
Sicily: “Migrant” Kills White Couple


Unless we expel the invaders on a racial basis, we are doomed.

ACCORDING TO the Italian media, an 18-year-old invader from the Ivory Coast was arrested on Sunday after the bodies of Victor Solano, 68, and his 70-year-old Spanish wife, Mercedes Ibanez, were found at their home near a “refugee center” in Mineo, a town outside Catania.

The nonwhite invader, named as Mamadou Kamara, had been a resident of the Mineo “refugee center” — the largest such facility in Europe — since June 8 this year.

Mamadou Kamara in court.
Mamadou Kamara in court

Kamara was arrested while in possession of a bag containing a cell phone belonging to one of the victims, and his pants were drenched in blood. Solano was found in his nearby home with his throat slit and his wife was found in the courtyard of the couple’s apartment building, having been thrown from the balcony.

The daughter of the victims, Rosita Solano, told the Corriere del Messogiorno newspaper that she blamed the Italian government for the murders, saying it allowed “immigrants to come here and do what they want, even rob and kill us.”

The victims’ daughter continued: “The death of my parents obviously do not even deserve a tweet by the Prime Minister and the Minister Renzi Alfano.”

Matteo Salvini, the leader of the anti-immigration Northern League party, remarked on the murders on Twitter by pointing out that the murderer was yet another utterly bogus asylum seeker: “Elderly couple murdered in Catania, by a ‘refugee.’ From which war was this guy escaping?” Salvini tweeted.


A series of violent murders in the Mediterranean Sea and ongoing bloody invader violence in Greece earlier definitively revealed the criminal nature of the current Third World invaders of Europe.

In April this year, at least twelve Christian Nigerians (all also blatantly bogus “asylum seekers” as there is no “war” in Nigeria from which they are fleeing) were thrown overboard and drowned after the Muslim invader passengers decided that only prayers to Allah would be allowed on their rickety boat.

According to a report in the Italian La Republica newspaper, those who witnessed the African Christians being murdered on the crammed dinghy told investigators how Nigerian Muslims became angry at a Christian who started praying.

“They told him that they would throw him overboard if he didn’t stop praying to God,” he said, according to La Republica. 

The witness added: “They started shouting, two pushed the lad and he fell in the sea and drowned.”

The Muslims “went mad” and began screaming “Allah is great” before they attacked the Christian invaders who tried to defend the boy. When twelve of the Christian African invaders had been thrown overboard, their compatriots fought back and managed to hold off the Muslims for an hour until an Italian ship arrived and stopped the inter-African massacre.

Italian police arrested fifteen people suspected of the killing including Ousmane Camar from the Ivory Coast — another indication of the overtly fraudulent nature of the “asylum seekers,” as, once again there is no “war” in that country either.


Last week, nonwhite invaders who have utterly wrecked the Greek island of Lesbos by swamping the tiny landmass at the rate of over 3,000 per day, engaged in an all-out street battle with one another.

The violence, captured on video and relayed on the local TV news channel, shows the nonwhite invaders running amok in the port of Mytilene.

According to local news reports, the invaders ripped out the protective iron railings of the Port Authority and began to beat each other into a bloody pulp.

The immediate cause of the violence was not clear, but such incidents have become increasingly common as the Third Worlders bring all their tribal warfare culture with them.

This is, of course, the same tribal culture with which many of them destroyed their own “countries” before deciding to exploit the deliberate race-denying liberalism of many Western European politicians.

The evidence is clear: if the current invasion is allowed to continue — and not halted and reversed — then the Third World masses will simply transfer their violence, lawlessness, and general backwardness to Europe, and utterly destroy that continent forever.

* * *

Source: New Observer

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16 September, 2015 7:51 pm


17 September, 2015 6:28 pm

Jews are behind all of this. Unite the European Right.

17 September, 2015 9:25 pm

For many years, Europeans have been conditioned, lullabied, idiotised, silenced. I never understood why anyone could swallow this leftish gruel. Europeans voluntarily and proudly suffer from aids. However, reality is now at their doorstep, over the doorstep already.

For a long time, Europeans could have their opined opinions on what they watched on telly, now they’ll be confronted by reality. No escape. While this spectacle of supposedly ‘powerlessness’ of dealing with invaders is truly sickening, opportunities arise. The opportunity of an awakening of Europe.

Thankfully, Middle and Eastern Europe have more senses. I hope they’ll lead Western Europe. What a disgrace. But truth to be told: I hold Europeans responsible.

18 September, 2015 10:11 am

Re Lesbos: Give them machetes and pistols and stand back. The problem will solve itself.

Reply to  Marco
8 November, 2019 4:50 pm

Better to give the Europeans pistols and machetes and the problem will be resolved sooner.