
Authorities Confirm: No Hate Here


by John I. Johnson

Rage-filled Black “sports star” killed a White man, David Stevens; no investigation of racial aspect of case by police; Mrs. Stevens commits suicide two weeks later

THOMAS JOHNSON was angry Monday about his situation in life, police said. (ILLUSTRATION: Murder victim David Stevens, 53 )

The former Skyline High School Raiders and Texas A&M star was out of football and out of his home. And police say he took out his rage on a jogger he hacked to death at random Monday morning in northeast Dallas.

Authorities said Johnson, 21, admitted to detectives that he used a “large bladed knife” to kill 53-year-old David Stevens just before 8 a.m. on the White Rock Creek Trail.

“It appears Mr. Johnson picked this victim at random. Absolutely random,” Deputy Chief Rob Sherwin said. “He just attacked him. … It’s just very unusual. It’s quite shocking.”

Did police check “Mr. Johnson’s” computer, cell phone, texts, and interview acquaintances to see whether he had ever expressed hatred for whites?

You know the answer: “Don’t ask, don’t tell!”

"Mr. Johnson": Skyline High wide receiver Thomas Johnson flashes a big smile, after he signed his National Letter of Intent to play college football for Texas A&M University in 2012
“Mr. Johnson”: Skyline High wide receiver Thomas Johnson flashes a big smile, after he signed his National Letter of Intent to play college football for Texas A&M University in 2012

Story Update

Dave and Patti Stevens
Dave and Patti Stevens

Police: Wife of jogger killed by former Texas A&M receiver commits suicide

The wife of the jogger hacked to death at random earlier this month committed suicide Sunday, authorities said Monday. The suspect in the killing is former Texas A&M receiver Thomas Johnson, who was arrested Oct. 13 after police said he admitted to the crime.

Patti Stevens, 54, a physical therapist, was found dead of suspected suicide at her home in the 200 block of Brazos Lane in Sunnyvale, Raul Reyna, a spokesman for the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department, told the Dallas Morning News.

Stevens and her husband, Dave, were married for 25 years after moving to the Dallas area in 1989. They had lived in their Sunnyvale home since 2009.

Police say Johnson randomly targeted Dave Stevens because he was upset about getting evicted from his home.

The 21-year-old with a history of arrests, including evading arrest, burglary and unauthorized use of a vehicle, was charged with murder. Witnesses told police that Johnson, who had not played football at A&M since 2012, repeatedly hacked Stevens in the back of the neck with a machete.

Patti Stevens said earlier this month that her husband was the “love of her life” and that she was “lost without him.”

Patti Stevens took her own life on Sunday, nearly two weeks after her husband was killed.
Patti Stevens took her own life on Sunday, nearly two weeks after her husband was killed.

* * *

Source: Author

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28 October, 2015 10:16 pm

The story should have said “random white man”.

Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
30 October, 2015 11:09 pm

It shows that one must be armed at all times and aware of one’s surroundings, especially in areas infested with non-whites. As a white man who grew up in Miami, I know of what I speak. Of course, there are trashy whites that one must guard against as well, but, generally speaking, one is safer in a white area.

Ragnar Lodbrok
Ragnar Lodbrok
13 December, 2017 11:08 pm

I know it’s heart-wrenching, but stand your ground and hold your fire, men and women. It’s like a video game where you just have to get to the main (((demon))) and neutralize it, and all the lesser demons fizzle.

Don’t fire until you see the black of their kippas!