saying ‘Love me!’ but everything good in life has disappeared. Property is taken away from its rightful owners and given to others. If someone ventures an unpopular opinion, others reach for sticks and say ‘Kill him!’ The people become poorer… Read more »
Aryans have a racial character flaw that causes them to show mercy to defeated enemies, even if those enemies had never shown any.
White people – Celts and Germans in particular – are unique in the world insofar as they are the only ones who are able (or willing) to empathize and identify with creatures different from themselves.